
Geek Girl Quotes

Geek Girl by Holly Smale

Geek Girl Quotes
"Character, action and location: that’s what makes a story."
"I don’t want to alarm you, but I think I might be really sick."
"I’m a shell of the person I used to be. A husk."
"Like two dolphins that jump at the same time and pass the ball to each other at Sea World."
"I mean it. Don’t even think about thinking about it."
"Infections are very advanced these days. They are sometimes extremely light-reflective."
"I’m not going to have a romance with someone just because they’re made out of the same stuff as me."
"You’re so happy to see another polar bear – any polar bear – that it doesn’t matter what kind it is."
"I don’t like fashion. I never really have, and I can’t imagine I ever will."
"You’re, like, so tomorrow you’re next Wednesday."
"I’ve been under many types of things. Dining tables, desks, side tables, kitchen counters… Any kind of furniture that allows me to disappear."
"She’s the girl who lost her first baby tooth in my apple, and I’m the girl who stuck one of her sunflower seeds up my nose in primary school and couldn’t get it out again."
"I could live entirely on jam sandwiches and lead a totally normal life."
"You have no idea how much of a loser you really are."
"This could be my metamorphosis story, like Ovid’s or Kafka’s, or Hans Christian Andersen’s The Ugly Duckling or even Cinderella."
"Do you think you’re better than everyone else, Harriet Manners?"
"I’m Harriet Manners: A++ student, collector of semi-precious stones, builder of small and perfectly proportioned train sets, writer of lists, alphabetiser and genre-iser of books."
"I could go from proverbial caterpillar to butterfly; from tadpole to frog."
"MODELLING COULD TRANSFORM ME. And I’d no longer be Harriet Manners – hated, ignored, humiliated. I’d be… someone else."
"I can’t help it, Harriet. I’m an idiot and sometimes I don’t even know I’m mucking things up until they look like this."
"You see this shirt, Harriet? I really mucked it up. It was lovely, and now it’s not, and it’s my fault."
"I’m an idiot and sometimes I don’t even know I’m mucking things up until they look like this."
"I was never going to hate you forever, Harriet. Just a couple of days."
"We were fighting. What did you want me to say? I’ll hate you for about thirty-six hours until I’ve calmed down a bit?"
"If you change your mind, Harriet, just say the word and I’ll duck behind a tree and pretend to be reading a newspaper or checking for woodworm, OK?"
"I didn’t want to lie to you, Annabel, I really didn’t. I mean, I did want to lie to you because that’s why I lied to you, but I didn’t do it to hurt you or because I don’t respect you or I don’t think that you’re usually right all the time, because you are."
"However clever you think I am, Harriet, I’m much, much cleverer."
"Just enjoy being a polar bear. Appreciate the size of our paws."
"Statistics aren’t important, they’re just numbers. Irrelevant, arbitrary numbers."
"I’m not the old, anxious Harriet any more. I’m cool. I’m calm. I’m taking all of this in my stride."
"That’s a shame. If we lived somewhere with lots of earthquakes, you’d be a really good person to know."
"Actually, there have been nineteen earthquakes in the UK in the last ten years."
"You’ll sign your next contract with me tomorrow morning."
"If I believed that fashion was about being the same as everyone else, would I dress like a negative of Miss Havisham every single day for thirty years?"
"I didn’t dream about being a model. I dreamed of being a palaeontologist."
"It’s just clothes. They can’t make you something you’re not."
"If fashion’s a creative way of showing the world who you are and where you belong, that’s a good thing."