
You Deserve Each Other Quotes

You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle

You Deserve Each Other Quotes
"I'm tempted to pack my bags and go right now, but that would be playing into what he wants."
"We practice our in-front-of-other-people smiles."
"He’s perceptive, all right. He’s already known for some time what I’m feeling."
"I haven’t voiced my resistance or my anger but I know he feels it."
"I am fal ing apart and Nicholas doesn’t even notice."
"I can’t possibly back out now. Everyone would be gossiping about me."
"Our love percentage plummets to zero and a tremor shudders through the floor."
"Absolute silence falls over you like a hood once you cross the threshold."
"It’s amazing we still get invited over, frankly, because you exist inside your own head the whole time."
"I don’t like you again yet. But I’m going to. And you’re going to like me again, too."
"You’re the reason we’re still living in Morris."
"I don’t get what you’re doing. Why’d you bring me here?"
"I thought this would be a nice surprise. I thought you’d love it."
"I’d rather work at one of the brothels your dad used to go to before your mom melted his brain with Dr. Oz supplements."
"Giving me shit about my mother constantly, like I don’t already know how difficult she makes our lives."
"I wish I could go back in time and slam his car door twice."
"We have to go get your car! What the fuck do you want for dinner?"
"Fine! I’ve got a fucking coupon for Benigno’s, anyway!"
"There’s a difference between being needed and wanted."
"I just want you to care about me," he implores.
"I woke up to three strange men in my living room this morning."
"I try to bring you back to me every time you go to leave, off into your own head where I’m not allowed."
"Nicholas is lying. When he says Nothing, what he really means is I need time to come up with something devastating to say."
"I’m watering the Charlie Brown tree because I have love to give and nowhere meaningful to dump it."
"I’m out of your reach, Dr. Rose. I’m in no-man’s-land."
"It’s going to be a drill next, what with all the Butterfingers you eat."
"You think I care? You put my hand in a bowl of warm water."
"If I’d used common sense, I never would’ve proposed!"
"Aren't fish hibernating at this time of year?"
"Shh. You're making me talk and I'm going to scare all the fish away."
"I need to monitor this situation as closely as he’ll let me, for the sake of psychology."
"I would hate to have Nicholas watch me try to fish."
"It’s like whenever I come upon him while he’s doing push-ups and his body instantly quits on him."
"You should see what you look like right now."
"I'm going to take an hourlong shower and use up all the hot water."
"Hey! I could’ve been going number two in here."
"I’m not eating fish from this pond. I don’t know if the water’s polluted."
"I bet video montages of his contributions to grade school plays will play on an endless loop when he gets to hell."
"I'm not your doctor, and what you eat is none of your business."
"I saw it on the Internet somewhere. It’s a real word."
"You deliberately tried to make me think you might be into another woman? To hurt me?"
"Not to hurt you. To see if you were capable of being hurt by it."
"Maybe we lose track of the days because we can’t stop banging."
"It’s tradition for brides to curb their appetites until the big day."
"I love our house. It may not sound like much, but it's a big deal."
"For the first time since he presented it to me, I study my ring and think it’s stunning."
"I’m thankful that you stayed put until I found you again."
"Being this close and not arching into him is an exercise in restraint."
"Nicholas absorbs my attention so fully that I’ll never forget how this feels."
"I’ve been alive that I haven’t blown out a candle and made a wish."
"I love him, I love him. I don’t have to love every little thing about the man, but I love the man."
"The only thing that matters is that he doesn’t find me."
"I’m beyond ready. Need to go lock that man down before he gets any ideas and escapes."
"Every day is the same. Every day is like our wedding day."
"I can’t wait to see what kind of magic we spin with that word, how many shapes it will take."
"It’s going to be work. But let me tell you something about Nicholas Benjamin Rosefield: He’s worth it."
"How great would it be, to get a second chance?"
"We already know each other’s worst. We’ve battled right through it and come out the other side unbreakable."
"If you keep writing and keep trying, you’ll uncover the story that’s meant to be."
"You took the time to read my story, and for that I am forever grateful."