
Gaming Flexibility Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Play wherever your friends are like if I'm playing and I want to move over to my PC I should have my character go with me." - Destiny meeting players where they want to play.
"Minecraft is the best game of the decade because in a way, it could be any game you wanted."
"Mario games let players opt in and out of challenges midway through the game… or even midway through a level."
"You could create five different builds, save them as presets, and freely swap between a different build whenever you want."
"Flexibility in builds: switch on the fly for different challenges."
"Mabinogi allows players to play the game how they want to."
"It's really about this idea of choice. Playing your games wherever you choose to play them."
"We want players to be able to play how they want to play."
"More options for how to play means more D&D."
"Not only will you sign the same five or six players per position because they're the only ones that grow, you can grow anyone you like."
"The new point system allows you to choose when you want to play."
"I really love the flexibility you have within those missions to approach them however you choose."
"That's no problem, The Outer Worlds caters to a load of different playstyles..."
"If you're going Prot, you can tank, healer, DPS as the Paladin... No problem, easy clap..."
"Simple touches like this that allow players to tweak how they play mean more people get to fight big robot anteaters and we're here for it."
"Respec anytime you want. Experiment. Mosey around."
"This system is wild; you can drill so deep on what you want to play."
"What I also like about the steam deck is the flexibility of the platform which is to say the strength of PC gaming generally you're in control."
"Unlike Halo Infinite, these seasonal and event passes will never expire - grind at your own pace, what a."
"It's hard to find fault with a system that allows players to have on hand exactly what they want at any given time."
"That's what's cool about it. There's so many different ways to play it."
"I love the idea that you can be level 20 and your friend could be level 40 and you both can just go to a level area that's 40 and above and just start leveling together."
"It gives you loads of flexibility in how you play the game... each spec feels different and is very well designed."
"This stuff gives you an enormous set of options for tackling each part of the game."
"It's just a versatile class that supports a lot of different concepts."
"You don't strictly need the book to run this style of game."
"Schemata is really flexible, it lets you dump any of your shadow cards into the graveyard and they proc different effects."
"If the promises are kept, the idea is that you would be able to play on your laptop with a plug-in controller, on your phone, or on your TV and go from game to game."
"The right answer is allowing your customers to play the games they want to play where they want to play them and giving them choice about how they build their library and being transparent with them about what our plans are."
"Any class can do anything in PoE, but there will generally always be a best class for certain abilities."
"ARMA 3 offers uncompromising customization to the user."
"It's a fine little system. It really does come down to whether or not you want to have focus on handheld gaming or being able to go back and forth between handheld and console gaming."
"Mercy's beta change allowing for her guardian angel to cancel and boost where she's looking added a substantial amount of flexibility to her movement."
"One of my favorite parts of raid is how you can either play it for just a few minutes or extended durations and it continues to be fun."
"Single-player games have a ton of flexibility to try a lot of different things, both narratively and mechanically, that defy the shorthand of multi-player gaming."
"A new x-fil system solves this. So if you want to just go through a challenge and then leave whenever you're done playing, you can do that."
"Just being able to play wherever you want to."
"Shared replays will finally let you play the game your way."
"Free build best of one, where you can have up to 10 regions. That's very cool."
"It's nice you can adjust the difficulty to fit your playstyle."
"Operation Spearhead allows for essentially every play style... the flow is amazing all while blasting us with a ton of nostalgia."
"They wanted to give players more choice when it comes to the combat system."
"The biggest one is basically just opening up the pre-game system to let people make some really interesting choices."
"Free rooming, amazing storyline, so many possibilities."
"It would be absolutely phenomenal to be able to challenge gyms in any order during your playthrough."
"With the system where you can randomize or skip certain shots you would get a wider variety of shots."
"One of the best features here is that you can quit a game at any time and create a save state."
"With this build, you can play any way you want to."
"The fighter reigns supreme in sheer variety of options."
"Invaluable for sandbox style open-world play."
"Battlefield 2042 gives DICE a huge amount of flexibility."
"You can kill literally everyone and then still complete the game."
"It's just a nice little extra way to move stuff around, have a lot more freedom."
"This game combined with exploits can be anything you want it to be."
"This one lucky break makes it clear that the game makers will let us use any object we want."
"Any game that limits the way that you play is inherently going to do less successfully than a game that allows you to do pretty much anything."
"The great thing about talents is there's no character class! You can choose what you want to specialize in."
"Bennett can actually be used in pretty much any team."
"You can move seaweed spawn wherever you want, that is awesome."
"Switch offers the unique ability to play your home console games on the go with little to no compromises."
"Thanos destroy... has some of the most flexibility and is one of the more spicy ones."
"The Hog Rider's versatility allowed it to fit into various deck archetypes."
"A lot of servers will probably have completely customizable skills."
"Being able to use any type of archetype without badge grinding or spending tons of VC feels good."
"That's the beauty of Elder Scrolls online is it's really up to you you know we don't have arbitrary level gates that prevent you from playing with your friends."
"Vygar is a super flexible champ you can run him in a lot of different regions more so than even Poppy that we saw before which is really really really cool."
"The Kaioken is a very flexible piece of equipment that you can equip onto any melee-type character."
"It's a case by case basis—I think players are fine with Kog'maw having an AP artillery mage build and a machine gun build, but they're extremely unhappy about blue Kayn building like red Kayn and vice versa."
"I really like having the flexibility of having some AOE shorter range type spells and the ability to attack twice."
"One of the coolest things about this game is that you're really allowed to play in pretty much any way you want."
"Death Watch Veterans or the kill teams that they can comprise don't really need all that much explanation, they're one of the single most flexible datasheets in the entire game."
"It's as casual or as hardcore as you want it to be."
"The question of 'what is your way to play?' is currently answered by the ability of the Switch to be played in different places, in different configurations, and with different play styles."