
Beach Life Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"A night spent on the beach under canvas with the sound of the waves."
"Some of the greatest times I've ever had is just on the beach with mushrooms and he said I realized I'm having an experience that any hippie could have."
"Waking up like six o'clock this morning, came down to the beach, enjoyed the sunrise. It's a nice lifestyle, you know? It's really nice."
"Then just going to the beach and just taking it all in and just relax and have a good time."
"How can you be stressed when you live on the beach? You got palm trees, you got beautiful blue water."
"Retiring with enough money to enjoy the rest of your life sitting on a beach sipping on whatever your heart desires is becoming near enough impossible."
"Life is a beach, I hit the ocean trying to catch a wave, diving, the water, all my problems seem to float away."
"Beach life is always the funnest life."
"I've never been so content than just living right across the street from the beach."
"I will relax on the sandy beaches with a good book."
"I'm so done with living in a city, I want beach life back so bad."
"Unwind and chill out at the beach."
"I love it, mate, the beaches. I mean, come on."
"What would a trip to Hawaii be without a beach day?"
"The food was so delicious, now we're leaving this place to go to the beach."
"Drinking on the beaches at the beach is the best thing you can do at the beach."
"I love going to the beach. I could be there five, six hours, just the whole day, just chilling."
"Hey guys, very windy day, but it's like 20 degrees Celsius in Kuwait right now. It's very sunny though, so it still feels pretty warm. But just, I'm going to show you guys the beach."
"This is what you dream of when you dream of living on the beach in California."
"I want my kids' first memories 100% mornings at the beach. [ __ ] right, like it's gorgeous."
"It is so beautiful, and it is so easy to grab your chairs, your beach toys, blanket, whatever you want, and just take it right to the beach."
"We had all made it here from our own part of the globe to enjoy a couple of sunsets and share a few days on the beach together."
"If you're looking for a break from the city life and enjoy living near the beach, these are the top beach towns to move into in the Philippines."
"We make our way back to the beach at Wannabe Inn where we fall asleep with our doors open, listening to the waves breaking."
"Obviously, the best part about being in a beach town in general is that when you're done with work, you have like a slow day, just go to the beach."
"Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to live just a few steps from the beach, where time seems to stand still and the stresses of life melt away?"
"We're going to have some food, a cold drink, and then chill by the beach."
"The sunsets fantastic, you'll catch the sunsets on the west side of the beach."
"Everybody is just chilling on the beach and like having drinks."
"His chief amusements were gunning and fishing, or sauntering along the beach."
"If you've ever dreamed of living the beach life, this is it."
"We're at the beach right now in the sun having fun."
"I always had a dream of living by the beach."
"The positives are being in the nature, having beautiful weather, being able to go to the beach, and just enjoy yourself."
"I woke up, got ready, and came down to the beach."
"There's always something going on on the beach in Copacabana."
"The outdoor life... whether it's going to eat in the cafe outside or going to the beaches."
"We got the burgers, we got the beach."
"I love the beach; that's like my whole entire brand."
"This is Malibu, the cool, laid-back surfer, at home on the beach."
"Where do you see yourself in five years? On a beach."
"I love water, so whenever I see the beach, I see life, I see peace, I see happiness, I see everything."
"We're so lucky to live near the beach."
"I'm a beach girl and live that beach life, but at the same time, I'm a testament to the importance of photoprotecting yourself."
"The beach is my life, Richard, but it's yours too, don't forget that."
"When they call it a beachfront property, they're not kidding—it's right there."
"I think I'm going to retire in a beach town now. I figured it out. I'm just going to be by the water in my old age. That's just what I have to do."
"If beach fishing has taught me anything, it is that the best way to get a good bite is to start cooking dinner."
"When we're older, if you think we're not living by the beach living our old lives like this, like you're wrong."
"You're living on a beach, how can you beat that?"
"The hope is not over if you have the dream of living on the beach, it is still possible, and this video is proof."
"We're literally next to the beach."
"Puket is a different experience than Bangkok... it's kind of like that beach life."
"I've always wanted to live, or maybe part of the year, in a little house right by the beach."
"It does not get better than this, this is the finest of living on the beach you can get."
"It's so cool to live by the beach for a lot of these people, so you might stand out like that."
