
If You Must Know Quotes

If You Must Know by Jamie Beck

If You Must Know Quotes
"BeckBeckBeck deepens a typical story about first loves reuniting by exploring the aftermath of a violent act."
"AAA realistic and heartwarming story of redemption and love . . . Beck’s understanding of interpersonal relationships and her flawless prose make for a believable romance and an entertaining read."
"A moving story about the flux of life and the steadfastness of family."
"An emotional read that will leave you reeling at times and hopeful at others."
"I think I have fallen in love with someone else."
"AAA poignant and heartwarming story of young love and redemption and will literally make your heart ache . . . Jamie Beck has a real talent for making the reader feel the sorrow, regret, and yearning of this young character."
"Sorry to leave you so soon, MoMo, but you hang here and keep an eye on the place till I get back."
"Cheerful tulips blew in the breeze, heralding spring."
"You wouldn’t need to borrow money if only you’d been a more serious student like my other kids."
"I couldn’t take the strain anymore, despite my resolve to butt out."
"Feelings change. People grow. Relationships evolve."
"No matter who I choose, I’ll have some regrets and hurt someone."
"Quiet, long days when she’d refused to dress or shower."
"Within ten minutes I’d finished loading the dishwasher, wiped the counters, refolded the throw blanket, fluffed the sofa cushions, and vacuumed the living room."
"If I closed my eyes and concentrated, my dad’s deep voice and pleasant chuckle still echoed off the walls."
"The last bits of gravy and peas fell into the sink as I rinsed the pie pan before putting it in the dishwasher."
"You’re sweet to worry about her, honey. She can surely use all the help she can get."
"She can surely use all the help she can get."
"Like pieces of my life, the mess circled the drain and disappeared while I watched it happen."
"I shook out my hands, which had balled into fists, and got to work."
"I’m not the smartest person. In fact, my family would tell you my life is a hot mess."
"If he were here, we’d be snickering. I missed that deep chuckle."
"Annualized, that could add around twenty grand to my income."
"There’s no judgment in yoga—you do what you can."
"I suspect Dad had kept to himself lots of trivial things he and I did."
"Sometimes it’s easier to talk about hard things with strangers than with friends."
"It’s tragic—what happened—but try to remember that she made all those decisions with you."
"I couldn’t connect all the lies to the truth of my life."
"When you pour everything you have into a belief, letting it go is like killing a part of yourself."
"You can’t grow a business if you aren’t organized and following a plan."
"I couldn’t deny my daughter her only living grandfather."
"Parenting has never been easy, this kind of decision makes you question everything you think you know about yourself and love and fairness."
"I’d been acting more like Erin than myself lately."
"You’re giving me a chance to be a grandfather after what my son has done, and that’s priceless."
"I had to learn to stand on my own, for Willa’s sake."
"Being the middle child made me invisible for much of my childhood."
"I’m not proud of that, but I needed to protect Willa."
"I never meant to be a hero or a villain, only a mother."
"I wouldn’t be able to recognize myself anymore."
"It’s been a rough year because of Dad’s death. Even six months ago, we were more like acquaintances than sisters. But now look at us—united."
"No wife should have to keep her guard up with her husband. That’s on Lyle, not you."
"Things look bleak right now, but we’ve got each other and our health. Together we’ll make it through, so keep the faith."
"The happiest days of boat ownership are the first and the last."
"Never, ever roll over again. Not for anyone."
"How others respond to pain or fear is their choice."
"I’m not sure why you’re here. Your sister got the trawler. Ebba’s left me. I’ll probably spend the next several years in jail."
"You’ve got no training in undercover operations. You don’t know what this woman he’s hooked up with is capable of doing."
"I hate rules, but I can follow ones that matter."
"I know you feel lost without him, but of all the women he could’ve picked, he picked you because he knew you were strong and principled and the exact right person to help him build a family."
"Don’t give up on yourself or the rest of us now."
"I’ve got plenty of crazy ideas floating around my head that’ll keep you on your toes for years to come."
"He didn’t love me best. He showered me with affection because I fit in the least and he wanted me to feel okay about that."
"Our family would continue to grow strong in our love and commitment, thanks to him."
"The only new ground this time will be helping my daughter, Katy, cope with the fallout."
"The worst part of my morning was the look on Katy’s tear-streaked face before she jumped into the yellow Jeep that Richard bought her on her sixteenth birthday, and sped away from me like a canary freed of its cage."
"All the time spent filling her life with love and opportunity means very little in light of one inescapable reality: by letting our family fall apart, Richard and I have fundamentally failed our daughter."