
Dream Chaser Quotes

Dream Chaser by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Dream Chaser Quotes
"But I have a gut feeling on this and it’s not the oh-look-it’s-a-bright-shiny-world kind."
"Other girls get diamonds. Me? I get mayhem and blood—and all before noon."
"I just love the gifts you bring me for lunch."
"If LaShonda ever comes to her senses and leaves me, you’re the next Mrs. Tate."
"Please don’t. She might poison my cush-cush… or worse, beat my tush-tush."
"Photos only give me a paper cut… and the willies."
"I shudder at the thought of the pickup line you must have used the night you met LaShonda."
"You are the best damned medical examiner I’ve ever seen and you know that."
"I’m also told they have incredible drugs to help curb those hallucinations."
"I’ll be right back, baby. You wait in the car and don’t move."
"In one blink, life altered and sometimes all you could do was hang on as tightly as possible while it did its best to sling you off."
"What are you? Blind? I’m not Atlantean—that bracelet was designed to bring us down."
"Don’t worry about it. If this is the worst interruption I have today, I’m doing remarkably well."
"That’s what I get for trying to pass as a human all the time. Sometimes I forget my own powers."
"Do you have to be so damned perky? Was it too much to ask that I get chained to a depressed mute or one of those chicks who dresses in black and writes bad poetry?"
"I’m so sick of the gods playing with my life."
"Be grateful, human, that you could never understand."
"I hear you. We’re going to scout the alley where she was found for a clue."
"I just had a body walk off the table mid-autopsy and you think your story is nuts? Yeah, boo..."
"Have you ever wanted to put your head in a blender and turn on the liquefy switch?"
"Those words warmed her. Tate and LaShonda were the only people in the world who would miss her if anything were to happen to her."
"I value what little sanity I have left, and the last thing I want is to be in the middle of what I’m in the middle of."
"I have a situation and I need you to contact me ASAP."
"It explains why you were so worried about me."
"I’m thinking a Daimon konked me on the head and this is all one big hallucination brought on by severe blood loss."
"I’m on a countdown here. In twenty-two days I go back to hell."
"You took a nasty stab straight through your body and Carson said we couldn’t give you anything for the pain."
"Life and death are what they are. They have mercy for no one."
"The only buffer we have is ourselves and how much pain we can tolerate before it finally breaks us."
"I might piss off other people, but within a few hours they forgot me. I was the only one who lived in perpetual hell."
"I did a favor for a goddess who talked Hades into making me human for one month."
"I went to medical school to help people. It’s why I do what I do."
"I’m all right, but kindness makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it?"
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life. You can’t change the past, but the future isn’t set in stone."
"You’re going to like it even less come tomorrow."
"No, I need something a lot more powerful than Julian."
"I seem to recall you threw that Daimon to the ground and made him feel it."
"What’s wrong with being a little bit nasty all the time?"
"What? You never walk around the French Quarter?"
"If you’re not demon enough to get it on your own, you don’t deserve it."
"The least he could do was share what he knew."
"This was so much better than any dream he’d ever had."
"How could he have come to mean so much to her so quickly?"
"I won’t let go of you without a fight, Xypher."
"I wonder if she ever knew exactly how different he was."
"I think watching him try could be highly entertaining."