
Email Quotes

There are 419 quotes

"The idea of sending a computer virus through email sounds ridiculous…until it actually happens."
"Gmail's recent innovations include Smart Compose and Confidential Mode."
"Hello world, this is a mail sent with Python. Subscribe to NeuralNine!"
"I invented email when I was the first to convert every feature of the physical paper-based interoffice mail system including inbox outbox memo carbon copy blind carbon copy attachments into its electronic equivalent."
"Winlink is one of the best ways to send emails via radio."
"Elon sends an email, and like the one time I look at Outlook, look at the timestamp, you know?"
"Have you ever wanted to say goodbye to spam and marketing emails for good? Well, Gorilla Mail is an application that will help you to do exactly that."
"Gmail can remind you to reply. That's actually super cool as part of its new design."
"Male tag is a Chrome extension that allows you to track your emails in real time for free."
"You really need to be with IMAP, especially those of you who use email in business."
"One of my little pieces of advice that I give all of my clients... You really need to be with IMAP."
"Remember, you can always send me your recommendations for cases to Stefanie Harlow at gmail.com."
"Beautiful day twenty-four. Well, this looks like some fun email."
"Setting up our email marketing is going to be a really great way to improve our conversions in the future at a much lower cost."
"HTML actually does some validation for us if we specifically specify that 'Hey, this is an email.'"
"SES... is really utilized for professional emails, marketing emails."
"Building an email list will make whatever your online marketing objective is much easier."
"Once you've got people on your email list... you can market to those people for months, even years after they subscribed."
"Building an email list is a very cost-effective way to promote your products or services in the future."
"Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your marketing arsenal."
"Every single email that they author will now be Orange signed."
"I found the email that was sent to me."
"Nowadays, thanks to AI like ChatGPT, spammers can polish up those crappy old emails."
"If the token is expired, we need to send the validation email again."
"Mailgun is how modern companies work with email."
"Mailgun makes it easier than ever to build connected experiences through email."
"No email service is going to be 100% private. Email is a very old technology, it was never meant to be private or even that secure."
"Email marketing is an advertising strategy that is as strong as ever and has reinvented itself over and over again."
"This is perfect for things like answering emails when you need to get information from other places planning lessons."
"Always try to write out your own personalized emails."
"Implementing a spam filter reduces the number of unwanted messages in the email system."
"...where you are going to be able to deliver your email and within parameters expect that it will actually reach the inbox."
"...the most conservative way to build an email marketing list because if an individual confirms it means then that they had to initiate the process to become part of your list."
"...this is your proof that you added people to your list only with their permission."
"Mailgun truly makes it easier than ever to build connected experiences through email."
"...you can email them directly from QuickBooks there is a standard default template that will be set up and you can go in and edit that if you like..."
"That's going to open up this little window and there is the unique email address."
"Being able to access and work with our email is one of the most fundamental parts of working within Microsoft 365."
"Two other options that we have available in Outlook online to help us manage our emails are focused inbox and sweep."
"Archiving effectively allows you to retain important emails but it also allows you to keep the amount of space that you're using in your inbox low."
"Setting up automatic replies is actually really helpful to your recipients because it enables them to understand why you might not be replying immediately."
"Rules can help us become more efficient and help us manage and organize our email."
"For every $1 you spend on email marketing you get $42 back. $4,200 return of investment, that's insane!"
"Our current email is good but it's still possible for potential clients to ignore it or say no."
"The world should be working to increase the security of email since it winds up being the linchpin for everything."
"Permission-based marketing is you're only in their inbox because they want you there."
"So next time you want to send an email and copy in your team using your group mailbox, well go ahead and click on the CC or the two button inside of Outlook."
"But we, of course, do a few other things than counting emails."
"Essential Business phrase number seven is kind of two for one. It is to shoot off an email or to fire off an email."
"I'm not understanding how it's too hard to just write a cordial, platonic email, and that you have to drop it like it's hot on that email. That's what really has me thrown all the way to the left."
"We don't actually have to have a computer program take over our email; we could just reorganize work so that we don't have to check email once every 5 minutes."
"Mailgun is how modern companies work with email. Mailgun is easy to use, has amazing world-class support, and simple but powerful APIs that smart developers can use to reach customers at scale."
