
Metaphorical Thinking Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The subconscious mind learns through metaphors and also learns by taking what already knows to make sense out of something new."
"Self-realization is like peeling away layers of the onion or like removing dolls from the matryoshka doll."
"I don't know if it will be very easy to put the genie back in the bottle."
"Questions to ask yourselves dm I'm really fond of this idea of the urban body that that systems and organs within a person's body make good metaphors for a city."
"Keep going to bed with God and come up pregnant with God's ideas."
"At bedtime, the eight-year-old told me his teacher said this: 'Think of your mind like a pond full of fish and each fish is a feeling. Try to be the pond, not the fish.'"
"That's sort of how I feel about the striker situation. It'd be lovely to have a nice warm cup of tea, but let's fix the bloody leaks first or we're gonna get eaten by that big bloody shark."
"The virus as a portal... what are we going to carry through?"
"Just imagine the greatest thing you could think of and then something better then imagine if you topped on a jeff curry on top of that."
"Something's gonna happen and the question is do you want to taste the sugar or be the sugar?"
"Have you ever felt like your life was a TV show?"
"In the world of business, you're going to have to slay a lot of dragons."
"You will never be able to deal with the fruit until you have clearly identified the root."
"So the idea of the metaphor is that when something's growing inside of you."
"It's not just an island, it is an island but it's also a boat."
"You're free to go, all you have to do is feel your way to that sword."
"What if you took less cuts that were less deep and then you healed those cuts like Wolverine?"
"Darkness cannot thrive in the midst of light; you can be in a dark room and it won't stay dark very long if you turn a light on."
"Success isn't just built on one pile of trash. It's built on so much trash, so much trash, failure."
"Just lay a brick every day. Eventually, you look up, you gonna have a brick wall."
"We must fight fire with fire, with a controlled burn."
"Rising requires space... Think about like a loaf of bread that you've got in a pan. In order for that loaf of bread to rise, there has to be space for it to go to another level, to puff up."
"All life is a staircase, you just take one step at a time and eventually you reach the top."
"If we jump start the car it might have a failed battery but it might just be enough to get us back to self-growth. That's the theory, but why I think the exchange rate is really important is because in the end that's like a nation's stock price."
"Knives look for something to cut while chairs look for a person to whom they can offer themselves as a seat."
"Peace comes with Sky identification instead of cloud identification."
"How do you teach people how to think? Well, I believe that we are storytelling animals."
"We're trying to change at the fruit level versus the root level."
"Even contractions can give birth to new possibilities."
"Vulnerability is not a burden, it's a staircase to the moon."
"It's encouraging to think of us always like Knights who don't have a king to employ."
"Consent is very important in the real world. No means no. But in chess, it's go forth, please deliver a Checkmate."
"Talk about thinking outside the box or in this case Inside the Box."
"Metaphor is the most important concept in the history of communication and human."
"I brainstorm like the government controlling it. Be careful when you're running down my baby mother, howling it."
"Your gut is a Galaxy, picking up messages from the galaxies out there."
"There's a poet inside of me that's always looking for a metaphor."
"There's good and bad eggs in this world, you just gotta find that one [ __ ] egg and crack that [ __ ] open."
"Maybe every bit of human achievement is a rung on a ladder that enables us to see farther and farther into this universe."
"We really live in real-life Pokémon, don't we? We just get to choose our Pokémon."
"Embrace the difficulties of life and turn them into juicy mangoes."
"Your heart is your many organic earth that lives within you and planet Earth."
"What does faith do when it's at a shipwreck? Swims."
"Could it be that the veil is lifting? Now that is a metaphor itself."
"Words, pacts, these things are forces of nature."
"I like having the puzzle pieces to put together and explain who I am as a fully formed person."
"Think of enemies like a soup, soup broth can have a bunch of flavors..."
"As it begins to move off towards the horizon lazily and leisurely, drifting through the sky, you can cast anything either known or unknown keeping you from success into the cloud."
"Trust me, it all connects like the pieces of the puzzle."
"It's kind of a metaphor, and for me, the metaphor was that death doesn't have the last answer and that evil doesn't win."
"You expand the floor of the cage with the goal of breaking out of it."
"I've been thinking a lot lately about how like we should just like, I don't know, like if the earth was a video game we would be taking it out and blowing on it right now."
"Imagine flying as a metaphor for liberation, escape, and transformation."
"Elon is indeed playing 5D chess in my opinion."
"Conquer the battlefield that lies inside of you and the enemy disappears like the illusion he is."
"It's like you've got a coil so that you can uncoil."
"If you have something there ready to grab whatever is moving by... they're all going to see the gravity of this new and if you have slightly more, think of how the moon formed."
"What am I? Am I the bulb that carries the light or am I the light of which the bulb is a vehicle?"
"I think that as dark and threatening as a cave can be...there's something deeper than that."
"Metaphorical structure in your brain determines how you function in the world."
"It's going to be great, even though there was a period of discomfort, is sort of metaphorically helpful for me."
"We are conceptualizing time metaphorically and that metaphorical conception is not out there in the world."
"Truth is only a mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms."
"You are actually just farming light; you are a light farmer."
"Remember, metaphors, symbols, dreams are part of the language of the future."
"I like to put like a metaphorical meaning behind things like that."