
Gaming Customization Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The best customization in any online game, period."
"If you're American, stick to the freedom Eagle hamburger Imperial option."
"Customize your game window title to add a personal touch and enhance player experience."
"We want you to feel more powerful, more versatile, we want you to be able to put together a build for your hero that fits your particular play style."
"You gotta pimp my rocket League ride, pimp it up baby!"
"For the first time on PS4, people can load in their images and create whatever kit they want."
"Fifth edition feels very customizable in that way which is really interesting because the game itself is pretty simple."
"Every class is very unique and very different per person so your character truly is going to be your own."
"Customization is the lifeblood of these games."
"Having loadouts is probably the biggest thing that any VR could ever do because it's like you know what you're getting you know what class stuff you made and you're like racing to get it before other people get their loadouts."
"Custom games with options to tweak player stats would immensely strengthen Destiny 2's appeal."
"It's about taste level. It's not nearly enough to just have 35 mods. It's about installing the right mods and setting the right settings."
"Battlefield 5 gives players the opportunity to edit every little detail of their character."
"Starfield lets you pick your own background that shapes the world a little bit. It's just that simple."
"More character customization options: let me make my protagonist look cool."
"Custom lobbies in GT Sport allow you to adjust everything you need to create a good experience."
"It just looks so lived in and cluttered and I with the debug menu finding that toothbrush and then the plunger and those little bit of extra details are just so much fun to me."
"Being able to allow the player to customize what color their outfits and their guns and stuff like that are going to be, that's a big hook right there."
"Appearance should be something players can change separately detached from the stats."
"This DLC really allows you to customize things and get the feel that you're looking for."
"Create an online pet like in the GTA world, customize how you want your pet to look."
"I could see myself having more fun if I could play around with my armor and make a big stupid, like, fucking lost in space armor set for Mechagon."
"Rest assured that our goal is to provide alternatives that align with your preferred playstyle while widening the scope to include more viable perk options."
"They really wanted to double down on customization, going very in-depth with lots of options."
"Create a class was really the first form of customization ever put into a Call of Duty game."
"Hero equipment is just cool, I never thought I'd see that level of customization."
"A feature that would be amazing is adding avatar item changes to be able to adjust the features maybe to add in a bitmoji or whatever that is to make our avatars a lot more customizable and a lot less plain and simple as they are right now."
"I'd love to see a lot more customization when it comes to that aspect."
"Customizing mechs is my personal favorite part of the game."
"Weapon mods: improving gunplay with high-quality, lore-friendly additions."
"Within a year's time, yes we're definitely gonna have a lot more interesting customization options in the game."
"Mechanically, I think there's a lot of customization there."
"The customization options look insane like proper customization as you'd expect considering this came from a tabletop game."
"I like custom, and if you can bring custom attacks to your wars, you're gonna shine a little bit more than if you just use some of those out-of-the-box attack strategies."
"Modding... bringing the gaming experience to a new and even more personal level."
"Customize ships with different gear and equipment for enhanced capabilities."
"You can get all kinds of crazy stuff, all kinds of crazy skins and hairstyles."
"I'm sick of being that boring Maxis match girl... I'm gonna go crazy, okay? I'm gonna delete my entire mods folder again and I'm gonna download some alpha CC."
"Thank you, Game Freak, for bringing back avatar customization."
"Unlockables are fun, that's the thing, being able to make the coolest outfit with the craziest colors and then get a headshot increases my enjoyment."
"We finally can name cowplants in The Sims 4 and not only that."
"Class customization: You're a mage, why shouldn't you be able to have your eyes glow when you cast spells?"
"If you dislike how grindy the default settings are, you're able to fully change rates and remove restrictions to make a game that's more fun for you."
"I think custom races is very underdone. I don't like philosophies that say that we shouldn't do stuff like races and zones."
"I just look at Final Fantasy 14 where if I don't like the way that my weapon looks I can do something about it."
"Will players be able to customize their fashion? Will each new piece of equipment change their look like in the original?"
"Offline you can go crazy with mods and challenge mode."
"Because you can socket and un-socket these watch stones whenever you like, you can completely customize which maps you're finding on the fly."
"Each class will have plenty of customization for their skill sets and loadouts which can be tailored to fit whatever your play style is."
"You can set your bomb glove to have the little bouncer mini-bomb effect, a napalm effect, or it can shoot a blast into the sky to affect airborne enemies."
"So if you ask me, some extra patterns for your pups would be a great change of pace."