
Fitting Quotes

There are 372 quotes

"The beat had that extra dramatic feel to it, fit really well with the verses."
"Michael Myers would be perfect in the Mortal Kombat games. He does fatalities on everyone in his movies."
"It's fitting up really, really well, and I'm stoked about the way it's looking."
"I knew it was an interesting idea, I just didn't know where it would fit. And when it came to this game, it was like this, this is it."
"Wow, great idea, Dottie! And it's the same size as the hole, it's perfect!"
"Fits the aesthetic of BioShock Infinite absolutely perfectly."
"Legacy was the major theme for this season so it does feel very fitting that it is the title for the finale."
"Hey if the shoe fits, I'll save the happy one for the end."
"Dress fitting, last measurements before you try it out, last time."
"All of this stuff seems to be falling into place."
"Now that could just be down to the fact that I'm wearing jeans and I'm not wearing cycling shorts, but the stem length was spot on and the bike frame size was spot on. That's like how? It was amazing."
"Essentially all that snug across the bum but like not that it's uncomfortable."
"This turned out to be the perfect size for this specific couch."
"I think it fit really nicely, so I was trying to get the interior to also fit just as nice."
"The Terminator would fit extremely well into the Mortal Kombat universe."
"Look at that thing fitting there. Look at that, that's insane!"
"It's kind of part of the game, trying to get things to fit together well."
"Fits exactly what they need in terms of their prospecting pool."
"I was not sure how much stretch it was going to have, but this one has a lot of stretch. It's actually probably too big."
"Tim Ryan actually fits The Vibes and his face so perfectly."
"I've always felt like Google belongs in this dang portfolio somewhere."
"I'm liking that. Hold on, this is working real well. Oh, that fits really well, look at that."
"There is no better fitting to an ending than what she just said right there."
"Wow, I love it. It fits like a gem."
"It's like a puzzle and all the pieces fit together."
"This truly was the legend fitting for a royal."
"Well done, and it fits, that's really nice."
"If the shoe doesn't fit, don't wear it."
"It's a very natural conclusion to her story and I think it's perfect for her."
"Like a glove. Well, we'll find out in a second."
"You can be Shaq, you can be like 10 feet tall and fit in a Challenger."
"It's fitting in the car that's the issue with Camaro."
"He hardly fits in with the villain's other variants."
"I can definitely see something like this fitting well with Thor 5 based on what you're saying cinematically would look awesome too."
"Find the square hole that fits for you."
"If you like your belt a little bit looser and you don't like cinching it down as tight as you can go, size up. If you like to cinch your belt down as tight as you can... then go the size down."
"Did everything fit? And you're like, 'Nothing.' And you look at them, you're like, 'Like that.' And you're like, 'Go in the, you'll see when you go in the dressing room and I left everything in there because nothing fits.'"
"I think Bard core actually fits very well to what he's doing."
"I thoroughly enjoyed getting my breasts fit."
"This version of Captain Pike fits that, you're absolutely right."
"I'm in love with the shape. Yours and mine really are gonna fit right together."
"That's exactly how the other one fit, the same."
"There is nothing worse than packing something, getting there, putting it on, and it not fitting or not looking right."
"Thomas and the Royal Engine is a very fitting finale for the series."
"I feel like a fitting into a perfect shoe that was made for you."
"Now, upon trying it on, it's a little tight, up in the tatas, up in the pits; but what I would really love to do, is to give the top – the bodice – a fit more like *this.*"
"His abilities seemed to be the most fitting."
"This is treated like a dirty dozen war film. It's a dirty dozen war heist movie. So taking these insanely exaggerated characters and fitting them in, they fit perfectly."
"I'm just loving the soundtrack it really fits the world it fits the intensity."
"So you'll definitely want to try one on and by the way, you wear these, you don't get in them."
"If you buy pants off the rack, bear in mind that they will never fit you perfectly."
"Don't squeeze into the 32s because you want to be a 32 when in fact, you are a 36."
"It's pretty bizarre, but it fits the narrative, it fits the game. Well done."
"He fits perfectly in Doc Holliday's crew."
"This is why I love this thing. Look at it, it fits."
"It's iconic and it just fits so well. All right, gold dust's theme."
"...this is nerve-racking, yep I should be able to get in there, I'm try my best I'm hoping we don't got to change that fitting in there that would be another nightmare."
"I actually feel like it fits perfectly."
"Hopefully the tolerances are good. I'd hate for it to print this out and have it not fit, you know?"
"Each cast member fits their role perfectly."
"The music fits perfectly for the vibe of this."
"We want it to be a little bit loose on there."
"I think people should do less fitting and more designing."
"I think it looks like it's gonna fit absolutely perfect."
"So funny how well things can fit, you absolutely nailed it,"
"It fits me so well. It was not what I had in mind, but it's perfect."
"I feel like the ladies at Victoria's Secret when they aggressively tell you that you're wearing the wrong bra size."
