
Religious Exploration Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Most people don't want to talk about it, and so the fact that Anthony has decided to make a full video on his main channel talking to actual Satanists is a big step in the right direction."
"It ain't all sunshine and rainbows down there, no sir. There are strange, yes very strange things the good book says about the belly of this world."
"Many people just don't truly know him, they know of him, they're like a fan of him."
"We can either stay within the Christianity we have domesticated or journey to reality where God is present in every person, community, and creation."
"Before you resign that exploration on insufficient evidence, take seriously the possibility that God might exist and explore the person of Jesus for yourself."
"It's the difference between searching and being found."
"To be truly religious, what you need to do is to experience all the different religions."
"Lisa explores other religions and settles on Buddhism."
"The focus in Hinduism is on developing your own thinking power, your own number of exploration."
"Why not go to the Bible and seek out religious understanding of this?"
"Life is short and precious, and there are not enough hours in a day to spend one's life studying all the world's religious texts to uncover if they hold a glimmer of truth."
"God is so wonderful and I didn't have a Bible, but I was supposed to, I was invited to go to a Bible study by my business friends, so I had to go to something called a Christian bookstore and get a Bible."
"What did you do to help during that difficult time?"
"A billion years will go by in heaven and we will still have so much to learn about God."
"He's an Old Testament he'd come out of this thing like you know what maybe Judaism is for me."
"You owe it to yourself, you owe it to yourself, you've read so many other books, read the Quran."
"I was determined to kick my Judeo-Christian ghost."
"I am genuinely fascinated with cultures and beliefs that surround religion."
"I believe it's a religion. It's my religion, you know what I'm saying? If you say, okay, so you're not okay, well, have you tried, have you read a book, do you understand?"
"It's cool to learn about lunataya and their religion and all that kind of stuff."
"For her and I think many Protestants they feel drawn to orthodoxy because they're tired of the triteness of much of evangelical worship."
"Praise inshallah mashallah I'll literally whatever religion I got to do just keep going whatever it takes I will find Mecca and I will pray if that's what it takes."
"We're simply saying there's other ways, and through which way more people have walked and activated their Christ Consciousness."
"If you're looking for Jesus, you can put the pieces together."
"The difference between me and you is what I did is was actually let me investigate Islam and see the evidence is that objectively make it true."
"Christianity needs to ReDiscover what he calls its Bush Soul. It's undomesticated, it's weird to remember its weirdness, to remember its essential christness. There's nothing reassuring about Jesus."
"Doubts and questions can actually be a part of a growing faith."
"I thoroughly respect a person who has explored multiple religions and belief systems."
"I've lived all my life Christians telling on stuff new Muslims you believe in something false and so I honestly sat down and began to read the Bible."
"Prayer is not a soft place to lay our heads or a workout team for burning spiritual fat, it's a wild unpredictable Adventure."
"If your focus is just Arabic and Quran, if that's the initial intention you came with, I wouldn't really recommend Islam for you to open field."
"Religion is the search, it's not the discovery."
"Would you recommend the Book of Enoch to someone raised Protestant interested in Christian mysticism? Absolutely."
"...my Calvinism series is my love letter to my former church and my appeal to them to really go and be a good Berean and to search the scriptures and to really wrestle with these things."
"'Giants fallen angels and the return of the Nephilim' - this book will amaze you and open your mind to mysteries hidden in the Bible."
"Isn't it fun just knowing God and exploring all that He has for us? But it's a journey."
"It made me curious enough to read the Quran and see that it probably was something that I needed to investigate more completely. And I was won over by the arguments."
"I knew something about this Jesus in the Bible, but who he was personally, I didn't know him."
"My favorite thing about Bible project is it is exploratory and takes you on a journey through the many books of the word of God."
"We decided to explore religion together."
"I grew up Protestant my whole life, and after I came across your videos, I'm gravitating towards the Orthodox Church."
"I am drawn to abandon God in order to find God again."
"The only honest way of saying I have arrived at the one true religion is to investigate each and every religion."
"My son is interested in Islam, and we've been learning more about it together."
"Let's go back to the ancient church."