"We can finally like go away and he's not studying and I'm gonna try and take some time off too, and we're just gonna hang out, we're just gonna chill, spend some time at the beach."
"Venice Beach just screams California."
"Summer is such a bright, sunny time of year, a time to relax, enjoy, and head to the beach."
"I love when sand gets in my food. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to always put sand in my food, but when I'm at the beach and some sand inadvertently gets in, I sit back, relax, and enjoy the added texture."
"Welcome to another SWF beach life video."
"I had fun jobs when I was in college too, I used to spend the summers at the beach."
"I've always dreamed of living by the beach, and that has just been something that I've wanted to create and manifest in my life."
"I've wanted to live on the beach pretty much my entire life."
"Wishing you high tides and good vibes."
"Everything in Byron centers around the beach and the swimming, snorkeling, and surfing on offer."
"Welcome to Malibu and this beautiful Malibu beach house which we are going to share with you today."
"It's pretty ideal, some warm soup and a fire on a chilly night by the beach."
"Live like a hippie as you stay in bungalows and tree houses alongside one of the best beaches in Turkey."
"Sand under my feet, wind in my hair, salt on my skin, wild and free just like the sea."
"Many of the restaurants and bars are located handily enough right at the beach entrances, allowing for easy Beach Bar access."
"I love waking up and being by the beach, walking outside and just hearing the sound of the ocean."
"It's kind of relax and have lobster rolls and hang out by the beach."
"I lived on the beach, had a view of Venice Beach. It was unbelievable."
"Getting some sun in, getting some beach, not worrying about anything... this whole relaxation thing, it's kind of pretty good actually."
"This is probably the best location if you want to get the best little stay at a beautiful beach city."
"It's happening, it's happening now we are currently sat on the beach."
"98% of the people we get at Bondi are awesome."
"I just want to live here and walk him on the beach every morning."
"Would you believe it's the middle of winter and we're swimming in this beautiful beach? How good is Australia!"
"Each night we would camp at a different beach, roll up, park right on the sand, have a little campfire."
"When the sun's out and the surf's up, it's magic."
"There's nothing better than salt on your skin from the beach."
"It's going to be really wholesome, no party vibes, just living our best lives by the beach."
"I want to wake up beachfront every single day."
"I live a block away from the beach, can't get enough of it."
"I've loved every minute of being at the beach."
"Ever since I was a little girl, I've always dreamed of having a house in Cocoa Beach and living happily ever after."
"The weather is so much nicer right next to the beach, the breeze is beautiful."
"Marco Island's lifestyle offers a ton of options, you have some of the world's most beautiful beaches right along the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico."
"What would a house on the beach be like if you didn't have a surfboard in front of it? You'd be missing out."
"I just want to be on the beach relaxing, drinking, having wine, and like getting a tan."
"Life's too short, let's just try the beach for a while."
"The only thing bigger than these beaches are the hearts of those who live, play, and work here."
"We go, we swim, we learn, and then we get a smoothie and walk by the beach."
"I love living here in the beach; it's fantastic."
"It's beautiful, sun is shining, we're on the beach, people walking their dogs."
"It's definitely a dream of mine to live by the beach. It feels awesome."
"It feels so good to be back on the beach; it literally feels like we're home."
"I almost want to camp at the beach. We should just stay at the beach."
"I loved fishing so much, and since we lived on the beach, we could go all the time."
"You wake up, you have coffee, like you sit out on the beach."
"I'm so excited to pick him up and he's just going to love it here, being so close to the beach."
"Life is better at the beach, keep calm and stay anchored."
"I'm such a beach lover, I am a summer lover, I love the sun."
"Every day is a good day when you start it on the beach."
"Most people live in coastal areas because they want the beaches and it's nice."
"Salt in the air, sand in my hair."
"I love the beach; I literally live for the beach."
"Sitting on the beach at the Poly, enjoying some drinks, this is what life is all about."
"Surprise! We are moving to the beach."
"I love to live my life in the summer in a swimsuit by a beach, a pool, lake, whatever."
"Really great for summertime, this just screams all the summery beachy vibes."
"The older I get, the more I know there is something so amazing about a good beach chair."
"I'm a very beachy person. I love the smell of salt and just like the ocean."