"By promoting something on email, you're not trying to sell them something, you're actually trying to improve their lives."
"I prefer to send myself a test email so I can click on everything and see how it looks on desktop and mobile."
"Tutanota does not compromise at all."
"If you're looking for an alternative to Gmail that is more privacy-conscious that has end-to-end encryption features when used properly and you kind of like sexy design, I would say go for ProtonMail."
"...a hyperlink that they can click on... it's a great way to share information through Gmail."
"Spam makes up about 90% of all emails sent."
"I got the email that changed my life forever."
"Change email notification settings to manage inbox overload."
"I got a whole new email on a totally different server that's really secure and I'm just in the process of transferring everything."
"Creating a professional-looking email signature can be done quickly."
"ARC passing generally guarantees a better spam score, so if you're conducting phishing engagements, all you have to do is adopt ARC and you'll have a better chance of landing that email in people's inbox. Little red team pro tip right there."
"So, blackhat.com didn't have an SPF or DMARC record until February 2023. And because ProtonMail, which is the service I use for my mail, takes ARC into consideration, through the Cloudflare Worker that used MailChannels, I was able to spoof blackhat.com."
"The sheer presence of ARC passing in the email headers guarantees a better spam score."
"Email security is very brittle. It still relies on users and orgs to do the right things."
"And if you're an email service provider, like Gmail, Outlook, don't just bump the spam score of an email just because ARC is passing."
"The first objective of a subject line is to increase open rate. It needs to captivate attention."
"Now from here we can go ahead and include our signatures, attach files, and create the body of the message."
"Now that we've done a little tour of that, I think it'd be cool to figure out some formatting options for our messages when creating new emails."
"Now the very first one that I like to use is when I have certain text that I want to make stand out, I'll try to increase the font size because bigger means important, and I like to use a keyboard shortcut for that."
"MailerLite offers the best free plan, allowing you to send 12,000 emails monthly, have up to 1,000 subscribers, and full marketing automation."
"If you're looking for a beginner-friendly and simplistic email tool, take a look at ConvertKit."
"The belief is that the specific content in your email will resonate with a specific group more authentically."
"A well-designed email should highlight the brand and reinforce the brand story while at the same time not be too invasive and commercial in nature."
"A successful email landing in your customer or prospect's inbox should feel like receiving a new letter from a friend."
"Most superhuman users myself included say that they can't go back to using Gmail or Outlook after using superhuman."
"Your inbox contains personal details about your life, so you don't want this to be in the hands of hackers, scammers, or email providers tracking you."
"Pop the trunk on companies that make you enter your email to unsubscribe from their emails."
"...you are able to see Jim Bob is using his particular [email protected] as an identity."
"I just really like it when people email to introduce themselves, especially if it’s not coming with a loaded question."
"At the very beginning I got a [ __ ] ton of emails all at once and I was like oh my god what is happening?"
"Brands on average will make 20% of all their earnings from emails."
"An email needs to be different, it needs to be an interrupt for someone."
"Focus more on email marketing and SMS. The best way to bring visitors back is to grab their email or their phone number."
"Now I'm in box zero and then the ones that I actually need to reply to are all just like to do items in the thing so it makes it a lot easier to manage your email."
"I'm hitting inbox zero, and I know what you're thinking, oh Miles, you read all your emails, no, I f**king archived all the emails that are no longer relevant to me."
"The online marketing playbook is constantly evolving, but one thing has remained constant: our obsession with email as a tool to communicate and engage with the world."
"If you're the copywriter who's been able to make people 10, 20, 50, $100,000 every single month just with email, then that's bragging rights for you."
"That looks a lot more like an official email."
"In emails always post gifs...but really mind the file sizes."
"Did you ever have Chad GBT write an email for you? You're like, 'What am I, a lawyer?'"
"when you tell someone to do something and they say sure can you send that to me in the email form that should be a warning sign"
"This was the day that I woke up and read an email from a girl in Minnesota."
"Our mailing address is Coghill 40, P.O. Box 2782, Clanton, Alabama, 35046. Or you can email us at [email protected]."
"I had email before the public had email."
"A user is verifying the contents of an email by using the public key of the sender, which of the following best describes this verification? It's a digital signature."
"Hell yeah, my emails will go unanswered, that's what I want."
