
Character Performance Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Joker is so amazing, crazy combos, crazy speed with punishing."
"I didn't notice that much of a drop in Black Bolt's performance... he still performs so well."
"Rob just loses to most sword characters because they hit him they go okay oh you died cool next stop."
"Joker is insane arson done ggs shake my hand."
"Snatch Game is really just, it's so much fun and it's so fun to see people do these characters."
"Amber actually ended up doing around ten to fifteen percent more damage to the Primo Geovishap than the other two did."
"Some Slayer Buffs, Slayer actually underperforming on all axes."
"It's honestly pretty strong does a good job of playing like utility and some damage as well."
"When he gets going, this character is amazing."
"Amber, just a really strong brawler no matter the circumstances."
"Talon is now heavily outperforming Zed and solo queue and is the best 80 assassin you can play."
"Knight faye is pretty much best across the board thanks to uh the soul binds that's what ended up happening."
"Leo rush rash is so good in this role too I'm really pleased that aew did bring him back."
"He's not going to be **** fun but it's going to be good."
"Roy's been bad in Melee, bad in Smash 4, that was all he had."
"It's showtime! Ito is the new top geo damage dealer, and he definitely packs a punch."
"Johnny Depp visits hospitals with sick children as a pirate."
"Hutao is very very strong on the first side of the Abyss."
"He was great as boomerang, he was one of the best things in that movie."
"Cooler is pretty fun okay let me just get this out here right now this cooler is a damn fun unit."
"Wolverine shredding today, doing such a good job."
"Even with just his 30 charge... he was already good enough to be a reload meme."
"Lucian probably one of the smoothest feeling ad carries."
"Rey hits very hard, one of the best nukers in the game."
"Wow does he absolutely bring it as Tony Stark."
"Mercy who already was winning but is winning harder now."
"I really liked how Paula Raft was still able to set up and sweep."
"Nocturne is an incredibly flexible blind herbal atme peak every single game."
"He feels like a hyper carry in that he has good damage and sustained onfield damage but he plays like a driver too."
"There were some legitimate laughs. Jack Black's Badger, I think, did a lot of good. He was great."
"I was honestly really shocked at just how well Super Baby 2 works on this team."
"Widowmaker was another hero that was best on release in May 2016 for a few weeks."
"He is ridiculously free to play friendly and amazing at constellation 0."
"Greninja is crazy good, insane kill potential, ton of confirms."
"Classic Loki was a show stealer, he killed it."
"Rengoku was phenomenal, especially when you add in the choking for 40 minutes."
"Easiest one of our life, and for once in my life, Rosalina didn't carry me, Yoshi did."
"I just want to see this mon put in a little bit of work. Give me this mon. Give me this mon."
"Morgans has been dominating in the support role recently and her win rate has been climbing steadily since the preseason started."
"Peacekeeper is the next to last hero that is quite terrible in 4v4."
"Zhongli has stayed so consistent since his rework."
"Arachne is one of the highest performing gods in the entire game."
"Adria's Elba was great as Bloodsport and now is adorable even as he is eating people whole."
"Yao Yao is one of the best four-star characters in the game."
"Sanji's been really good this arc. Let's hope that Sanji and Zoro both get in on this gore action."
"And then the Sub-Zero guy, I felt like Sub-Zero, in terms of the villains, carried this whole movie on his back, but he did very well too. Like, their hand movement in that first fight, when it's just them in the ropes, fantastic."
"I think child play too does everything that a good sequel should do I think Brad Dourif is really like on his a-game in this one he has found his stride and I shop splatoon has some of the best lines out of the whole franchise actually it's hilarious."
"Many consider this one of Walt's best performances as Mickey Mouse."
"The Disney characters are incredible; they are so intuitive to children."