
Object Detection Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"This is object detection... So, this is an object detection loss function."
"Objects that are 100 to 203 feet in diameter are detectable."
"We are going to focus on object detection and tracking." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"We've supported object detection for many years with our tools and image processing." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"DeepStack can detect all of these things, so just add or remove them for your use case."
"It's extremely useful for broad phase elimination when searching spaces for objects that you might want to interact with."
"YOLO stands for You Only Look Once."
"I'm going to show you how to actually build this deep learning model for object detection."
"For example, with Object Detection, you can categorize images based on domain, such as common objects, and train your model."
"Pre-trained YOLO models are available for easy use, but custom models may be necessary for predicting objects not in existing datasets."
"This is how you can perform correct object detection."
"The single shot refers to the fact that we're going to make a single forward pass through the network to perform inference and yet detect multiple objects within an image."
"Other AI enhancements include vehicle and pet detection."
"I strongly recommend checking out this camera if you're looking for a wired outdoor camera with outstanding colored night vision that gives you person pet vehicle detection for free object tagging in the video itself local."
"Integrated gradients is much better at identifying the edges of the camera object, in particular highlighting the pixels around the lens as being important."
"We see our source image being annotated with bounding boxes. Everything seems to be okay, we have the right classes, and the bounding boxes are in the right places."
"YOLO is a shortened form of 'You Only Look Once'. And it uses Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection."
"YOLO can detect multiple objects on a single image."
"What if I tell you that there is a model that you can use to detect all of these objects and more without any training?"
"YOLO World: a zero shot object detector that is 20 times faster than its predecessors."
"Yellow World is an important step in making open vocabulary detection faster, cheaper, and widely available."
"Anchor boxes enable detecting multiple objects, including occluded ones, efficiently."
"YOLO detects, recognizes, and localizes multiple objects in one go."
"YOLO: Efficiently detecting multiple objects with scale and rotation invariance."
"It's almost real time, you see many videos on YouTube where you take the webcam input and you can kind of detect 'Hey this is a pen and this is a microphone' and so on."
"Optimus's capabilities are impressive, evidenced by its ability to detect small objects, move quickly, lift heavy objects, learn new tasks, and automatically navigate in complex environments."
"With the help of this course, you can almost detect any object in real time on your own."
"If you can detect objects, you can also segment images."
"What is going on everyone? In today's video, I will be showing you how to train your own state-of-the-art custom object detector in the cloud, all for free."
"Now comes the super fun part, guys, so you can create any custom object detector you want."
"Detectron 2 is an open-source object detection segmentation framework."
"This is a practical algorithm that can input an image and then output a set of bounding boxes for all the objects detected in that image."
"Faster RCNN is usually called a two-stage method for object detection because there's kind of like two conceptual stages inside the method."
"Since 2017, GPUs have gotten faster and people have figured out more tricks to get object detectors to train better."
"It allows you to perform object detection relatively easily."
"This is a high performing model that's particularly good for object detection."
"Object detection not only recognizes the object but then detects where it is."
"You're reading the images from the camera, you're sending it to the object detector, and then once the object is detected, you're going to a motion planning algorithm that's determining that trajectory."
"Our object detection system with the ESP32 seems to be working pretty well."
"You can perform reasonable object detection with an ESP32 camera, avoiding the high cost of other object detection options."
"In this video, I will show you how to train a custom object detection model with the TensorFlow Object Detection API and TensorFlow 2."
"OpenCV allows you to view your object detection right away in real time."
"I hope that in this video you've learned how you can actually build your own object detection model."
"Object detection has been a great topic of research and development in the computer vision community for decades."
"Object detection is a very powerful computer vision task and it supports a lot of variety of use cases."
"Yolo, which stands for 'you only look once', is a very fast and accurate real-time object detection."
"The mean average precision, or sometimes simply just referred to as AP, is a popular metric used to measure the performance of models doing object detection tasks."
"Object detection is a computer vision technique for locating instances of objects in images or videos."
"The YOLO algorithm is also the algorithm to detect the object in image or video in a faster way."
"The 3ox ultra does have a TR laser setup... can detect objects that are larger than 1 cm."
"Object detection is a multi-task problem because we want to classify the objects and we want to localize the object."
"Radar operation, in that, is called echolocation; we send a wave, the wave has an echo reflection, and from that reflection, we can determine how far the object is."
"We are augmenting with dedicated sensors that we've purpose-built, designed to detect, track, and characterize those particular objects."
"That about wraps up our object detection course, so hopefully you found this useful."
"This course is intended to take you from being a complete beginner when it comes to object detection all the way to being fully proficient and acting as a practitioner."
"If you want to be able to detect just about anything using TensorFlow object detection, this is the course for you."
"Whatever object detection use case that you wanted to tackle, you'll be able to do it after going through this course."
"That is a full end-to-end walkthrough of how to work with the TensorFlow Object Detection API."
"We have an API called the Vision API and it is able to do things like object detection and also able to flag explicit content."
"We're going to go through every pair of these bounding boxes, and if they overlap by more than some amount, say 0.5 using Jaccard, and they both predict the same class, we're going to assume that they're the same thing."
"This is the thing that suddenly made object detection business."
"SSD is a feed-forward CNN that creates a fixed-size collection of bounding boxes and scores for the presence of object class instances in those boxes."
"If we could scale this up enough, we might even learn to detect these objects pretty accurately."
"In the next tutorial, we can export the inference graph from that model and then we can use that to detect our object in new images and draw a bounding box around it."
"We're going to show you how to take a Raspberry Pi with a generic camera and create an object detection algorithm."