
The Return Quotes

The Return by Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Return Quotes
"The Mansion was as silent as I wished the inside of my head could be. No noise—not even a ragged inhale of breath or a whispered word. Truly blissful."
"I’d never look at a can of Chef Boyardee the same way again."
"However, there wasn’t a drop of blood on me. My black boots were shiny; the black tactical pants and Under Armour shirt, the standard uniform of a Sentinel, were free of the gore. I had skillz—major skillz."
"Their sorry asses didn’t have a chance in Hades."
"Good old, average mortals who’d gotten mixed up in the wrong thing lay dead among the offspring of the Olympians."
"But in death, they were all the same, which was stinky, messy, and dead."
"My least favorite person in the whole mortal realm, Olympus, and Tartarus smirked as he crossed his arms over his chest."
"I sighed. This was why we couldn’t have nice things."
"Mom had said they were my angel father’s grace showing up."
"It’s not ‘all the way across the world.’ You’re in Missouri. I’m in Virginia. It’s not that far, Mom."
"Seth, what do you want? Everything and anything and nothing at all?"
"I was a half-blood, but I was also the Apollyon."
"I can do a lot of things. Some of them fast. Some of them real slow."
"You’re destined for something great, baby. There has to be a reason why my life ended when yours began."
"I didn’t understand that those words meant I was unplanned and a mistake, but I had felt their meaning."
"It’s hard to deal with when you feel that a very real pain sliced through your chest, cutting deep through tissues and organs."
"A furie. My friend and roommate was a furie. A laugh escaped me and it quickly faded as an empty feeling opened up in my chest."
"Your father is Apollo, and that does make you a demigod."
"I’m not special. I mean, demigods have powers, right? I can’t even jog a mile without getting out of breath."
"I’m supposed to do what? Send a Titan back to hell?"
"You’re a demigod—a very important one. Besides the fact that there hasn’t been a demigod since, well, a very long time, you’re Apollo’s daughter."
"I never got it before. Why it’s such a turn-on to see a girl wearing your clothes."
"I thought about standing in front of him in the robe, when he’d dragged the edges together."
""Only because I’m going against my nature right now.""
""When I want something, I go for it," he continued in the same low, seductive voice."
""I’ve never had such a…visceral reaction to a guy before, especially one that I’d known for two days."
""I’m guessing with your powers bound, it made you susceptible to their glamour—old magic that disguises them.""
""You think I want to kill you?" He laughed and the cars trembled around us."
""You fight like a girl," he said, laughing coldly."
""You make me want to nunchuck you in the throat! But I can’t. Because I don’t know how to use nunchucks!""
"You have no idea how hard training is, Josie. I don’t even think you can do it."
"If she’s Apollo’s daughter, wouldn’t that mean in some weird way, she’s related to—"
"I haven’t pissed a circle around Josie, marking my territory, but I couldn’t have been more obvious."
"One of the first things they teach you when you’re training is to never let your opponent get a good grip on you or get you on your back."
"Days turned into weeks faster than I could ever imagine they would, taking me further away from the life I had known."
"Hours during the day were spent getting to know all the different areas in my body that could hurt."
"About a week into training, I’d finally taken a fall correctly."
"I got to see pures using the elements to do things, like moving their plates or chairs without touching them."
"Seth hadn’t spent an entire night with me since our first night at the University."
"You look like you’re about to fall asleep," Deacon commented, drawing my attention to where he sat across from me.
"I hadn’t been sleeping well, partly due to thinking about things I didn’t want to think about."
"I don’t want to sit around in my room alone, because I don’t want to sit here and think about how fucked up everything is!"
"They’re dead, and because of what? They were good people—great people. They didn’t deserve what happened to them."
"I’ve just never seen someone do a live Photoshop on himself."