
The Museum Of Desire Quotes

The Museum Of Desire by Jonathan Kellerman

The Museum Of Desire Quotes
"Despite a certain gruffness, that certainly applies to Milo."
"My best friend has closed over three hundred fifty murders and he’s never lost his empathy or his sense of outrage."
"He eats too much, sleeps poorly, and often neglects himself while working two, three days in a row."
"Misfortune is the mother’s milk of journalism but with the exception of war correspondents, those who suckle the teats of tragedy are rarely forced to confront evil directly."
"If I’d said anything it would’ve been, 'I get in because it’s bad and strange.'"
"What you’d expect to see at a grand English manor, which was what this pile of faux-stone was striving to be."
"The kind of place where plummy-voiced tweedy people gather to natter, get soused on mah-tinis, and labor to make their way through all seven deadly sins."
"Everyone knowing their role, like a colony of ants swarming a giant larva."
"What’d you think about all that blood at the bottom?"
"Don’t hold back, I’ll settle for wild theory."
"What the hell is that, Alex? Something creepy-Oedipal? Or whatever you guys are calling it nowadays."
"Everything’s wrong about this picture, Alex."
"Everyone’s weirded out, Alex. Even George Arredondo—the big tech—before he went scientific, he was on the job, patrol in the toughest part of Lancaster."
"He’d never been a fighter and at forty-three he had no muscles left."
"What to do now? He’d seen lots of things but he’d never seen anything like this, what to do?"
"He liked everyone," said Briggs. "Sometimes I wondered if that would get him into trouble."
"Ricky liked everyone," Briggs repeated. "Now look what happened."
"The guy had no walls around him and sometimes you need walls."
"I mean, it’s okay to be okay with people, right? But not all people are good people, right?"
"He was just a friendly dude who liked to have fun."
"He’d open his robe and peel off his rubber and give this big smile."
"Everyone loved him. Who’d hurt him? I don’t understand!"
"He was always neat and clean. Loved to wash his hands and was the first to line up for shower time."
"We don’t lock them up, it’s not a jail, the whole point is fostering independence."
"Working with the disabled, nothing they teach you in school prepares you."
"The cramped space barely accommodates his desk and chair plus one additional hard-backed seat."
"I don’t argue with someone with the net worth of a midsized Caribbean country."
"Small victories, gentlemen. That’s how you need to look at it."
"There’s no reason to work with people unless you’re interested in them."
"Doing that to a pooch. Why does that make me even madder?"
"This is the first time I’ve ever called the police, I’m not sure anything makes me comfortable."
"Can you believe that? We love animals, of course we let them be."
"I’ve seen coyotes, in the morning when I run. The look in their eyes…rather menacing."
"Unfortunately, we can’t give out details at the beginning stages."
"It’s good to know what’s happening in your neighborhood, right?"
"We require a minimum donation but we’re not snobby."
"We’re a well-behaved group, not some crazy party animals."
"Ricky and a fellow risk-taker. But she’s not dumped in the limo."
"At least we know focusing on Gurnsey is the right approach."
"Out of service. Guess it’s no surprise someone who slaughters four people is gonna be careful."
"Even they’re getting worn out, but the principals won’t budge."
"Not much I could do other than write an order to return because she blindsided Mister."
"Can’t see her heading back to Kabul but you know how it is when people don’t think straight."
"As long as we’re talking, a new one landed on my desk yesterday."
"After mass murder, you’re going to glide through it."
"Speaking of dogs, just got DNA on the"—looking down at Blanche—"the you-know-what."
"That’s what I figured. Evil _assholes—_that coffee I smell?"
"The kind of guy you see all over L.A., spends too much time in front of the mirror."
"But trust me, either of them probably has overseas dough, they could afford to split the U.S. estate down the middle."
"I wasn’t interested in learning about his psyche or his family or his aches and pains."
"I was surprised, there didn’t seem to be problems."
"He apologized, told me I was a great girl but he needed to move on."
"Time is nothing more than the longest distance between two places."
"Moderation is for people who doubt themselves."
"Self-esteem is good for good people, bad for bad people."
"Violence as performance art…like Chris Burden having someone shoot him in the arm. Or one of those classic grotesques—Bosch, that kind of thing."
"Caravaggio? One of the greatest painters who’d ever lived had been a rage-prone murderer."
"We were all friends, once. What has Medina done?"
"Medina reached into her purse and then she does what looks like taking a slap at Connie’s face and chest. Like you’d swipe a credit card."
"He’s in Medina’s life now? That’s surprising?"
"She used to refer to him as ‘Daddy’s little bastard.’"
"Honesty's always necessary… lucky for you, Dr. Sontag says you're solid. A professor."
"You want to establish rapport so you sat. I knew you would. I gave you a fictitious choice."
"People don't like to cooperate with me. People don't like me."
"I have trouble coming up with easy explanations. It makes me more interesting to me."
"You prefer questions that can't be answered."
"A lot of people would be worried about testifying."
"A lot of people are low-functioning automatons who care what other low-functioning automatons think of them."
"I went to sleep at eleven p.m., woke up at midnight, one a.m., two thirty."
"When you’re compulsive, even new habits die hard."
"She allowed some of her low-life friends to crash and they…oh, why beat around the bush, they had an orgy."
"They’re Nazis and her brother’s linked to the Brotherhood. Any connection?"
"I want all the gory details, each and every one."
"Good thinking, Moses. For the time being, have them pull over and stay ready. Tailing the Rolls any problem? Not the tac band, I don’t trust it, let’s keep it cellular, everyone on conference."
"That was close," said Reed. "Texting idiot in a Maserati just ran the stop sign, nearly T-boned a tourist bus…everyone at the intersection trying to figure when to go, who designed this."
"I said, "Canon’s the new Restaurant Row in B.H., so maybe dinner."
"We need to arrest two homicide suspects on your turf. I thought you should know."
"I always need you. There’ll be plenty to do. This is just the beginning."
"I don’t want any disability situation. The department thinking I’m defective."