
Metaphorical Imagery Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"History is happening right now in your face but you're a frog in a pot as the water is turning up and you don't even realize it."
"The eclipse stands as a metaphor for the light of God piercing through the darkness of our world, reminding us of the transformative power of His presence in our lives."
"It's not Godzilla taking on this tower of industry, it's actually a bunch of cute little tinier Godzillas, gradually working on the foundations."
"Let's get to work. Even in the depths of night when no other bird dares take flight, on a lone shark soars to shine the light of righteousness on the world."
"Our country is divided into two camps and the wall is a giant wall, it's a chasm."
"Our love may have seemed plain, but within our hearts burned the flames of our devotion."
"Yeah, this wasn't really about the crows, but by God, that's a pretty image to end on."
"The sword for us is that protector who protects us."
"I love the idea that Ludwig is in a call and they're just talking, and there's this piano over your head where it's like, 'You all know the real truth, but you're hoping that they don't.'"
"This connection is going to ascend, rise up, like a heavenly connection."
"Be a shark, you're in the pond. So, I feel like you need to be a shark here."
"I will build my empire. One bullet at a time."
"You don't cage the butterfly, you gotta let him be out there."
"You could feel like you've earned your wings."
"When you get into disobedience, the music stops."
"One day someone is going to really kick this industry over, and we're going to see all of the little worms, and maggots, and centipedes CRAWLING on its SILKEN underbelly."
"Tesla is already looking ahead of what are the blockers going to be and removing them and kicking them away like Waffle House chair girl before they even become a thing."
"Let it all come crashing like the ocean tide."
"The wicked will not endure it. They will be reduced to a dead carcass, and vultures will be preying upon them."
"Something worse will Slither its way up there... the top of the pyramid has indeed been chopped off and something very slimy and grotesque has slithered its way up to the top indeed."
"The nation could feel safe and secure, armed with a sword and a shield."
"The church is an army, and God wants to use your praise and your shout as a ballistic home-seeking tracking missile to break down the gates of hell."
"He can be the magician that sees the country through this time."
"Sometimes tears are just watering the seeds of your evolution."
"Dimness sustains ferrying souls to a broken bridge, a gentle kiss to reassure, dog paralyzed with fear."
"If you judge which parts of me the divine wants to use, I have cast myself out of the garden of Eden."
"The garden of Eden is your heart, it's literally your heart."
"The form of the pitchforks take is not actual pitchforks it's gonna be just like rising resentment and chaos."
"Like a phoenix this club has risen from the ashes."
"At the end of the East the seed to save the world has been planted."
"He'd have a moment of realization and a light bulb would appear above his head."
"May we embrace the real ego i'm working on the other part it's a work in progress it's like in northern california sometimes there's such a heavy fog but when the sun starts rising then the fog has dissipated dissipates yes lovely."
"Behind each person is a curtain and behind that curtain we all fight our own battles and we all achieve our own successes."
"America is a house on fire and flooding simultaneously."
"You are the light, you are the candle in the night."
"Their angels were surfing on the river of life."
"Enjoy the show... The dominoes are starting to fall."
"Do not think nuns with guns, think of an army of Sarah Connors, a force of Joan of Arc's, a battalion of black widows and Boudiccas."
"Two souls hugging each other, helping each other heal from their battle wounds."
"No weapon fashioned against you can prosper. The enemy will create a bazooka, but when it fires, it's the one who will explode."
"Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole."
"The bridal gown of my beloved has already been taken to our chamber."
"Everyone who's watching this is on the edge of their seats. They know he's about to walk into his own prison."
"You know this is great hope, great faith, you know it's a star that's in the jar right there."
"It's like you're standing facing a machine gun with a like a little bamboo stick; it just doesn't seem to work."
"Heavenly are the suffering for they are shaved into sharper blades."
"You're making some quick decisions about your happiness, riding off into the sunset."
"God is launching people as missiles to destroy the influences, the gates, the strategies, the plans."
"We're kind of like the borders in between countries, stationed everywhere as gatekeepers for New Earth."
"In a hopeless Dark World, the church still has its lights on."
"The universe is celebrating you at this time, dancing around the fire and saying good job and well done."
"You're on a ship heading towards love and happiness."
"An island unto itself surrounded by a vast impenetrable void."
"For there is only one dominant life form in this universe, and it carries a steel-barreled sword of vengeance."
"When the lights are gone, who will light the way? The jester."
"Fire in that Arrow, it's like energetic movement towards each other, expression of Love, clearing up any uncertainty or misunderstandings."
"I'm drawn to the light of hope like a moth to a flame."
"There is no goal post, there is no gates, there's just us."
"She was born in fire, fierce to melt the iron you fell in love with."
"Life will open up like a series of beautiful boxes."
"The well was like an open mouth between the two houses."
"Trust that the deeply buried seeds inside your soul, the ones you planted even before you were born, are stirring softly, ready to awaken with the spring."
"Chase your ghosts and you'll be running from your responsibilities, circumstances, situations, and problems."
"Blessed is the man or the woman that walks now God in the Council of the ungodly for they shall be like a tree planted by rivers of Living Water."
"Join us as we go on the offensive and the spiritual war after all we weren't just given a shield what do you think the sword is for realize your power."
"We can still be a nation in our ascent, reaching for the shining city on a hill."
"Diminishing yourself rather than projecting yourself confidently is like taking an eagle and putting an eagle in a birdcage."
"It's the spark, it's like you know when they talk about the twinkle in your father's eye, it was the ace of wands that existed there..."
"We're walking through the shadows of the actual light."
"The very person who spit on you gonna save the people who look like trees by hanging on a tree."
"The absolute debauchery of the opening scenes is the proverbial last meal before descending into the sea."
"Your ability to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix."
"There is a bride who's making herself ready."
"Each cut on her face represented a time she broke through the mirror."
"Hop on the spaceship of knowledge; it's lifting off."
"She has prospered so much, she has bloomed like the lotus flower."
"It's through the deep study of God's Word that we are like eating fruit in a garden, the garden of God."
"The most valuable thing walking the streets of gold was people."
"The first brick in his metaphorical wall was placed when he was very young."
"Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds."
"The balloon slipping away from the child is that sort of innocence lost."