"Unsubscribing from emails takes two clicks but mentally just so difficult."
"I just got that email. So now that Rhone's here, the whole crew is finally back for the first time in a very long time."
"Now, something that you could use it for is something like generating an email. This is something that you absolutely could do and it's, you know, pretty simple."
"Email encryption is used to protect email and attachments from unauthorized users."
"If you can email us, the email will be at the end of the video or give us a ring, I'll always be quite happy to chat to people."
"I love how that guy apologized for his behavior thinking he'd get his old spot back like the guy should have just answered those emails."
"If you want to run a more hardened computer experience, you can run your email on Thunderbird under Onyx."
"You're being upset and the way you're talking, you are eventually going to make me upset because that's not going to work, and I know me, so I'm just going to nah, let's not talk. Or send me that shit on the email."
"...he sent me a lovely email full of enthusiasm for my idea and support."
"So by now you should have a much better understanding of what you can look for if you come across an email that you suspect could be fake, but might not be very obvious on the surface."
"Nobody looks at their email and says, 'Oh, let me go check to see what promotions I have in my email box today.'"
"The office of Fiona grenade then sends on the same day itself then sends an email to TCT."
"The framework of any successful outreach: Subject line, personalized introduction, highlight a pain point, offer a solution, call to action."
"I sobbed tears opening that email would be the understatement of the century."
"I can pinpoint the moment when I got that magical email."
"The golden ticket to me being successful is understanding why this email works really well."
"I did get that email, so I'm assuming that mine will have that lamp."
"If a client, for instance, gets an email with the phishing link in it and it clicks on that, that goes to the van side."
"Ideally customer will choose to proceed with IMAP migration only when source mailboxes are present in non-exchange servers like third-party servers."
"Email marketing is very, very important. It is a number one way for people to purchase from you."
"Essentially what [email inboxes] are is a tool for someone else to add something to your to-do list."
"If you ever want reports on these, you can always request them and they will email them to you."
"MX records are mail exchange records and they really kind of answer the question where should email for a domain name be sent."
"You might be nervous but you're going to email me and say you know what it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was."
"So let's say you're sending an urgent email to somebody but in the after hours you don't want to alarm them and get them folded into monitoring their inbox at really awkward hours from the sense of work life balance."
"You can see here there's a report drop down link You can port phishing and that's the native one but you could also report this as junk mail as well too."
"I just got an email from the owner of the club right before we started, and he offered me a gig, a full-time gig."
"That's your visual cue that there is an attachment with that email."
"Email marketing, it's your insurance in the unpredictable nature of social media platforms."
"One of the main functions of SendGrid is to help you to send effective transactional email."
"Your email will reflect the fact that it's being sent by your domain."
"What sendgrid does is it increases deliverability because those links are then changed to something that looks like your domain."
"I actually don't hate email anymore."
"I got a bunch of unsolicited testimonies in my email from patients who said you cannot believe how much went right."
"Go ahead and set up your undo send feature in your settings."
"When you are sending email notifications, when you're sending tasks do reminders, you would like your dates to be formatted right."
"Email marketing is not dead, it is the number one way to reach your target market."
"Mailchimp is a great place to get started with your email marketing because they have an awesome free plan."
"The best thing you can do is ask them to opt-in to your email list."
"If you only block [email], it goes to spam and sits there."
"Best practices for email subject lines: make them personal, use emojis, and opt for title case."
"Develop a sense of urgency...if it's Thursday, I better open this email."
"Subject lines and having good subject lines is the way to get people to open it."
"If an email is personalized, the chances of somebody clicking on it are going to be greater."
"Get people to willingly opt-in for your emails."
"Email is just like this Workhorse in my business."
"Customers actually prefer to receive marketing messages via email rather than any other channel."
"People will open their email based on the subject line."
"Your subject line always has to be catchy."
"It's important that you can take people to an email list and you can communicate with them."
"Nowadays, having an email ending in gmail or yahoo or icloud just doesn’t cut it—it just looks unprofessional—and through Hover, setting up a custom email at your domain really isn’t expensive at all."
"Transactions are as cheap and fast as sending an email, but it's still backed by the security of bitcoin."
"Rapportive was so popular that it was the first gmail extension to reach 1 million users."
"Superhuman is designed to be the fastest email experience in the world."
