
Shared Journey Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"We can journey together for many years to come."
"It's been an amazing journey we'll share together."
"It's tremendous for these two companies to be on the same journey at the same time."
"An honor and a privilege to share this journey with all of you as we open up this new era in human spaceflight."
"Most of the social media stuff is completely new to me too we're both along for the same journey I'm still figuring it out as it go along so my experiences and learning lessons are yours to learn from."
"There's nothing like being in community with others on a similar journey."
"It turned out to be an amazing bonding experience."
"I would smash his nose in. I would make him cry."
"Life is a lot more full and it's fun to go through life with another human being."
"We're in a giant movie where we're all going on this journey, we are all on the hero's journey together."
"Your journey is my journey and together we're creating waves."
"It's going to be an exciting journey together."
"Fulfilling your dreams isn't something you do alone, we will walk this new path together towards a destination rich with wonder and joy."
"I cannot wait to play more of this game and go on this journey together."
"Thank you for making this journey with us, and I'll see you guys next time."
"This person wants to take the Journey of life with you."
"It's not until you get towards the end when a little bit of light shines in and you look to your right and your left and there are people walking through with you."
"Having a lot of other people there on the same path as you from all over the world is a pretty cool thing."
"I'm excited to be on this journey with you."
"Our story, isn't it? Yeah, it's ours. Let's go."
"In this journey, we are not alone; there are countless individuals who have embarked on similar paths, integrating minimalism and stoicism in their quest for a more meaningful life."
"We have never felt less alone in this journey just because we've shared it online."
"Cause where you go is where I go."
"I'm heavy on the one person; grow with me, we're growing together."
"We're all sort of on this journey together."
"Remember, we are all in this wellness life together."
"Community. Pokemon isn't just about your own journey with these games."
"Here's to the art that fuels us, the journeys we share, and the revolution that is just getting started."
"It's our first time so we want to take you guys along with us."
"We were high school sweethearts, and then we went to college together."
"You guys start showing up and this is what it turned into. You evolved into this."
"Join like-minded people that are also on their own creative journeys."
"Join the family, yes join us, please this is a journey we're all going to be on together."
"There's such a camaraderie about going through a shared experience."
"Personal development is something we do together for our relationship, this world we're building together."
"We will come back and become Protestants together."
"It's time you ready? Oh, isn't it cool we got one last adventure together?"
"It's supposed to be a really amazing experience; we're gonna bring you guys along with us as we experience it for the first time too."
"The only path to a better future is one that we walk down together."
"Regardless, you are still a part of a lock community, a huge community of people that are just so cool because we're all on the same journey."
"My way, my way, and then our way, because at the end we're still together."
"I've got a lot of ideas and things that I want to do this month in life, which I will take you along with me for."
"I'm super excited to do this with you."
"Giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow."
"I share this life adventure with fellow souls, and I am grateful for the oneness that binds us."
"We've been on this journey now for several years, and it's just awesome that we all get to experience this all together."
"I can't believe that we survived this experience."
"It's a place for us to show that every one of us is connected and that we will all go further together."
"It's like an adventure that we're going on together."
"I am just completely in love with my husband; I love the path that we're on together."
"We've been through a lot, good and bad. We've been through life together."
"Their greatest journey together was their collection."
"We started this together, let's end it together."
"That's the journey we're going on together."
"Your girl is chasing her dreams, and y'all are chasing them with me."
"It's important to surround yourself with other people in the same journey."
"I had a great day today, and I hope you guys enjoyed sharing this experience with me."
"They walk unknowingly the same path, thanks to their proximity to Ichigo."
"Let's embark on that journey now together."