
Paladin's Grace Quotes

Paladin's Grace by T. Kingfisher

Paladin's Grace Quotes
"I should never have let you talk me into this."
"You're telling me that a beautiful woman jumped into your arms and began moaning in your ear, you rescued her from the enemy, and you didn't even get her name?"
"It's a couple hours of standing around the reception being bored silly. Nothing will go wrong."
"Making her comfortable is not so small a thing."
"You know as well as I do that looking like you’re wearing no makeup takes twice as much work."
"Making socks required four or five double-ended bone needles."
"There’s only seven of the Saint of Steel’s paladins in the city."
"The minute the poor bastard bit down, it was over."
"Hitting people in the head is tricky though, isn’t it?"
"It’s not like I could just go into your bedroom."
"How stupid does the Motherhood think we are?"
"It’s the lack of subtlety that offends the senses."
"Give me one man who is old enough to know his limits over a dozen who don’t."
"It rained buckets, it rained torrents, it rained deluges and waterfalls."
"You are rather less likely to run amok with steamed herbs, I suspect."
"Once you’re in a place where you chop people’s heads off for the fun of it, you probably don’t come back from there."
"Fine," said Marguerite. "So these unhealthy catfish are eating the severed hands. There, you see? Perfect crime."
"Please let me come with you to get the moss," said Stephen. "So you don’t wind up as a pile of severed hands inside a diseased catfish."
"Stephen?" "No, never," he lied. "Are you sure you want to keep going?"
"If I don’t do it today, I’ll just have to do it later on, and then it’ll probably be raining as well as muddy."
"You always have a right to be happy," he said.
"My life is very good and I love it and I don’t wish to see it disrupted."
"I walked here from Anuket City with the clothes on my back and a civette. In winter. I’ll manage."
"It’s just…I’m a paladin," he said, chasing after her.
"It’s not that," he said. "It’s….I belong—I belonged—to the Saint of Steel. I can’t trust myself. I can’t be trusted. It’s dangerous. I’m dangerous."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Marcus slammed the cudgel down again. Stephen waited.
"Petrichor, the smell of rain on dry earth, was one of the smells she loved the most."
"Normal people did not stick their noses out of slats in the window and huff air."
"Grace wondered if he didn’t know that she could read, or if he had simply expected her to sign the paper because he told her to."
"Grace had a brief urge to cheer for civilization."
"Being arrested does tend to ruin the appetite."
"Trials are alarming. There is no question of it."
"Relief feels like happiness, if you don’t know the difference."
"She was just turning from the shuttered window when he saw her, and the fear on her face tore him up like an enemy blade."
"The Motherhood wants to prove you guilty of crimes against Archenhold."
"I’ve been in worse messes than this. I’ve been tied up in a back bedroom by a man who wanted to murder me and marry my client."
"Metal screamed and yielded as easily as flesh."
"The monster had already claimed one of her protectors."
"Poisoners and witches belong to the Hanged Motherhood, you would be burned alive."
"There is no later. Marguerite didn’t come to save you. No one is going to rescue you."
"I want you. I just don’t want to disappoint you."
"I’m scared. I love you. Probably more than is safe, for someone like me."
"It’s mine. My place. It hasn’t been taken away."