"He was known for getting the theme to fit the wrestler better than anyone else in wrestling history."
"I'm also going to add some of these really cute witches brooms because the sign has a witch broom on it I thought this was quite fitting to add."
"Unfortunately, especially the right one. My right foot is half a size smaller than my left one, so that makes things difficult."
"He fits pretty good, that's not bad."
"Smooth like butter, yeah it totally fits."
"Sometimes you just find things in life that fit, and life just helps make it fit for you."
"I am so happy I can finally fit this outfit."
"Everything had gone so smoothly... everything had fitted terribly well."
"Design them properly, and it's like, 'Wow, these totally fit this space.'"
"That's amazing, like form fitted."
"These are actually big on me, but yeah, I know, yeah, if you get something that just covered the sphincter, that would be great."
"What do you think the chances are this belt is too too loose?"
"...this all felt so natural and such a good fit. This is where the first doctor went away to in the 10th Planet. It fits seamlessly into the law."
"...the most important thing is that any helmet fits you properly."
"...any helmet fits you properly so always make sure it's snug."
"Everything is fitting really well."
"You just want to get the stuff that fits, if you go too big you're going to be frustrated."
"I'll do a final fit of these later."
"I love the way this looks like it just fits it's so snug and perfect."
"It fits, it works, it is a great button on a very tumultuous era."
"If you're looking for a very tight-fitted Captain America suit, I recommend going ahead and going with that Winter Soldier suit."
"If the suit don't fit, it's not yours."
"These fit me like a glove I love finding pants that fit me like perfectly because I am kind of a weird shape of like waist and leg length so when I find like a pant that fits me I'm just so happy."
"Dude, that logo just looks at home."
"...Michelle Pfeiffer just gives this amazing crazy performance that fits the movie that she's in perfectly..."
"It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle... when you find the actual piece, it fits perfectly and it goes into place with a little click."
"Does your suit have to be like for 12 and that max is 15?"
"Emily's house is very muted and neutral, which fits Pam's conservative character."
"Wearing clothes that actually fit you will automatically make you look more put together."
"When you do reset size, you need to be the right size."
"I thought I was going to have to trim some of it off but it fits, maybe a little overhang but nothing crazy. That's nice."
"Your reward fits your heroic deed."
"Look how nice this fits, beautiful."
"This dress is more fitted and it's a dark maroon color, which you're trying to tip on there, you're trying to get as rebellious as you possibly could there I see."
"It's like I just fit Cinderella's slipper. It's perfect."
"If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit, we need to take it out and do it right."
"I finally got fitted for the right size. I am super excited about that."
"Fitting should be approached as if you're putting together a puzzle."
"This is the best fitting ring ever."
"But yeah, oh my goodness, you guys, no wonder I did try this dress on and it fit kind of oversized."
"It looked exactly like the picture, fits perfectly, it's just perfect."
"This will then go to our air frame shop where it gets fitted with an upper gear box mount and a gas tank."
"Let's put an AC unit into this window. I've never been a huge fan of window units, but I think this would be a perfect fit out here since it's super off grid."
"We just finished at the Ralph Lauren fitting. It went really well actually. We found the most amazing outfits for tomorrow night."
"This dress literally fits me like a glove. I'm so sure."
"The bigger tire fits in there extremely well."
"It all fits so perfectly, it's all making sense."
"It definitely fits into that luxury segment."
"That falls just in about the right middle, it's not too big but it'll fit more or less anywhere."
"It fit more with the Raphael character, how they wrote him in this movie."
"From a tone standpoint, this fits much more in line with what I want from an alien film."
"Version two is fitting better than my self-drafted sloper."
"A lot of people think Casper's stand is actually too far forward because he has such a long body, because there's a lot of room here, but actually it's very perfectly and nicely on him."
"I'm hoping that this is all gonna fit."
"The whole thing fit really well off the bat, I didn't have to adjust any of the back parts, I just had to adjust how the linen pieces in front and the side pieces with the straps actually interact with each other."
"It's always so nice when things fit"
"Legs good news, the trousers fit. They're a little long, they need a little bit of fine tuning, but I think they are on a good way."
"Would you believe that all the products fit so well in here?"
"Focus on fit, and the best way to do that is to always, even though it's time-consuming, make a muslin mock-up, a twelfth of it. Always. Don't skip that."
"I'm a triple on the top, I'm a double on the bottom."
"You look like you're going to Samuel Jackson's house, fine. You gave me all the reasons not to get it. No, I'm jelly, I can't fit it. I can fit this though."
"It has to fit through that tiny little hole and then it just, you know, pops out like a little poop."
"We're going to fit a model, in our case the model is very basic."
"It's like a Tetris anxiety because this doesn't fit right."
"I'm at my fitting you can't really even walk honestly I really want the green dress."
"That fits perfect, I'm really excited."
"When you're in between sizes go down because they often stretch."
