
Game Dominance Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Liverpool starting to run the game," notes Grahe as Liverpool dominates possession.
"From start to finish, they were just in total control of the game."
"It's been pretty much TSM control for most of the game."
"Fnatic are absolutely smashing in this game."
"Heatran quickly established itself as one of the most Central Pokemon in the format."
"Arsenal's fast attacking approach has made it the half that is, but half-time, it's three nil to Arsenal. Spurs can have no complaints, absolutely dominated."
"Wolfsburg have dominated this game from start to finish."
"Teledad was all that was worth playing in a way that no other deck has been all that is worth playing before or since."
"SK Telecom are really showing how strong they are."
"It's been all Liverpool. The possession, 73 to 27."
"Horus wins games by himself. He's so aggressive he has tons of cc."
"You basically have a game win on your hands right there."
"He can take over the game against the best teams in the world."
"So, complete control right from the start and we're gonna get an easy win with our boom Jesse. Okay, easy money."
"Nobody actually expected a 26,000 gold lead in 28 minutes."
"The Craber is essentially the best weapon in the game."
"Nihal shows dominance in this game. He anticipates everything."
"Either one of them can take the game over at the drop of a hat."
"The fusion though taking map one away from Vancouver and that was a pretty one-sided affair."
"The operator... the one shot one kill capabilities of this sniper dominates against people who get too confident and step out of line."
"Reckless now dominating as he manages to snipe that one away good damage now coming through G2 making this look more like a victory lap than a."
"Kyrie Irving is the clutchest player in the NBA. You want to talk about clutch? He just took the game over last night."
"Oh my god, the way we're actually destroying, lovely."
"Closer is actually just smurfing. He's carrying a series that you're not supposed to in the finals."
"This is where it always feels like they're pretty much bulletproof they rarely ever lose these games from ahead when they are in control in these positions."
"And this kind of play is incredibly, incredibly powerful."
"Gumbler Dragon was nearly responsible for a second tier zero format as clearly the most powerful thing in the metagame."
"That is why this card just takes over a game." - "That is why this card just takes over a game."
"This game's completely over. Oh my god, this is like a 15 minute win, literally 15 minute one."
"We just wrecked the game man, like we wrecked it. It was amazing."
"Poker brilliance, probably the biggest name in the game."
"This is suddenly TSM's game again! The heroics turn around, and this is TSM's game!"
"What a performance from T1 thus far dominance in game one and for game two the word that comes to mind is control absolute control."
"Wow, I mean, we are up 86 to 29, it's not even close."
"I am the game. I want to destroy everything."
"This position is completely and utterly and totally winning."
"I've been the best player in this game, remember that."
"They played like with an authority we're gonna strangle the life out of my United choke hold in the last 15 minutes of the game."
"The mana advantage provided is just too much to overcome a lot of the time, all in all, this is an irreplaceable white staple that can dominate games by itself."
"Here I thought this would be a closer game, but Villanova from really that first possession just came out lights out."
"... the defense is taking over this game."
"This move Knight F to G5 wins us the game because it creates a completely insurmountable number of threats."
"It's just too easy at this stage, mopping up all the pawns and just winning."
"He really played an extremely dominant game where he was able to build really close bonds with almost everyone in the game."
"I think she completely runs that end game stretch of the game."
"They're starting to enjoy them elv now all them got themselves well on top in this game."
"The alliance sets the foundation for how to run an alliance and dominate the game."