
Tangled Quotes

Tangled by Emma Chase

Tangled Quotes
"Screw fate. Destiny can kiss my ass. If I want something badly enough, I can have it."
"Men are territorial... It's the nonverbal way of pretty much saying, 'Fuck off—find your own park.'"
"Chess is a game of strategy, planning. Of thinking two steps ahead of your next move. Of guiding your opponent right where you need them to be."
"Sex is a release. Purely physical. That's all. At least to men it is."
"You can either make room for me at the table, or I'll step on you when you get in my way."
"If we’re going to work together, Drew, I think we should get a few things straight. I’m not your sweetheart."
"All the luck in Ireland isn't going to help you."
"It’s a whole lot of work and not much payoff."
"You can learn a lot about a person when they’re drunk."
"This tiny stone means more to me than the biggest rock at Tiffany’s."
"I’ve had sex with more than ten women in one week."
"I’d eat her for breakfast every day of the week and twice on Sunday."
"If you’re a man, you work—you don’t leech off your girlfriend."
"It’s just the wrong song for this kind of place. The right one would wake them up."
"I don’t stand a chance when you look at me that way."
"I’m helpless. Baby, I don’t stand a chance every time you look at me that way."
"And I’m changing, never thought I’d be like this but you showed me a better way."
"I can leave everything else in the dust but it’s you I just can’t give up."
"Distance keeps me safe and keeps me sane but now you’ve got my heart twisted with yours."
"I feel so helpless when you look at me that way."
"I’m a big girl, and I can certainly handle whatever your father may dish out."
"I’ve never let anyone get this close to me before."
"I couldn’t imagine a more important job than making sure my perfect niece grows up happy and healthy."
"He’s always been such a huge part of my life. I don’t know who I’ll be without him."
"What a great night. I think this could very well be the best night of my life. And it’s only just started."
"Earth-shattering. Off the Richter Scale. Powerful enough to take out a small island country."
"I READ AN ARTICLE ONCE that said having sex extends the human life span. At this rate, Kate and I are going to live forever."
"I’ve never brought a woman to my bedroom before. It’s a rule."
"It’s a pussy—it’s supposed to smell like one. That’s the fucking turn on."
"You know who Neil Armstrong is, don’t you? Now tell me who the second guy was."
"I smile and shrug. 'I picked up a few tricks over the years.'"
"I’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve done it. It’s like a mosquito bite—the more you scratch, the more it itches."
"I smile devilishly. 'I’d love to eat your cookie, Kate.'"
"Men are visual. We wouldn’t be fucking you if we didn’t want to look at you."
"Every acquisition has risks. You have to show him the payoff is worth it."
"I could make a full-time profession out of watching Kate Brooks."
"I want to feel you, Drew. I want you to feel me. I don’t want…anything between us."
"I’m in love with her. Totally. Helplessly. Pathetically."
"I hope you can grow a third kidney, Drew." - Erin
"I’m not trying to be." - Drew, on being a manipulative, childish, vindictive bastard
"So…what are you wearing?" - Drew, during a phone call
"I am trying to work. I need to focus." - Kate
"I want to start over. Do things right this time." - Drew
"You can’t do this. This is sexual harassment." - Kate
"I’m sorry I hurt you. I didn’t mean any of it." - Drew
"We talked, Drew. I told him that I loved him, that a part of me always would." - Kate
"The more you push me away, the harder I’m going to fight." - Drew
"Sweet dreams, Kate. You know, the ones with you and me in them. Naked." - Drew
"We're all sinners, m'boy. Some of us just enjoy it more than others."
"You always were the one kissin’ the lasses and makin’ ’em cry."
"Men often want what they can no longer have."
"If you’re not going to play by the rules, you don’t show up for team meetings."
"I'll cherish it. I'll do anything I have to make her happy. For as long as she'll let me."
"I’m hoping it’ll knock Kate off her feet. Right onto her back—and I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how much I like her in that position."
"She deserves to be spoiled. To have nice things. Beautiful things."