
Psychological Concept Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Loss aversion: we hate losing something more than we like gaining something."
"Fear is so fake, fear is literally a made-up concept in your head like it's not real."
"To get in the zone, you kind of can't really try to get in the zone... you have to ease into it."
"Schadenfreude - the experience of taking pleasure from other people's misery."
"Our capacity for cognitive dissonance blinds us to reality."
"Fear is false evidence appearing real, but it doesn't mean it is real."
"It's where people become better the more often we get into flow."
"The ego is not who we truly are; it is a construct of the Mind."
"The first rule of dunning-kruger club: you don't know you're in the dunning-kruger club."
"A stronghold is a fortress that the Devil uses to control our lives."
"Flow state occurs when you have the right challenge and also the right level of skill set."
"Remember what we said about the clustering illusion? He takes one example out of this kid's whole event and says look any new skill player can topple ICS."
"Schadenfreude is a feeling of satisfaction or even joy that arises when we see someone suffer."
"False memory is the idea that entire memories or elements of memories can be entirely false."
"Altars can't technically die because they're part of your brain."
"Energy vampirism is something that's very real."
"A person is the sum of items and symbols they recognize as themselves."
"Extinction is removing reinforcement from a previously reinforced behavior."
"Magical thinking simply says if I think it, I create reality. If I think, I affect reality. If I just think, I change reality."
"Loss aversion operates on the idea that the pain of losing is twice as painful as the pleasure of winning."
"Delusion consists of certainty held with absolute conviction."
"Evil is a very complicated concept and in Psychology and many other fields as well."
"A soul tie is an emotional and mental attachment to a person, place, or thing."
"Double Consciousness: A peculiar sensation, this sense of always looking at oneself Through The Eyes of others."
"The self introduces a subjective perspective in the mind."
"Flow state allows for symbolic interpretation of reality."
"Flow is when you have the talent and you've given the opportunity. You watch when time flies with a kid. That's one of the hallmarks of flow."
"The only partner with whom the narcissist can communicate it's the false self don't forget is godlike it has attributes of god it knows everything it's all powerful it's perfect it's brilliant it's infallible never makes mistakes it's god."
"Power fantasies are a good example of this as well."
"This effect has been called the hedonic treadmill or hedonic adaptation."
"Flow state also known as being in the zone is a mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in the feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity."
"Despair can grow only in the presence of hope."
"Self-compassion is a trans-diagnostic mechanism of change."
"The falsely empowered codependent."
"Someone who has never had sex may develop what psychologists call skin hunger or touch starvation."
"The ultimate to me is compassionate radical acceptance, radical acceptance is not a new thing, okay this is something that's been around for a long long time."
"It's like Room 101... it's a room that contains everyone's worst nightmare."
"Delayed gratification increases the value of an anticipated reward, regardless of its actual contents."
"Learned helplessness is a state that occurs after a person has experienced a stressful situation repeatedly."
"...the whole concept of deja vu and the cycle the reoccurring nightmare..."
"The conscious and subconscious are the navigator and the engine room of your ship of life."
"...connect your small self to the source of that self, which Jung would call the capital S self. Or in Aramaic is really called the ruha, the soul, ruha."
"Hedonic adaptation refers to the notion that after positive or negative events, people return to a relatively stable baseline level of affect."
"The general intelligence is our most traditional view; it's going to be our IQ."
"Deja Vu... memories bleeding into our reality from an alternate self."
"Humans suffer from a disease I call everlasting dissatisfaction syndrome."
"The pain body is a semi-autonomous energy form that lives within most human beings, an entity made up of emotion."
"This is what Freud referred to as the oceanic feeling."
"There's multiple forms of intelligence."