
Character Love Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"The movie we made with a lot of love for these characters and for this world."
"I wasn't expecting to love the characters, but Sunlin and Martha have captured my heart."
"My favorite game gang is the mox for sure. They're a militant gang of sex workers. I don't know if there's not to love about that."
"Who doesn't love Olaf? He's everyone's favorite."
"I love Miss Fortune, her pep talk is just so awesome."
"I just love these characters I love their back stories I love this stories that they have with these characters is awesome."
"Whitebeard had my heart from the very start."
"Straight up Among Us, I'm giving this an A, bro, I love that so much."
"Beta Ray Bill, looks phenomenal, love the character."
"Captain Carter, alternate universe Captain America, love Hayley Atwell."
"Genie isn't beloved because Aladdin was successful. It wasn't about money."
"I love her already, you can't not love Yuffie."
"Their connection was so perfect and I just love them so much."
"Literally best person ever, straight into the waifu."
"What's not to love? How many things are universally loved, you know? Thor's Hemsworth, universally loved in this role."
"Please let me stay with Prince Dashie! I love him!"
"Oda's response was, 'Of course, they're all in love with their grand adventure.'"
"I'm excited. I love Ewan McGregor. Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of my favorite characters, so I'm excited."
"Every single time I see Agent Smith I just love his character more and more. I know he's like the villain but I love him like he's just so calm and collected but at the same time he's like out of control and a badass so I really really like him."
"The hottest person in that show is Otis's mom, Gillian Anderson. It's a character you love."
"He [Ryan Reynolds] loves this character so much, he knows him inside and out."
"I'd say Kagame alone is fantastic though that's just one character I love so much about Kabuto."
"REM has so much love for Subaru that Subaru can obviously what we were shown there is that REM has such a love for Subaru and his happiness that she's literally willing to do the most absurd."
"I love Joel and Ellie and I love their relationship."
"I actually loved this book, five out of five loved Aidan."
"So if I could have like my perfect girlfriend, it would be Belle."
"I absolutely love Manon, and I love her chapters so much."
"What I love most about Starsky was Hutch, and what I loved most about Hutch was Starsky because they shared the same heart."
"As much as I love Frank Lee though, I have the softest of soft spots for Kaz Brecker."
"I love Chucky. He's a cultural icon now."
"I'm deeply in love with the character, deeply in love with the show, the story, and the family that we created."
"I absolutely love this character, I absolutely love this figure, and it takes pride of place in my little Tatooine setup here."
"Forget Sally from Jack and Sally; it's me, I just love it."
"I love Ganyu, she is definitely one of my favorite characters."
"I only buy figures of characters I really, really love and really want in the collection long-term."
"I fell in love with this creature, and that was important. The story does not work if you don't have that."
"People love Lori Strode and you got to put respect on her name."
"The writing is fantastic. I really love all most of the characters."
"I was obsessed with her as a character. I just absolutely adored her."
"I love all the characters, I love the art."
"I really love Lyn; she's my favorite Fire Emblem character."
"There are so many agendas, the thing to love about One Piece is you have a character that you love and they're going to get some type of shine."
"I love Marvin the Martian so much and I feel like you don't hardly ever see him on anything."
"I love portraying Wonder Woman; it's so close to and dear to my heart."
"It's just like how you like to watch shows that you are familiar with; when you love the character more, it makes you appreciate them as a member, as a person, as a human."
"We only had one artist drawing all of our pictures and we used the same picture so we use the same characters... they just love the series."
"I love Hopper as well, there's just so many great characters on the show that it's hard to choose."
"I love this new character so freaking much."
"I love the way Joey fights for the people he loves. I love Téa's stupid friendship speeches. I love Tristan's ability to break people's necks with his mind. But most of all... I love you, Yugi!"
"I am in love with Cleo Denial, she is my new fave."
"Don't try to understand Leno, just love him the way he is."
"I love G3 Venus, I love G1 Venus, and I just love Venus overall."
"I love to know what's in the canon and to know that there's a character that canonically loves you no matter what."
"The fans shouted to Parku Me the main character that she was the best and they loved her."
"I am definitely in love with Faith. I love her so much."
"Atlas is literally one of my favorite characters of all time."
"I love Kate, and then we got to see Yelena. I love her, and those two working together, that's good."
"It was wonderful, the love that the guests had for the Pocahontas character."
"Hell yeah, Sara Lance. I can love her so much."
"I love Donna Troy so much, so I was proud to get to play her."
"I love these characters, In Space is great, Astronema and Ecliptor are awesome."
"I'm hoping it's about more characters similar to Birdie that are just so fun you can't help but love them."
"If you have any love for that character in any version, you have to watch this crossover."
"I love Ethan Hunt as a character."
"I love his character so much and then he also has this kind of sea dragon companion that is my favorite thing."
"I love my boy Kakashi so much, the man's a genius."
"Us webcomic readers and anime watchers love Rak because he's such a lovable guy."
"I love the Grinch, don't even get me started on the Grinch."
"The world itself was just so unique and vibrant and the characters as well, I fell in love with so many of them."
"I'm hopeful because I like Mangold and because I know that Harrison Ford does love this character."
"In another world, I would always love to play Wally. I love his character so much."