
Shortage Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of bubblegum."
"Every shortage, every crisis, there's an immense opportunity."
"Russia is running low on ammo Russia is experiencing significant shortage of artillery that are impacting its fire focused military to carry on the fight in its full-scale invasion of Ukraine."
"Let's try to put in the new rum shortage money. Well, we just go with consumerism."
"We actually have such a shortage of Manpower woman power, people power that we don't have enough workers for the jobs that are open."
"There is still a housing shortage in many sought-after areas."
"I'm so hyped about that, oh no, damn we ran out of wood, I can't finish this."
"We have a shortage across the board in all skilled trades."
"We don't have enough electricity, so pretty much every single day we have power cuts."
"The demand for their security is now so high there's a shortage of trained bodyguards."
"We've got no beer left, I'm afraid."
"Guys, we're out of Frost. I'm so broke."
"It's not necessarily just a coal shortage, but you've got the coal shortage plus there's a lot more restrictions on mining."
"Why can't we build more moderately priced houses? Not enough people to build them. Why do I have to wait 3 months for a doctor's appointment? Not enough doctors."
"We ran out of money, we ran out of places to put stuff in the car, but most importantly, we ran out of money."
"The US simply does not have enough homes to meet demand."
"Sony will make more PS4s to solve PS5 shortage."
"I want you guys to get over this hump. We need y'all in nursing right now because the shortage just got shorter."
"This town's out of [ __ ] booze, which is [ __ ] awesome."
"That's not going to be enough, I've got zero money."
"We're not gonna have a lot of daylight this afternoon."
"This pattern exploration left me with a very simple realization: I do not have enough fabric for this."
"...there was a major apartment shortage."
"When you have a shortage, so if you didn't have those shortages you wouldn't have those instances where people are responding to the marketplace driving costs up a thousand times."
"It is the fastest growing drug in fact it is in such demand that there is a worldwide shortage."
"The GPU shortage we now live in a world where $1000 plus gaming cards are kind of The New Normal."
"The semiconductor shortage during the COVID-19 pandemic showed how reliant we've become on chips that enable everything from iPhones to cars to medical equipment."
"There’s no debasement at all. It’s simply dollar shortage."
"Clover your purchases per hour ratio hasn't been this low since the great shopping bag shortage of last summer."
"We smoked it. There's literally no chips anything left."
"Jamaica definitely, we are, we're having a shortage, we've been having to import food which is not something that us in Jamaica should be doing."
"There's a shortage, causes hoarding, or does hoarding cause the shortage? Well, the answer is yes."
"Okay so remember summer 2020, when bikes were just completely out of stock everywhere."
"I'm so sorry, y'all, we're actually out of ice cream."
"Peru has experienced a shortage of limes due to extreme weather events."
"This is what they did back when the ammo shortage was going on they'd buy it for cheap at Walmart and then sell it for double or triple you know to the folks that couldn't find it because they they snatched it all up and people are still doing that kind of stuff."
"There's a huge shortage of doctors globally."
"Yeah, no, we're out of honey. Put it down the list. At least you went out and you tried something new, you know? You expanded your horizons."
"Those five retiring and two coming in are going to go to Six retiring and one coming in and then the question will become not whether or not you can make a good living as a plumber but how long do you want to wait for one."
"We're about 3 to 5 million units short across the country on a yearly basis right now just to get us to an equilibrium of supply and demand."
"This importance stems from a shortage that is not present today but may be closer than is generally realized: a shortage of energy, of power."
"Shortage of supply chain professional is hitting pretty much every company in the world."
"The NHS doesn't have anywhere near enough active physicians."
"We're actually gonna have worker shortages over the next 30 years."
"We have a million care worker shortage in the country; who's gonna take care of them, not robots."
"You're at home finishing a glass of wine, and just as you're about to pour another, it happens, the realization that you're all out and there's no backup bottle."
"We are simply facing a housing shortage, a major housing shortage."
"There's still an undersupply problem both in the US and in the UK."
"Poverty is not about a shortage of experts, it's about a shortage of rights."
"Where's the doctors, the plumbers? When I had a problem with my boiler, I had to wait two weeks, there's no plumbers about."
"Energy shortages are going to be one of the keys if we have a really tough decade ahead."
"I'm here to kick ass and chew gum, and I'm all out of gum."
"The auto industry experienced a very severe shortage of cars over the past few years."
"There's really a shortage of people who are trained to handle this type of task."
"Canada is in shortage of houses. There's a problem with housing."
"We're suffering from a hydrocarbon deficiency."
"We've got a teacher shortage crisis in this country."
"When prices are above equilibrium, we will have a surplus; when prices are below equilibrium, we will have a shortage."
"I came here to do two things: chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum."
"We are four million houses short of the amount of houses that we need from an affordability standpoint."
"Now with a new warning as America heads back to beaches and pools this summer, there's a nation-wide lifeguard shortage."
"Oh Lord, you can tell the storm's coming, somebody wiped out all the Pepsi."
"I heard on the radio this morning there's a shortage of Christmas trees due to the weather."
"We just don't have enough places to take care of patients."
"This was a global dollar shortage."
"Months ago this country's economy completely collapsed leading to shortage of food, fuel, and medical supplies."
"The farm labor shortage is even more serious than it was in 1943; despite this, the need for American food is so great that American farmers have been asked to surpass last year's record-breaking yields."
"We have massive labor shortages that we didn't have before."
"It's the little things in life, but I am out of tea."
"America is missing 1.7 million workers."
"There's a high demand for fusion payroll experts; there's definitely a shortage of qualified functional resources out there."
"A drought is a shortage of precipitation such as rain or snow over a period of time."