
R Is For Ricochet Quotes

R Is For Ricochet by Sue Grafton

R Is For Ricochet Quotes
"The mistakes other people make are usually patently obvious. Our own are tougher to recognize."
"In most cases, our path through life reflects a fundamental truth about who we are now and who we've been since birth."
"We're optimists or pessimists, joyful or depressed, gullible or cynical, inclined to seek adventure or to avoid all risks."
"Therapy might strengthen our assets or offset our liabilities, but in the main we do what we do because we've always done it that way."
"This is a story about romance - love gone right, love gone wrong, and matters somewhere in between."
"In committing the matter to paper, I can see now what should have been apparent from the first."
"In my personal life, I've been married and divorced twice, and subsequent relationships have usually come to grief."
"I've learned the hard way that love and work are a questionable mix."
"What's been erected instead - the condominiums, housing developments, and the big flashy starter castles of the nouveau riche - is poor compensation for what was lost or destroyed."
"I'm fixing Krumpli Paprikas. Is stew made of boil potato, ongion, and what you call weenies cut in pieces."
"For a minute, I thought I saw something move."
"Nothing sweeter than revenge, but you don't want to leave your fingerprints all over the deed."
"Some days, the cells stank; scorched coffee or bean sludge crusted on the bottom of the pan."
"I was tired of feeling dead. What's love about if not risk?"
"Places like Panama, you can hide a lot of dough because the bank secrecy laws have been tight there since day one."
"The trick is not to alert him until we have all our ducks in a row."
"Financial institutions are required to save signature cards, account statements, copies of checks written for any amount over a hundred dollars."
"To me, it's like detonating a nuclear device. You risk as much destruction as you're hoping to unleash."
"I can't go back to that. It's over and done."
"You need to keep it low-key. Kick back and relax while you have the chance."
"You need to take it slow. I don't want you rushing into anything you might regret."
"You either take charge of your life or you might as well give up."
"Pop's like me, weak-willed and indecisive, only not as hell-bent."
"He knows exactly what he wants and he gets it."
"You're only a virgin once, and after that, you might as well reap the benefits."
"If you can't handle the challenge, why complain to me?"
"You really think so? All he has to do is point."
"You think he doesn't have to provide a full accounting to Salustio?"
"I'm telling you, you better throw in your lot with the guys who count."
"We're paid to keep our mouths shut. We help Beck now and he'll see that we're set up for life."
"You want the long version or the short? Long stories are always better."
"Avoiding the truth was easier if I was on the run."
"With quick sex, as with fast food, there was no savoring the moment."
"Why don't you go the whole distance and meet me here."
"One of the problems with being celibate is that once sexual feelings resurface, they're almost impossible to repress."
"I trust you to take care of it and bill me afterwards."
"Old habits die hard. The months she was in prison were the only nights I didn't lie awake waiting for her."
"I could feel myself flush, overtaken by alternating surges of denial and guilt."
"I hope you find her. He doesn't have much time."
"I'm not a snitch, but other people are involved, right?"
"I don't deny I'm protective. I'm also outspoken when it comes to her behavior."
"She's never understood what good parenting is about."
"Children have to take responsibility for what they've done."
"I'd be grateful for any help you can give her."
"I don't understand why you can't go back to Santa Teresa and talk to Vince. There's still a chance the feds can cut you a deal."
"Getting an eyeful?" Misty asked. She sat at the kitchen table in a black satin robe that was tied at the waist, boobs close to bulging out of her lapels.
"I don't care about your motive - just getting you there."
"Ring me anytime you like. I appreciate your efforts on her behalf."
"You blew all the money, didn't you? Salustio's twenty-five grand."
"I'm not very good with this thing. Willard tried to show me, but I can't seem to get the hang of it."
"I don't give a shit about Holloway. She can do anything she wants."
"Everything's a crisis. Everything's the end of the world. It's never anything she's done. She's always the victim, always expecting someone else to pick up after her."