
Sometimes I Lie Quotes

Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney

Sometimes I Lie Quotes
"I’ve always delighted in the free fall between sleep and wakefulness."
"I sense the light behind my eyelids and my attention is drawn to the platinum band on my finger."
"Panic spreads through me like a blast of icy-cold air."
"It can be dangerous to ask a question when you already know the answer."
"The sound of a machine breaks into my consciousness, stealing my last few fragments of hope."
"I shout the same sentences over and over, but they ignore me because, on the outside, I am silent."
"I tiptoe downstairs in the early morning darkness, careful not to wake him."
"Every morning is different and yet has become completely routine."
"People are not mirrors, they don’t see you how you see yourself."
"You’re great, we love you, but you have to understand that Madeline is Coffee Morning."
"The physical pain is real and demanding to be felt."
"She wraps something around my upper left arm and I conclude it is a tourniquet."
"I scan my library of memories, but too many of the shelves are empty."
"My sense of relief is soon replaced by something else."
"I smile at each of the studio guests sitting around the table with us."
"I find myself wondering whether he is actually gay or whether I had just presumed that he was."
"The smell tricks my brain into thinking I can taste it."
"What I really want is some water, but she doesn’t give me any of that."
"I don’t think I’d recognise myself when I got there."
"Switches are either on or off. People are either up or down."
"Time is marching on without me since it left me behind and I can’t catch up."
"They do all these things to look after me, but I’m still cold, hungry, thirsty, and scared."
"I’m not sure how long it has been since his visit, but at least he hasn’t come back."
"Even good people get tired of trying to mend what can’t be fixed."
"Life is more terrifying than death in my experience."
"Nobody is behaving as they should and it’s as though I’m not here at all."
"I won’t let her take anyone else away from me."
"The effort required to listen to him walking around the room is exhausting."
"I don’t want to be afraid of my husband, but he’s not himself and I don’t know this version."
"I try to make sense of what I just felt but I can’t remember what is real anymore."
"It’s completely dark by the time I’m finished."
"I must not overreact. I’ve always had an overactive imagination."
"Mum and Dad didn’t hear the tears I cried at night, they didn’t see me at all after that."
"I’m so angry with Mum. There are so many things I hate about her."
"The silence that followed was too uncomfortable."
"I want to tell him that it’s OK but I still can’t speak."
"Everything else, everyone else is gone and I am taken away from this place by a series of notes."
"Plenty of people are friends with their exes, it doesn’t have to mean something and I’m not doing anything wrong."
"The Southbank is alive with people wearing each other’s smiles."
"Every step forward feels like I’m going in the wrong direction, but I carry on regardless down my chosen path."
"Time has changed me, but clearly left him alone."
"I see a neon sign for the toilets and push my way through the early evening drinkers."
"I imagine Claire putting her arms around Paul, pushing her body up against his to comfort him."
"I can feel the warmth of him through his coat."
"I look down at the sign, half covered in dirt already, and try to point at it, but I can’t move my hands."
"The sound of whistling brings me back to somewhere a little less dark."
"I’m sorry, she told me not to tell you; I forgot."
"The world keeps on spinning, repeating itself over and over until something changes."
"There should be some sort of IQ test to identify people who are too stupid to have children."
"I don’t think we’ll be allowed to be two peas in a pod any more."
"I tried to shake the thoughts and the feeling and take a step closer towards the pile of clothes I recognise as my own."
"I can’t shake the last thought from my mind. Maybe this is what dead feels like."
"Her face changed then, like it went all soft and her big green eyes looked sad and kind at the same time."
"It’s like listening to burglars walking around our home, the only difference was that Mum and Dad had invited them in."
"The three things she said that made me lose my temper were: ‘Nobody in their right mind would want to live here.’ ‘It needs knocking down really.’ ‘It’s such an ugly little house.’"
"The only thing that makes me cry real tears is that I can’t ever go back to Nana’s house."
"The Christmas lights, songs, fake snow, all the things I used to enjoy, leave me cold."
"Photographs like that capture the way we hold ourselves up when life tries to drag us down."
"We are all just ghosts of the people we hoped that we were and counterfeit replicas of the people we wanted to be."
"Fear of the unknown is always greater than fear of the familiar."
"Sometimes it feels like everyone is happier than I am, as though they’re all in on a secret I’m not privy to."
"I’ve spent my life since wondering what it takes for a person to do something like that."
"It was like having a front row seat for a slow suicide."
"We became independent states with liquid borders."
"Some people appear happy on the outside and you only know they’re broken inside if you listen as well as look."
"It took a lot of love to hate her the way I do."
"I don’t know which version of events to believe. My sister’s or my own."