
The Silent Wife Quotes

The Silent Wife by Karin Slaughter

The Silent Wife Quotes
"You fucking bitches!" she screamed up at the ceiling.
"Yo, Blair and Dorota, keep the scheming down."
"The only reason she’d copied from Deneshia’s test was because her mother would be devastated if she failed another class."
"My gut tells me that inertia is the enemy of progress."
"Her job meant that she spent most of her days being the only woman in the room."
"We need to find out how the victims died. He killed them without leaving a visible cause of death."
"Everything from here on out stays between us. We need to fly so low under the radar that a snake can’t sense what we’re up to."
"Ninety percent of all the arguments I’ve ever had with Sara have been about me not telling her things."
"The academic paper you’re relying on is just that, one academic paper."
"How about the women who were raped but didn’t file reports? Should we start knocking on doors?"
"The only way you learned how to do something was to do something."
"For once, he was not the one on the receiving end of Sara’s sharp tongue."
"The rain was hitting the ground so hard that it bounced two feet off the asphalt."
"Dr. Barney insisted the heat helped patients sweat out whatever was ailing them."
"The streets of Grant County were lined with hearts that Tessa Linton had broken."
"I’m not the person you talk through cases with."
"Your mother’s birthday is tomorrow. Did you remember?"
"Sara’s office was the same size as Dr. Barney’s, but she had made it feel smaller."
"How about spending a Sunday in bed with your husband instead of rushing off to have lunch with your family?"
"Jeffrey watched sheets of rain pound the parking lot."
"If there had been a way to talk to Faith, then give her amnesia, he would’ve gladly spilled his guts."
"Gina Vogel looked up from her laptop and stared out the window."
"Gina wasn’t just losing her youth. She was losing her marbles."
"My little girl was paralyzed, traumatized, unable to speak or even blink, and not one of those filthy, fucking cops thought to check to see if she was still alive."
"Bullshit. You dirtbags always cover for each other."
"I’m sure you’re aware that Alexandra McAllister’s body was found yesterday morning in the woods."
"Do you know how much money I’ve wasted on private investigators? Plane tickets and train tickets and hotel rooms to talk to other parents?"
"Faith tried to deflect with the parent card. 'I’ve got a son, too. How old is Heath?'"
"I filed requests through the Freedom of Information Act, but there was nothing in the files, barely more than a few pages on each woman."
"I’m breaking that non-disclosure agreement right now. I should’ve gone on the news."
"It’s a black shadow that burns through you. It alters your DNA. It follows you for the rest of your life."
"He’s probably on his way to class. He gets around on his own. He’s fine."
"You have a son. How are you going to feel when you send him off to college?"
"It’s a very difficult thing being a woman in science."
"You are my life. But I loved Jeffrey. I would still be with him if he hadn’t died."
"I should’ve texted you earlier. I should’ve called you. I should’ve gone to you."
"It never occurred to me that you needed to hear me say it. I’m sorry."
"I am so sure of you. Of us. It never occurred to me that you needed to hear me say it."
"I choose you, my love. I choose you for as long as you’ll have me. I want you. I want to be with you."
"Everything is awful. That’s life, Jeffrey. You can only do what you can do."
"You can’t expect Tommi to bear the weight of responsibility for everything bad that has happened."
"I wasn’t going to force a woman who had just been brutally raped to do anything except exactly what she needed to do to feel safe."
"Approximately 6.5 percent of all women report their first sexual experience is rape."
"Trauma was trauma. Every person reacted differently."
"Paralysis is his signature. We know that from the attacker’s own words."
"The most tangible link that can be proven with X-rays is the head wound."
"During Leslie Truong’s autopsy, I noted a blue liquid in her stomach."
"He thought he was gonna be Tony Hawk, but he ended up being a day-laborer taking cash under the table to get out of paying taxes."
"They could live for three days without water, three weeks without food, but if he came back—who knows?"
"We have a murderer. We know he is a murderer."
"I showed Nesbitt’s booking photo to her the day he was arrested."
"You can’t get through medical school by putting off all of the unpleasant things you have to do."
"You’re telling us that we can’t call this guy a serial killer."
"He doesn’t know that we know he’s still out there."
"If he’s really learning with each kill, then spreading his victims out all over the state is a smart move."
"She said, 'I can see what they mean. Grant was a small, insular town.'"
"This girl's feminism came to a screeching halt inside of car dealerships."
"Was this what it felt like to go stir crazy?"
"Don’t dawdle around, don’t wander off chasing your tail. Right back here. I mean it."
"I’ll be back for the briefing. I’m on my phone if something comes up."
"She was trying to rationalize away her anger."
"Could Jeffrey honestly say that he would’ve found an escort to take the young woman back to campus?"
"What kind of knit cap? What did nondescript mean—average height, body type, hair color?"
"Jeffrey needed to talk to Lena again, this time without yelling at her."
"Maybe they could take some coffee onto the back porch and he could walk her through the case."
"Without knowing what he was doing, Jeffrey found himself running after her."
"If someone was running away from you, then you chased after them."
"Sara wasn’t good on the grass. She looked back over her shoulder."
"His foot catching on the top tread. He righted himself, but he couldn’t stop his momentum."
"He watched the door slam, and then, Wile E. Coyote-like, Jeffrey slammed face-first into the door."
"He leaned over. Blood dripped onto the deck."
"Sara’s house was another quarter mile in the other direction."
"Her period had forced her out into the world."
"She wasn’t so far gone that she was willing to spend $49.65 to overnight a box of tampons."
"A woman couldn’t just buy tampons. She needed chocolate, Advil, more chocolate."
"Despite these inducements, Shawshanking her way out of the house had been embarrassingly difficult."
"She’d even worked through the night to finish her report for Beijing."
"Honestly, Gina hadn’t been this manic since she’d tried coke those three hundred times in college."
"She saw a man’s hand, then his arm, then his shoulder."
"She felt her eyes go wide. Her nostrils flare."
"In slow motion, she followed the path of the hammer swinging back, then forward."
"He wasn’t sure how to navigate his way back."
"She was giving him space, respecting his feelings."
"When you got mad at Amanda, she bullied and humiliated you until you dropped it."
"None of these strategies was going to work with Sara."
"The fact that she was unlike anyone in his life was one of her biggest draws."
"What he really wanted to do was text her an eggplant, then she could text him a cowgirl."
"The sticky bun dropped. Will got back a quarter, which was half of what he needed for a Sprite."
"He had a sick love of the high-tech machine."
"All we really had were photos from the Truong crime scene."
"Will leaned back against the counter, watching Nick punch his selection into the machine."
"I’m trying to let this be a teaching moment."
"Bring detergent, because you’re doing it yourself."
"I’m sorry. Faith sounded genuinely disappointed with herself."
"You need to talk to her in person, not on the phone, and figure it out."
"I’m useless. I suck. I’m a terrible human being."
"Miranda Newberry is an unmarried, twenty-nine-year-old CPA."
"You’re right. I accepted Gerald’s gift money, but I was really helping him."
"No one would listen to me if they knew I was a woman."
"You’re either the smartest fucking cop in this building or you’re the stupidest."