
Cold Storage Quotes

Cold Storage by David Koepp

Cold Storage Quotes
"After they’d burned their clothes, shaved their heads, and scrubbed themselves until they bled, Roberto Diaz and Trini Romano were allowed back into the country."
"He ticked boxes. Head of class at the Air Force Academy? Tick. Major in the USAF by the age of thirty? Tick."
"The future was all he thought about, planned for, obsessed over. His life moved fast, it stayed on schedule, and he played things straight."
"The only thing a fungus needs is to make more fungus."
"In her mind, she’d always thought of her occasional attraction to Roberto as a purely chemical response to his rather overstated good looks."
"She looked up at him, not understanding. 'What else am I supposed to do?'"
"The only question was how many people she was going to take with her when she did."
"When you find yourself staring glassy-eyed at a bank of video monitors... that is the moment you’ll know you’ve bottomed out, entertainment-wise."
"Despite everything that happened, Griffin’s only regret in life so far was that he could never get anyone to agree to call him Griff."
"The God-loving stuff was something she was happy to fake, or even mean it a little sometimes, in exchange for the Snyder embrace."
"There is almost no limit to what a person can achieve early in life when he has the total and unwavering support of a large and uncritical family."
"Why did she feel this weird obligation to him that she didn’t feel to herself?"
"There was no sexual encounter with Mike that was not wholly shot through with his crippling sense of shame."
"Plus they’d all have a baby to raise. Everybody wins."
"The most painful part of all of it was the part she never told anyone."
"Her own kid didn’t like her, and she guessed that was okay, because it cut both ways."
"You’re going to want to, but you just can’t blame the accident on the Bartles & Jaymes."
"Yes, he did leave five minutes early so he could zip around to the other side of the bluffs and be near her parking lot when she left."
"If you had to walk that hallway and a few others like it a dozen times every night for your job, it was boring as shit."
"Except for one, all the way down at the bottom right corner. Its tiny bulb strobed white, in sync with the light on the warning panel nearby."
"She fixed her brown eyes on him, and he looked into them."
"Thus secured to the very top of the very tall tree by his embedded fangs and his commitment to his cause, Mr. Scroggins began to grow."
"He took out the emergency phone, turned it on, and the screen showed the dull red outline of a battery with a big red line through it."
"But there isn’t much any flashlight can do to illuminate a vertical cylindrical shaft that runs three hundred feet straight down into the earth."
"He couldn’t get a handle on the whole thing, because it was ungraspable."
"Mooney’s last bottle of Exotic Berry, aside from being tasty and intoxicating, was also a superb growth inhibitor."
"The universe was a fucked-up place, with lots of shit he’d never understand."
"Fear of Police could be dismissed. He’d done nothing illegal."
"God knew all this shit, and He could not possibly be pleased."
"Yes, God had most certainly taken note of what Mooney had done tonight, disapproved, and started unleashing His righteous fury."
"You can’t just go from forty years of movement and activity to—well, sitting in a chair. Not overnight, and not without motion-induced nerve damage from the sudden stop."
"The deer didn’t have much in the sense of wonder, so it had no interest in trying to puzzle out how a pathogenic, mutating fungus that had been stored in a sealed subterranean environment ended up aboveground in the trunk of a ’96 Chevy Caprice in the first place."
"What mattered now was the part of the movie that scared Sarah the most: when Violet Beauregarde stole the Three-Course-Dinner Gum and began to swell and blow up into an enormous blueberry."
"He knew more about it than anyone else. You have some excellent instincts, and they’ve served you well so far. Now it’s time to trust somebody else."
"I have to get in there the door is closed I have to get in I have to door closed."
"I followed your ass home one morning it was fucked up sorry."
"We gotta go out there and stop that dude before he throws up in somebody else's mouth."
"This colony was similar to Los Angeles—slow, inevitable, and in no one’s best interests."
"In urban terms, this third colony was Atlantic City. Used to be a big deal, dead on its feet now."
"In 1950, Shenzhen, China, was a fishing village with three thousand inhabitants. By 2025, twelve million people will live there."
"A full hazmat suit weighs about ten pounds, the oxygen tank and breathing apparatus another twenty-one."
"He’d shown them both how to arm and activate the T-41, which was fairly straightforward."
"He turned his head and looked at the timer that he’d set on his watch when he first activated the device."
"Oh, how much there is to be said for a sober kiss."