
The Gray Man Quotes

The Gray Man by Mark Greaney

The Gray Man Quotes
"A glint of metal rose into the air and swung down."
"The crew from Al Jazeera shouted in ecstasy as well."
"Ricky spoke softly, his brain still trying to catch up with the action around him."
"The stranger said, 'Thank me by getting the fuck home and forgetting my face.'"
"Claire and her family left the Eurostar in Lille and took another train west to Normandy."
"The dead operator wore his rifle around his neck on a one-point sling, essentially a necklace with an automatic assault weapon dangling as its charm."
"The flight crew sat in their seats and their hands twitched near the throttle."
"The team leader’s back was ramrod straight, and he had an intense expression on his face."
"Courtland did not go down easily; no surprise there."
"The pain in his thigh was compounded when he landed on his hip at the rear of the plane."
"Court’s impact was muted by landing squarely on the man in the chute."
"His son’s anger and consternation twisted her tiny insides into knots."
"The myth was a fantasy, not reality, but unlike most fantasies, the man at the center of this one did exist."
"No one could disappear more quickly or cleanly than the thirty-six-year-old American."
"Court Gentry was the Gray Man simply because he believed there existed bad men in this world who truly needed to die."
"The only consolation to his martial needs was a small Spyderco folding knife in his waistband that he’d bought off a Kurdish policeman."
"In four years he had satisfactorily performed twelve operations against terrorists and terrorist paymasters, white slavery profiteers, drug and illegal weapons runners, and Russian Mafia kingpins."
"He knew Prague like the back of his hand. He’d worked a job here once and often used the neighboring suburbs as a place to hide out."
"He forced himself to think about the next forty-eight hours. It was grim contemplation, but necessary."
"You take me for some Ivy League lightweight? So did the CIA."
"I have no idea where this burg was on the map, but my body felt like he may have gotten a couple of hours of sleep, so he suspected he was not far from Geneva."
"If you touch Claire or Kate, I will find you, and I will torture you so slowly that the only prayer on your lips will be for a quick death."
"Court’s most valuable piece of kit is between his ears. The only weapon he needs is his mind."
"If you try to run, they will just gun you down. If you want to live, just do what I say."
"Still, there were few men on earth who could summon determination in the face of adversity as well as the haggard and bloody man in the ill-fitting coat on the woman’s bike."
"The sergeant tapped harder on the glass. As Gentry and the others watched, the silver-haired man seemed to peer closely through the heavy tint."
"The pain in his left wrist was excruciating, but the bench broke apart."
"In a crouch, Court hurried along the platform’s edge, moving north."
"If she could just get out of the house, maybe she could run across the huge back lawn."
"The guard opened a door to his left... He pulled the door shut behind him."
"He told me he’ll give me another six months."
"I take responsibility for this. I will make it right."
"The plasma screen hung above a large fireplace that crackled with pine logs."
"The sniper and his spotter were on Riegel’s left, high in the tower with a near-perfect 360-degree view."
"I’ll doubt it will happen again. No more daddies to die here."
"They’ve lain down with many, many a dog for many, many years."
"Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink."
"I am the guy you just can't quite seem to kill."
"My skill set is not conducive to honest work."
"Through the confusion on the road she distinguished the outlines of arms and legs as punches rained down and kicks flew, guns spun free through the air."
"The sounds of cracking impacts and the frenzy of a combat so pitiless, she was sure all the men would tear to pieces in the street in front of her."
"Quickly he checked the trunk of the car for any equipment he could put to use."
"Blood trickled out of his stomach, down his pants, and onto the car seat."
"You brush a hair on the heads of those kids or Mrs. Fitzroy, and you will die in that house."
"He leaned in himself, cleared his throat. 'Yes, Court? Could you allow us a few moments to discuss your proposal?'"
"I just see one little problem with your proposal."
"Marc Laurent seemed almost bored. 'Pierre? Make a note. We’ll need to move the board of directors’ Christmas retreat this year.'"
"She would love to forget Daddy’s funeral, the château in France, the noise and the fear and the guns and the blood."
"The middle-aged Frenchman in the passenger seat said, 'The jet is waiting at Stansted. Three hours’ flying time. You should be in Madrid by early afternoon.'"