
Historical Wealth Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"During his time we were the second richest country in Asia, the pearl of the Orient. Wow, that is a beautiful thing."
"The wealthy Borghese family filled their 17th-century villa with art."
"Argentina before the first World War was one of the wealthiest nations in the world."
"China was the wealthiest most technologically advanced nation on earth for most of this period."
"He rode across Africa on zebras carrying thousands of pounds of gold and that was the equivalent of spare change to him." - About Mansa Musa
"As magnificent as this sudden onset of wealth was, the Osage at the beginning of their reign as some of the wealthiest people on planet Earth were caught in one of History's many intermediary points."
"This is, I said before in 1920, the UK was the richest, most powerful country in the world."
"If alcohol was a way of displaying wealth then the lavish lifestyles of the Royal Court give us an idea about how much booze people would have had access to."
"Ancient Rome: powerful yet not as wealthy as assumed."
"Nauru gained a reputation as a paradise, nicknamed 'Pleasant Island.'"
"By 1975, Nauru was per capita the second richest nation on earth."
"Their society stands on its own as one of the strongest, wealthiest, and most sophisticated of antiquity."
"In Rome, owning gold was vital; it bought favors at all levels."
"There's a lot more wealth and historical wealth as well still residing here."
"China had been the richest country in the world by far and had been for a long long time."
"There's a long history of black men and women who've acquired massive amounts of wealth where white people realize, 'Hey wait a minute, we could just change the law, we can break the law, we can go get that money.'"
"It's not clear exactly who the tombs owners were, but their contents suggest wealth, power, and far-flung trade connections in the Bronze Age world."
"Richer than the Vanderbilts, the Gettys, or the Rockefellers."
"The Mali Empire was one of the wealthiest states in the world."
"Their ships plowed the seas and rivers of the north and penetrated into the land mass of today's Russia, Ukraine, and Poland in search of the legendary wealth of the south."
"More than 70 public libraries of which the one in Cordova alone contained 600,000 manuscripts."
"The east side has old money because back in the day when these factories were being built, there were tons and tons of money."
"The Egyptians were a mighty civilization with enormous wealth, power, and resources, and this allowed them to go to tremendous lengths to create sacred temples and dwellings for their gods."
"Melbourne was the richest city in the world in 1880."
"The trade empire Ghana controlled produced wealth that convinced these writers that this empire was no doubt among the wealthiest in the world."
"Throughout history, fat has been considered actually an advance of wealth and of ability to provide for oneself."
"It was estimated that a hundred million dollars in gold was handled by this office."
"Venice was the richest city in Christendom."
"This was a time of wealthy and powerful rulers, a time of magnificent palaces, of desert fortresses, kasbahs, and harems."
"The resulting trade with the Greeks made the Etruscans rich."
"The average Osage family with three kids received over $65,000 a year, which is over $1.1 million today."
"Imagine India in the year 1000 CE. India was the most prosperous country and accounted for nearly one third of the GDP of the whole world."
"Riches poured back into Lisbon, which rapidly developed into one of Europe's most splendid cities."
"It's interesting because they were a seafaring culture... that international trade made them wealthy but also is what eventually made them vulnerable."
"The properties of Ephesus, the oil barons of Spain, the entrepreneurs of the seas have left the traces of their success stories."
"Gold brought wealth to the caliphs and sultans in great splendor."
"George Washington is the second richest President in American history, and he got those riches through his numerous plantations and through the enslavement of Africans."
"Shipbuilding, trade, and privateering brought great wealth to Newburyport, this in turn generated a quality of architecture and urban design matched by few cities."
"At the beginning of the 17th century, India was a prosperous powerhouse."