
A Rogue By Any Other Name Quotes

A Rogue By Any Other Name by Sarah MacLean

A Rogue By Any Other Name Quotes
"One more than the vingt et un on which he had wagered. On which he had wagered everything."
"Betrayal scorched through the young marquess. 'You did this on purpose.'"
"The chatter started then. 'He wagered it all?' 'Everything that wasn’t entailed.'"
"It was an age-old ploy, and Bourne had been too young to see it. Too eager."
"You should thank me for teaching you such a valuable lesson at such a young age."
"Viscount Langford had been a friend and neighbor to his father, handpicked by the former Marquess of Bourne as guardian to his only son and heir."
"The Fallen Angel. A reminder, not simply of the name of the club, but of the risk that those who entered took."
"Those who had not gambled—who had not felt the thrill of winning—who had not negotiated with themselves for one more round, one more hand, one more shot—just until he hit one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand…"
"They would never understand what kept the Earl of Croix in his chair, betting over and over and over again, fast as lightning, until he’d lost everything."
"I don’t ravish women. At least, not without them asking very nicely."
"You should know that this is not at all the worst thing I’ve done."
"I shan’t be a good husband, but I also haven’t the slightest interest in keeping you under my thumb."
"The great secret of society is that ruination is not nearly as bad as they make it out to be."
"I am going to explore you... to discover your heat and softness, every bit of your decadence."
"You want your sisters respectably married. Do not bet what you are not willing to lose, darling. Third rule of gambling."
"Your problem is that you do not know what you really want. You know what you should want. But it’s not the same as the real desire, is it?"
"Nonsense. You’ve wagered every minute we have been together. First for your sisters and today, for yourself."
"I’ve seen them together. They’re . . . Perfect."
"Their marriage . . . there is nothing quiet and sedate about it."
"I suppose I should like someone interesting—someone kind—someone who is willing to show me . . ."
"It’s funny how a little thing like a broken engagement can change everything."
"Perfection in the eyes of society is highly overrated."
"I couldn’t bear the thought of them, which is why we married so quickly."
"I’ve known he would make a wonderful husband forever. I am very happy that he will be my wonderful husband."
"He shouldn’t be leaving you so . . . regularly?"
"Perhaps you could ask Worth for some advice."
"I am sure you know everything that goes on in this house."
"You’re so different tonight. I don’t know who you are."
"He’ll likely hurt me anyway. All the more reason to face him."
"That may be, but Tommy didn’t. Can’t you see, Michael? He’s just a pawn in your game . . . just like me . . . just like my sisters."
"I’m married to her. That’s not the same thing."
"It’s hard to believe I shall be a duchess—the holy grail of the eldest, aristocratic daughter. Huzzah."
"I have not missed you so much in a long time. Where are you?"
"She was very much in need of an afternoon with her sisters to remind her that there was a reason for the arguments with Michael and her own discontent."
"The woman who they believed had captured the heart of the wickedest partner in The Fallen Angel, convincing him to restore his title and return to their ranks."
"It could have been a nod to that evening, to the moment she’d unlocked this strange new future, to the hope that she might find more, despite a husband who wanted nothing to do with her."
"She needed to remind herself that her scandal would be theirs in no time if it were allowed to get out, and Philippa and Olivia deserved their chance at better. At more."
"Is it wrong that I feel as though something of a weight has been lifted? Probably."
"He was already speaking, silver-tongued. 'With the advent of this article, you’ll be needing protection from the droves of suitors who will almost certainly come swarming.'"
"I am not complaining. I think they’re rather charming. They make you look like a winter nymph."
"He could not possibly imagine that one small offer of companionship would make up for everything that he’d done . . . everything that he’d threatened."
"She was tired of the battles, the games, the falsehoods. She was tired of the disappointments."
"He looked at her for a long moment, all seriousness, before he leaned close and whispered in her ear, 'Nymphs should not be cynical, love.'"
"She did not think she could suffer an outing with all of them, with him constantly touching her, asking after her well-being, teasing her, tempting her."
"The love match might be a farce, Michael might be in it for his own mysterious purposes, but Penelope had a reason. She’d had a reason from the beginning."
"You think I would have chosen Leighton? You think I would have chosen Tommy? You think I would have chosen—"
"She knew better. She was tired of the ache that settled in her chest whenever he was near—whenever he was not near."
"I find that it behooves one to respond to the summons of one’s father-in-law."
"She was at Michael’s club once more, this time, by invitation, in what she believed was her prettiest gown, for a game of billiards."
"If he’d set his mind to giving her a lifetime of happiness, he would succeed."
"He was her husband. And, God help her, she loved him."
"I would give you anything you want. Anything you ask."
"I love the way you say my name. You’re the only one who calls me Michael."
"I never want you to silence your salacious thoughts."
"I love discovering your shape, the feel of you, how wet you are for me."
"You’re like the rattle of dice. The shuffle of cards. You call to me until I ache with desire for you."
"I want to lay you down in the light of The Angel and make love to you."
"You cannot imagine I would let anyone see you, my glorious darling."
"You have as little conscience as I, and there’s the proof."
"You’re wrong. You are so much more than you think."
"You have so much more than I would ever need."
"You think I didn’t expect you to do something like this?"
"I usually will not play cards with men who rob children of their inheritance."
"It seems that you’ll be playing cards with a woman after all."
"I love you quite desperately. And I’m very happy that you’ve decided to love me back."