"Once you do that, you are going to get an email on your email ID."
"The email terrorism is out of control and nobody's doing anything about it. It's going on right now, invasions of inboxes without consent and everybody just acts like it's okay."
"So we're gonna add an MX record and basically it's the record that tells whoever's trying to email your domain where to look."
"Even if you don't think it's the most important thing, start an email list."
"we've added per account signatures in mail"
"Imagine if every time you wrote a daily email and sent it out, you got to deposit in your checking account for $10,000. Imagine if that was the case, everyone would do it every day, you would have no problem doing it."
"There's just an endless supply of people looking for good email creatives."
"...and you got a little green check mark right here to let you know you have email 2fa or two-step turned on."
"You get one life. You could die tomorrow. I could die tomorrow. I don't want to live that life knowing that I just got caught up in email."
"I did buy a pattern, the emia address by so me something."
"For every one dollar spent on email marketing, you can make up to forty-two dollars on average as a return, as reported by DMA Marketer Email Tracker. In other words, email marketing isn't something you can afford to ignore."
"How to win at Modern Life one email at a time."
"If you send emails with great valuable content, people are going to open them, click through them, and like them."
"I know this email probably won't get read, right? Right."
"Be the knowledge broker, be the expert, leverage email."
"...if I want to use it for work then I'm going to end up thinking oh yeah that's great I can put my work email on it and I can actually have the badged work profile apps just like I have on the Inc tablets."
"If an email fails an SPF check, it can be an easy mechanism to detect spam."
"Mass email leads tool is a pretty popular option."
"SPF and DKIM work really well together. With SPF, we know that the envelope has come from me, and with the addition of DKIM, we know the contents of that email or the contents of that letter haven't been tampered with."
"Implementing DMARC is a really professional way to set up your email system. You're showing the world that you take security really seriously."
"The email header includes message title, the IP address of the sender, sometimes it will include the name of the device or username, it also has timestamps."
"Be watchful of the ideas you put in emails - political statements, beliefs, and other things that can be used to profile you should be kept in isolated email accounts."
"Ensure each user has a single email by adding a constraint on the users table."
"If you have any questions, by all means, send me an email or meet me on the discussion boards."
"It also shows you when people have opened your emails which lets you respond to them quicker."
"Distribution group is a group created so everyone receives that email."
"...you can specify in your D mark record whether or not you want other mail servers that receive email claiming to come from your domain to be able to send you back reports providing an overview of how your domain is being used."
"Hopefully you can see that I'm just trying to decide what I want to wear because the company doing their achieve emailed me this morning."
"If you want a chance to win then all you have to do is email them and say that you heard about Bigfoot Finders on Cryptids Canada."
"this is the email that got me the foot in the door this is the email that got me my coding interviews scheduled it's the email that basically led to my getting the job at Google."
"Now setting up an outgoing email server is beyond the scope of this video."
"Our goal is to discontinue paper memos and to use email."
"Every email that you send out, whether it is broadcast or an automation is an emotional deposit or a withdrawal in somebody's life."
"Every time you send out an email you are delivering on that promise that you made to them when they first signed up to hear from you."
"You can email me on the email address down below."
"You get your results in one hour by email. Okay. Is awesome. Thank you so much!"
"How would you build this if requests were submitted via email?"
"This email is definitely going to perform better in its base form than an email that you're going to write from scratch if you've got no sales experience."
"Lastly, is 2021, 2022, 2023 is the year of AMP. AMP is Accelerated Mobile Pages, allows websites to be more engaging, interactive, and actionable. So landing pages and websites are like that, that same technology is coming to email."
"Then there is IMAP, which is Internet Message Access Protocols. Basically what it means: you can access emails wherever you go."
"I hate responding to email. It's a whole army of those crazy multi-colored pencils."
"When it comes to email marketing design, consistency is key for better results."
"Using templates will help you achieve that and save you tons of time as well."
"Email marketing is the number one driver of sales online. It's the best way; people prefer to buy through email."
"66% of people who buy online prefer to buy through email versus 12% who prefer to buy through social media."
"Put all that information out in a nicely formatted fashion in an email and send it out to the user."
"I have some families who say, 'Can I please just send an email? I don't want to call.'"
"Congratulations, do send me a claiming email."