
Real-time Updates Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"A dashboard is simply a data visualization that presents useful information and metrics that will update automatically when new data becomes available."
"I love these live rankings, forget about the scores and riders finishing the run, waiting to see what the judges scored, it's live rankings in real-time."
"Firebase databases are real-time - changes are reflected in our client apps automatically."
"Keep your gas tank full and use apps like Waze for real-time updates on hazards."
"I said, 'What, right now while we're on this call?' Yeah, it's kind of, it's on Bloomberg terminal."
"It's live! So much stuff has gone down in the last 12 hours."
"We will refresh the order total and all the calculations each time the quantity or the price is updated."
"A dashboard is visualizations from other Power BI reports pinned to one specific place that can be updated in real-time."
"You can join that page and we'll go live anytime we have some sort of activity happen."
"As soon as the data changes, our reports will instantly update."
"Now you can see live updates of contacts' locations in real time."
"The Moon has no atmosphere: No winds can ever blow over the surface of our beautiful satellite."
"When it comes to these relatively real-time updates just keep in mind that you're either getting speed or quality but not both."
"We want to actively listen for documents being added to this collection and retrieve those documents."
"You provide amazing up-to-date real-time valuable content that's hard for us to find"
"I think the transparency part is cool cuz then instead of dropping bombs you let people understand like in real time what's happening."
"With the radio it's constantly updated over the air so you know that the information you're getting is current."
"The cool thing is even though we're in the modal, look at our nav bar – it's still updated to show that we have two items in our cart."
"It's happening right now in real time, guys."
"Masks in school, finally we stand here with you providing science and updated guidance in real time."
"We're uncovering absolute bombshells in real time."
"It should be providing you with real-time updates and recommendations."
"Russian forces are attempting to recover locations north of Bachment, according to the latest post by the Ukrainian Deputy Defense Minister, Anamalia."
"Follow my Instagram for more real-time project updates."
"We will cover everything that's happened in the last 48 hours and of course everything that is happening right now."
"It's crazy at us at Elk boys right here so go to Snapchat search up now boys at us if you guys want to see all the crazy [ __ ] that's happening in the [ __ ] elk world in real time."
"Once you get your data into the system and start building this dashboard, that's fed also from the underlying sheet so you set up the dashboard once and it's updated in real time whenever the underlying sheets are updated then the dashboard reflects those changes."
"Essentially all devices within my lab to have the same home page using CM pivot with the conjunction of the scripts feature to do that real-time"
"MVVM is just an architectural pattern and data binding is like the good awesome stuff that makes all that magical user interface update in real time."
"Tiles 1.2 introduces support for platform data bindings, meaning that if your tile uses platform data sources such as heart rate, step count, or time, it will be able to update once per second."
"Everything you do here is reflected pretty much instantaneously in the portal."
"Using JavaScript, any time they realize someone sent you new mail, they can create a new node, a new rectangle in memory and you, the human, see a new div or a new TR again and again and again."
"Hot reloading means when you save your work, you see the change instantly."
"This GPS unit links with your smartphone so it can get live updates of accidents, freeway closures, or any other hazardous condition on the road, real-time."
"This is the strict consistency model -- all writes are instantly visible to all subsequent reads."
"In today's video, we are going to see how we can come up with a design of a system to receive real-time stock updates."
"Tesla's come with a very advanced navigation system that is constantly updating with real-time traffic information."
"So those are some of the kinds of things that you can do with the state store that become a little bit more interesting when you think about like data that changes a lot or you need to keep in synchronization."
"As students are working in Aleks, all sorts of data and reports are generated and updated in real time and made available to you."
"You can see how effective it is dragging the thing around; it's updating dynamically and really quickly for these changes."
"If you have a header that is shared from one application to another, when that application updates, the other application gets the change immediately at runtime."
"Live updates are very useful if you actually want to see in real time what changes you are making to your modeling."
"And so, with JavaScript, a proper programming language, can you add data to a web page by just asking via HTTP some server for that data anytime a new email comes in and then present it to the user."
"One nice thing I'll always love about front-end development is that all the changes are hot-loaded."
"The best thing about the theming with Jetpack Compose is the fact that in real time, at runtime, you can click one button and the entire theme of the app will change."
"I can actually adjust one value and my entire model is updated."
"Turbo streams are the concept inside of Hotwire that enable that functionality."
"Live updates in real time, this is awesome."
"If you have a database that's updating, you can have that updating automatically, so every time you refresh your dashboard, it's updated with the most recent dataset that you have available."