
Rule Of The Aurora King Quotes

Rule Of The Aurora King by Nisha J. Tuli

Rule Of The Aurora King Quotes
"I’m not telling you anything until you bring me Willow and Tristan."
"Stop fucking throwing things, or I’ll chain you up in the basement with my pets."
"If you keep this shit up, Morana and Khione won’t hesitate to put you back in line."
"I survived twelve years in that fucking prison of yours while you slept in your fancy silk sheets."
"You were in that prison because you committed a crime."
"Go to hell. I am not, and I’ll die before I call you that."
"Everything in the room is black save for the occasional streaks of color."
"You think you can scare me? I survived twelve years in that fucking prison."
"My magic feels strained around her, like it’s trying to come out of my skin."
"Every so often, I stop and listen to my surroundings, clutching the branch so tightly my fingers ache."
"Sure, I haven’t quite worked out how I’ll free Tristan and Willow, but that’s a future problem to worry about."
"The most unnerving part had been the silence, knowing the skulking creatures were assessing me."
"Pretty words from pretty Fae. They’re all liars driven by their own ends."
"I study the foggy shield surrounding me, hoping it does what it’s supposed to."
"As my surroundings press in on me, I wonder if I should have stayed at the manor."
"A shadow flickers in the corner of my eye, and my throat knots in fear."
"It takes a moment to register that I’m screaming."
"I don’t think so," comes a deep voice behind me."
"I’m still so grateful they’re alive and that they’ve been returned to me that I keep expecting to wake up and find out none of it was real."
"I’m not disappointed about it. I’m definitely not. That isn’t a headache I need right now."
"We’re so proud of you, Lor," Willow says. "Mother and Father would have been so proud of you."
"I hate you," is all I say as I approach the horse, wondering how I’m supposed to get on.
"I’ll be fine," I say quickly, not wanting to delve into the complicated feelings I have about the Aurora Prince.
"You know me," I reply with a wink. "Careful is my middle name."
"I promise," I say when a knock comes at the door and Amya pokes her head in.
"Fine," I say, rubbing my hands up my arms as I scan the courtyard.
"If you’re trying to invoke some kind of remorse in me, it won’t happen."
"My father wasn’t interested in her, though. He’d just been using my mother to make the female he loved jealous. And it worked."
"If I’d been better about protecting her, maybe he wouldn’t have turned her into this."
"Low fae who are accused of crimes are executed without a thought. There is no trial and no questions are asked."
"Despite everything I just said, make no mistake, Inmate. If anyone or anything gets in the way of what I want, I will stop at nothing to destroy them."
"It’s like a human who is a gifted painter. They may have training from a teacher, but ultimately, some will be better at it than others, no matter what."
"I’ve felt the same sometimes. About how they restore a piece of you, of course. Not…the other part."
"I don’t want to rule by fear or by the will of my hand. That doesn’t breed loyalty or devotion."
"It’s a direct contrast to the Sun Palace, but there is also something monumental about this place. Something profound in the absence of light."
"I marvel as we enter the enormous space, reminded of the day I woke up in Aphelion and was taken to the Sun Palace throne room to meet Atlas."
"My loyalty is first to Ouranos and to my goddess Zerra, Your Majesty. Then to my king."
"I don’t know. We’ll keep looking. Don’t worry. We’re going to find it."
"You’re the one in charge of how fast this goes."
"I’ve been tasked with finding a very special object for the king."
"I guess I’ve been feeling a little off lately. I thought I was just tired from all the stress."
"The Ark is one of the rarest objects to ever exist. It hasn’t been seen in centuries."
"It’s just sex. That’s what you said. I’m the one who says who can touch me, not you!"
"You really know how to make me feel special, Nadir."
"The only one preventing you from accessing it is you."
"We may only get a moment. But when it opens, concentrate on casting whatever is in there out towards that pillar."
"You’re going to do this because you are the strongest fucking woman I’ve ever met."
"His magic is round and soft and languid, while mine is jagged and crisp, full of hard edges."
"A pressure or a presence that’s going to split me open."
"The Heart Crown. It hovers in the center, spinning slowly."
"I’ve waited this long for her to come into my life, and I’ll wait for her forever if that’s what it takes."
"It’s how I found it in the Heart Castle. It’s alive. Maybe it’s just asleep."
"I can’t bear to think about what he’s going to do when he gets his hands on her."
"You can’t keep secrets from me, Inmate. I see you."
"We’re putting a lot of faith in an object that no one has seen in hundreds of years."
"I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life."
"It predicted she would have an important destiny to fulfil. One that would shape the very fabric of Ouranos."