
Bookstore Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"I found the guide in a bookstore that was closing down. Most books were 50 to 75% off, even the old and ordinarily expensive."
"They have such an incredible collection and the tables are organized really nicely and they have cool merch and they have cool bookmarks so go to Strand if you're ever in New York it's really fun."
"Finally we got the legends in the bookstore that we can sign using gp."
"I love the smell of a good bookstore in the morning. It smells like pages and coffee and happiness."
"This is the place to get lots and lots of books."
"This definitely caught my attention at the bookstore."
"The world has changed. I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I most certainly feel it in bookstores."
"I am always a huge fan of their book section this is where I always come when I'm looking for books."
"What is it, a Bookshop? I hope it's a Bookshop."
"The only good thing about the bookstores is your presence, Oliver."
"Greenlight Bookstore is not currently able to sell books out of our storefronts, but we are filling that gap via direct-to-home shipping from our supplier warehouse."
"Remember when that happened, remember that bookstore, remember book shopping?"
"I feel like if I'm having a good day if I'm having a bad day if I'm sad if I'm happy any of these different emotions going to a bookstore either helps the sad mood or I mean enhances the happy one so I'm really excited."
"Thank you so much for watching and for joining me here today in Barnes and Noble. There's a lot of really cool stuff in here. I mean, it's just cool. I mean, like if nothing else, you can admire the beautiful lights up there. It's really nice."
"I just want to walk through a bookstore."
"I love the quietness of bookshops, the stillness, and how it becomes a window of timeless meditation."
"Nothing makes me happier than just going into a bookstore and wandering." - Hannah
"I can't wait to go to my local bookstore a local bookstore someone signed me."
"I just miss going to a bookstore and picking a book off the shelves that you've never heard of before."
"I couldn't visit one of my favorite cities in the world and not visit the local bookstores."
"When you walk into Barnes & Noble, you sniff around, you think you might have to go poop because apparently there's like a thing like that's so true."
"I just want to get back to a place where I go to a bookstore, buy a single book, bring it home, and read it."
"Oh, that's lovely! Going into our favorite little bookshop."
"This is my favorite bookstore I've ever been to."
"So come over to Baggins when you come to Rochester, give yourself some time to wander, to get lost in the shelves because honestly, it's one of my favorite things."
"It's a good thing to hang out in bookstores."
"There's just nothing better than going into a Barnes & Noble physically and looking around."
"I feel like I would love working in a bookstore."
"We all know my love for half price books. I literally go there like three times a week now that I have one close to me."
"...do with that what you will um but I do highly recommend visiting at least once in your life the first time you go you will buy every single book ever because they do have a really good selection."
"I discovered it doing one of my favorite things, browsing in a bookstore."
"I don't even know how that happens. Is someone just standing there in Barnes & Noble just like picking at the manga like a scab? That is Jank."
"'Following the collection of his belongings from his room at The Golden Fleece, the investigator made his way to the Grimoire Bookshop on High Petergate.'"
"I think Barnes and Nobles is fantastic to walk around."
"It definitely gives off all of like the Cozy bookstore Vibes which I also really love."
"Thank you for buying books from Harvard Bookstore. Your purchases support our award-winning Author Series and help ensure the future of a local independent bookstore."
"I went into a bookstore on accident. I was looking for the bathroom on purpose because I was like, you know what, I'm gonna start reading."
"I found what I needed and I left, and now I'm very, very hungry and I want to go get some food and I want to go home and look at these books that I got."
"I'm pretty sure that's a two-story Barnes and Noble that I'm walking to right now for this next place."
"I don't know why at night I love coming to Barnes Noble at night and so it was just like so relaxing and so therapeutic like therapy dupe therapy dupe."
"It's really a huge bookstore. Even the smell is different."
"Book Off is still the cheapest manga place I've ever found in Japan."
"It's so hard cuz I like going into Barnes & Noble because they have like the table that's like Dum teen books. Yes, yes, I know."
"It's my bookshop... It's full of magic."
"I want to open a bookstore like I would put in money to like do a bookstore like that and like do it in a city and everything like I would love to do that."
"This is an independent bookstore with so many different options, not just for books."
"I just got to Barnes & Noble and I am so excited."
"The UK bookstore has a 20% off deal on books and resources right now."
"And while you're in Portland, you gotta check out Powell's Books, the world's largest independent bookstore."
"I went into Waterstones to buy a physical book and I just loved the whole experience."
"Powell's Books is actually the world's largest independent bookstore."
"I genuinely fell in love with that bookstore."
"Let's go shopping, so Ted's has been around since 1977, it's one of my favorite local bookstores to shop at."
"I had a really good time here at this bookstore with you."
"I always leave the bookstore feeling better than how I felt when I got there."
"I'm going to a romance bookstore in New York City on Sunday and I'm so excited."
"This bookstore is huge and just beautiful, it's a great one to get lost in."
"I don't know if calling a bookstore maze-like is a plus for you guys, but it only increases the immersion for me."
"If you're looking for an NYC bookstore that ranks number one in terms of quiet and comfort, then Shakespeare and Co definitely earns that distinction from me."
"What a day! I had so much fun; that Barnes & Noble was like the best thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"People are buying so much manga in the bookstore that they put the high selling stuff on a rolling cart so it's easier for them to restock multiple times in one day."
"That quaint bookstore became our special place where our story originated."
"What makes us want to shop in a Barnes & Noble and how is Barnes & Noble going to be successful with a competitor like Amazon out there?"
"Okay, hello, welcome back to another beautiful day at the book shop."
"Cool off with a good book, it's Spare Time Books."
"If as a bookstore, you're able to be the sixth largest e-commerce website, it is a really big success."
"I love a good haunted bookstore vibe."
"You came to the bookstore and you were smiling; then you were friendly."
"Are you a browser in a bookstore? If you are, you will readily acknowledge that bookstores are sectioned off with books in various classifications."
"We have a fantasy and science fiction section."
"The small bookstore, I think, is a little oasis of humanity."
"June 8th, I'll be at Barnes and Nobles in Midtown."
"Barnes Noble has just become like a safe place."
"I also just love the aesthetic of this bookstore. I feel like it is so cozy and homey feeling."
"A bookstore is not just a place where you can buy books."
"Bookstore again is a single source of truth for the app on what books we have."
"You won't believe this, in Britain's Premier bookstore, there's been a heist."
"If you can't find the right book, then obviously you're in the wrong bookstore."
"I love Barnes & Noble. I love my job so much about working in a bookstore."
"Waterstones is definitely one of my recommendations if you ever want to find somewhere that has really good editions."
"I love freaking Barnes and Nobles; people are always so nice."
"I want to open a bookstore in Chinatown in San Francisco."
"I recall going to the bookstore with her so many times; it's like it was a second home."
"It's a beautiful book shop I've been in there a couple of times."
"I love that little used bookstore; there's just so many books in there, it's amazing."