
Groups Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Wokism regularly plays on people's better motivations and compassion, clumping everything into groups of people regardless of individual actions." —
"He lit the fuse of a box of dynamite that contained white supremacists far-right militias proud boys boogaloos neo-confederates and many other insurrectionists."
"New groups are formed that protect these secrets, and pass them on through time."
"Bears are such a good supportive group of people."
"This whole story has layers, there's layers upon layers of groups of people."
"The internet is the first medium in history that has native support for groups and conversation at the same time."
"Jesus loves both the religious group but also the rebellious group."
"Billy Bowlegs tells him that there are three groups remaining, one of them is Sam Jones' party."
"Some of those groups laid the foundation for so many other groups to come."
"The age of Aquarius is also a sign, an archetype having to do with groups."
"...they are actively and explicitly extremist misogynist groups."
"A group of lemurs is called a conspiracy."
"The point of putting somebody into a group is so they can get those specific permissions that that department is allowed to do."
"A group is a set, a set of things."
"Groups that had a lot of people who did this and then they had a religious technology that did this, that was one of the keys to human cohesiveness."
"There's no two people in any group even in sports teams that have totally the same opinions in anything."
"The advantage of using groups is that you can assign a single set of permissions to all the users in that particular group."
"...just started to be this contention between these two groups of kids."
"Individuals have liberty, groups don't have liberty, classes don't have liberty, institutions don't have liberty. Only individuals have rights, not groups and institutions."
"If you have some groups with lots of info and some groups that don't have lots of info, well, use a hierarchical model."
"Groups for Health had across-the-board positive benefits on anxiety, stress, loneliness, and depression measures."
"We evolved in small groups, all groups have status hierarchies."
"Groups make sense just as before when you do this."
"We see the emergence of these different groups that are archaeological groups on the landscape."
"The versions of the text that we have divide into two main groups."
"The larger the number of individuals in a group, the more accurately the losses within the group can be predicted."
"It was hostile between those two groups."
"What can be done? Focus on building up groups because groups mobilize voters."
"If you're in the favorable groups with none of these things then seventy-five percent of these people are alive."
"Many groups, in fact, most of the groups in our field started in the church."
"We are not a church with groups. We're a church of groups."
"You can do away with the groups. You don't need them at all."
"Groups themselves kind of symmetries and this gives you other groups."
"It's remarkable. Many groups love to go there as well. There's different meeting areas, you can have a time of worship as well."
"He sent upon them birds that were of different nature, yet groups upon groups, flocks upon flocks of birds."
"The Sieras were the bigger group... so we're going with the Hornes."
"It's fascinating to watch how these two groups play off of each other."
"Many interesting finite groups act as a group of automorphisms."
"Rock and roll emerged in the late 1950s and early 60s featuring clean-cut harmonizing vocal groups."
"The Sunset Ranch Market is the perfect place for large groups that can't decide on a particular restaurant as there is so much to choose from."
"The idea of continuous groups was a very powerful tool... in their discovery and in their development."
"It is very important to have a small group, especially on the streets and even in museums."
"We're like the Three Musketeers; we're like the original Rat Pack."
"It's a lot easier to manage if we add users into one or more groups, it means that we can manage their permissions while they're using the application."
"Hey kiddos, did you know what group of fish is called? A family. And a group of lions is called a pride. A group of crows is called a murder. And a group of people is called a migraine."
"The Beatles is the top, maybe six groups."
"I love and treasure individuals as I meet them; I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to."
"I think that's going to help a lot of the underprivileged underrepresented groups."
"Cults don't have to be religious, and there are lots of religious groups that aren't cults."
"I'm really diggin' the politics between these three groups."
"The matrices that can affect these basis changes in RN, CN, and QN are called the general linear group in n dimensions."
"Factions or groups have always been one of the most interesting things about Manga and Anime."
"Isomorphisms are a very useful and important idea in our study of groups."
"Three groups, three distinct mysteries waiting to be solved, and all of them united by this."
"And until then, stay safe in small groups."
"Within groups, there are geniuses."
"Don't judge the whole UBN or the shines or the bloods for one person's actions."
"God speaks to groups of people, God speaks to whole groups, God speaks to continents, nations."
"Pro and anti-school subcultures are groups within schools with their own norms and values."
"Users often belong to a group, groups of users often called teams or organizations."
"The things which you choose and the groups which you choose to be part of is what is more important."
"Abelian groups are relatively easy to understand; in contrast, non-abelian groups are more mysterious and complicated."
"These two groups are structurally the same."
"Use groups as a way of logically grouping the people that are going to use your environment."
"The finite groups are subgroups of SO3 really, or O3, counting determinant minus one as well as determinant one."
"Every finite simple group is isomorphic to one of the following: a cyclic group Zp where p is prime, an alternating group An where n is at least five, or one of the many groups of Lie type."
"Monkeys are not loners for the most part; they occur in troops."
"They often found in big groups, sometimes about only 12 members, sometimes even up to 30 all running around together."
"We have customers under three groups: average customers, lapsed, and whales."
"An assembly would be built up of multiple groups."
"A dazzle of zebra, a bloat of hippos, a terror of giraffes if they're stationary, a journey of giraffes if they're mobile."
"Group one are the alkali metals and group seven are the halogens."
"Chatter groups are controlled spaces where you can allow people to have conversations amongst the groups only."
"The best way to manage SharePoint is to use security groups."
"Clustering is when you're trying to look at what are the groups in this data."
"You may be leaving groups that you belong to or organizations that you belong to, you may be starting some as well."
"Groups were soon to become a powerful unifying concept in math, describing things in terms of symmetry."
"If I had to pick three fourth-gen groups as my alts, it would be Stray Kids, TXT, and ONEUS."
"The functions binding for SignalR Service are now generally available and they also support groups now."
"Office 365 groups come in as a security group first and foremost."
"I would say my next favorite groups are probably Seventeen, NCT, and BTS."
"Social identity is derived from involvement in social groups with which we are interpersonally committed."
"You've got to focus on your groups, you've got to focus on your correlations."
"We have to belong to ourselves first if we are to belong in any group or in any relationship."