"When you fall into these oversized trends, the trend that's happening right now... you're going to have to look for clothing that is fitting you a bit better."
"To say it suits you would be an insult. It suits you in ways that I just don't have the words for."
"Cut your clothes according to your material, not your size."
"I love sarcasm, it's quite fitting."
"If you wanted to go true to size, you size down, so this is the perfect fitting hoodie for me."
"All the way down, almost as low as they could possibly go on the ruck, that's just how they fit to me."
"Their wedding was certainly not traditional by Western standards, but it somehow seemed fitting for the newlyweds."
"...it's perfectly fitting here for the GT3 because it really just tells everyone that this is indeed a race car."
"How's it all gonna fit," you might be asking yourself. Well, friends, I mean that will fit."
"You have such emotional strength and loyalty to this person, and you choose it. You're saying it fits you just right."
"My life has been for the last couple years just trying to balance everything, you know what I mean? Just being busy. It just seemed like that statement I was making a lot and it was just like, you know, yeah, it was fitting for the album."
"This is the perfect size to just press fit into that hole."
"That's the only way it's going to fit."
"It fits in our space really, really well. It's large and in charge."
"I mean, they do seem... They do seem true to size extra-large."
"I have a prediction: The wheel is gonna fit perfectly in your hands."
"It's very fitting that we have the World Finals here."
"It's looking good, it's fitting in the slot really well."
"Overall I'm very pleased with it. My dress form is a little bit smaller than my actual measurements and so I know once it is on me it will fill out a lot better."
"When things are fitting nicely it's usually accompanied by a satisfying clicking sound."
"Sometimes it's like a perfect fit, you don't need to be scared, but it's recommended for people that have anxiety tendencies or that maybe can't sleep."
"If you manage to get them to fit perfectly, you're a better man than me."
"This is such a great, like, kitchen foodie fragrance, so I'm going to put it right in there and it fits perfectly."
"It's a fitting way for a remarkable season to end."
"That's gonna snugly fit in there, oh look at that."
"Sleeves have a pitch, just like skirts, it can sway front or back."
"We made you a new leg, this time it's a perfect fit!"
"I think this what fitting comes down to half the time just finding the setup that gels the best for the player."
"If the shoe doesn't fit, stop crying about it."
"That fridge fits as sweet as a nut."
"It almost doesn't make a sound at all and the sound that you do hear is somehow weird yeah but it really fits to this vehicle."
"I'd rather have clothes in my closet that fit."
"You might just be one muslin away from a perfectly fitting block."
"It is worth going through those many muslins."
"This is a great place to try it on... and just double check that you like where that's placed."
"It should also fit snugly and symmetrically inside the trim around the top."
"The last thing you want is to do all of this work on a dress, have it be too small, and all of a sudden you get those sausage lines, you know?"
"They seem crazy but they feel so right."
"You can try on the sweater if you'd like by placing the stitches on a knitting extension cord or a piece of waste yarn to see how it's fitting."
"Number one question: will it fit in my butt? Number one answer: it fit in mine."
"The dress fits perfectly like it was made for me, and I think it's beautiful."
"We then started cutting and fitting the floor drives."
"We've just finished now with all the staggered Noggins all the way down the middle."
"That is to say it works perfectly for my particular frame and bust size if you will."
"When you're deciding where you want your armholes to be, you're going to try on the tank top."
"It's like trying to find a pair of jeans that fit just right."
"Ease is the difference between your body measurement and the measurement of your garment. If you have positive ease, your garment is bigger than your body. Make sense?"
"You look fantastic in this one, it just perfectly fit, just like you were made for it."
"The hair is a good fit for a werewolf and incorporates a widow's peak."
"The thing about fitting is it's not a luxury, it's essential. Yeah, and the club golfers are the people who probably stand to benefit the most because they have the opportunity to gain the most, the quickest."
"...that will sit perfectly on there."
"I think I like Honey's the most because I feel like it's very fitting."
"Fills inside of a certain pocket."
"It's more fitting that he's the king of the wildlings at the end."
"It really does seem to fit most of your... what did we get to? 37? Lose track."
"Next on the agenda: this V-band, which is a super snug fit, but I think we can get it."
"The key thing is to test fit in the chair. It's come together pretty well, just a little fine-tuning on the end here, and I can sand this down, and we're ready for the finish."
"The way everything perfectly fits, that's just, to me, so satisfying."
"This seems fitting, it really seems like it fits the time that we're in."
"The film's soundtrack is good because it stays whimsical in epic and scale but still remains appropriate to the world and realism it was orchestrated for."
"It's only fitting and Jay Bruce hit that home run to win the game."
"If you can find a store that has a bunch of helmets, go try some on."
"It has this steampunk vibe that really works for Transformers."
"It's nice having those replacement panel pieces because they fit right in."
"Success, happy with the fit of the tsuka."
"It's now time to take the Bimini top to the frame and test it out."