
The Paid Bridesmaid Quotes

The Paid Bridesmaid by Sariah Wilson

The Paid Bridesmaid Quotes
"Why couldn't people follow simple directions and make life easier for everyone?"
"I wondered if he was imperceptive or just didn't care."
"I drew in a shaky breath, willing my heart rate to return to normal."
"I’ve always found distraction to work best when nearly being caught in a lie."
"I made a mental note to sit next to Irene and do whatever I could to help her have fun."
"We’re here to do a job, and that’s all that matters."
"I’d become a true expert at holding a bride’s gown while she peed."
"This is the gig. And speaking of abusive jerks from your past, are you staying away from the cameras?"
"I made it a point to hire women who needed second chances."
"I let her live in her fantasy world because it just wasn’t worth the argument."
"I understand. Tell Abraham Lincoln I said hi."
"You can't come to Hawaii and leave without pearls. We insist."
"They were all huddled around Dan’s phone, and I wondered if they were looking at college basketball scores."
"I didn’t know what to do with everything—how sweet Camden was being, how I was reacting to him even though I shouldn’t."
"That was a little hard to hear, being a big massive lying liar myself who lied to everyone all the time about everything in my fake life."
"Nobody’s upset by what happened tonight. You didn’t ruin anything."
"I didn’t want him to think that I was trying to manipulate him. Even if I was."
"What would I have said? It’s not like I could have demanded proof."
"Despite your obvious insinuation, I’m not some kind of craft control freak."
"I'm just supposed to believe you because you say it's true?"
"I've imagined kissing you at least a dozen times."
"That wasn’t what I meant." His voice was soft, longing, and all that resolve I’d built up crumbled underneath it.
"The sweet smell of heart disease," he said, before popping it into his mouth.
"I promise you it’s everywhere." I meant of the stress variety, but I had no idea how my statement came across because I was too busy wondering what else I could claim was sore.
"I think it’s sexy when a woman enjoys herself."
"It felt like a major confession, the closest I’d come to telling him the truth."
"Sometimes, in my life, I have to do that to protect people I care about."
"It was a big ask, even if he didn’t know that."
"I don’t blame you for being afraid to trust men."
"When someone else makes you question everything—that’s hard to recover from."
"You did trust me, you know. Last night. When you asked me to stay."
"We should probably call it a night. I’ll see you tomorrow."
"I’m not sure what your whole denial thing is about, but you like him."
"If I start dancing on tables, definitely cut me off."
"I wish I could do more. I wished I could give her a different mom."
"But dealing with Lilith happens to be one of my specialties."
"Everything will be fine. We’ll figure something out if it doesn’t turn up."
"I’m a very patient man. And I’m very good at waiting."
"Believe it or not, this is not the first time this has happened to me."
"It seemed as if someone had forgotten to measure the aisle properly as her dress was hitting every row of chairs as she walked."
"I almost giggled, and my gaze slid over to Camden. I found that he was watching me with a knowing smile."
"He was so handsome and amazing and fun that it made my breath stutter as I marveled at the fact that he liked me."
"The officiator announced that they were husband and wife and all the guests broke into applause as Dan kissed Sadie sweetly."
"I really did love weddings and everything they represented."
"I started toward the food, but Camden stepped in front of me. 'I seem to recall asking you to save a dance for me several nights ago.'"
"His mouth was next to the top of my ear, and his warm breath sent shivers across my skin."
"Initially there was a bit of distance between us, but he quickly took care of that."
"I've got mine in my pocket and I've practiced it, but I'm still nervous."