
Unresolved Questions Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Why did Georgia officials agree to sign that horrible one-sided consent decree? Nobody to this day has figured that out."
"Maybe it'll figure it out before we do, but hey, it wouldn't be science if it didn't bring up just as many questions as it answers."
"Where was David Lewis going, how did he get to where he was without any sort of trail, and why did he purchase return tickets back home?"
"The only person who could maybe explain the truth of what really went down is Roland himself."
"You're never gonna get an answer to that question, you're asking. Stop asking it, you're gonna drive yourself mad."
"The purpose of the Hornet balls remains shrouded in darkness."
"No one can deny that straffan was a child killer who murdered his victims for nothing more than Petty Revenge but whether he should have served his sentence in prison or the high security hospital is a question that will always remain unanswered."
"Examine any one aspect of the assassination closely enough and you're likely to come away with more questions than answers."
"I don't think for example whether the question of virus Origins will never actually like completely solved resolved."
"Did they ever explain why Bamm-Bamm was so strong?"
"I thought they were going to answer the question of how does Vader know that Luke is his son? He doesn't. He still doesn't, right?"
"The big question mark is what happened to him over those course of those four days."
"Where it actually came from, where it went, and how it ever got so big to start with are queries that are never addressed."
"We're left with some really interesting questions."
"There aren't going to be answers here tonight, just deepening questions."
"Are we alone in the universe? For some, this question will never be answered, a dangling carrot that entices ufologists and budding conspiracy theorists."
"The death of civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. was a devastating loss that left many questions unanswered."
"Aviation's greatest mystery... people will wonder about until we get a final answer."
"Cartoons sometimes pose questions that would change everything and yet they're never answered."
"Unfortunately, we have emailed and called the detective that's in charge of the investigation, and he has not thus far spoken with us."
"One of the pivotal questions... have they succeeded in doing this."
"So, what's the deal with that? It seems to go pretty deep."
"There are so many questions in this game that get no answers."
"Despite being entertained by the movie, a lot of people may be unfulfilled with the answers they're left with."
"He believes the investigation should be reopened and the inconsistencies resolved once and for all."
"With everything we've taken a look at today, there are so many unanswered questions about evil Morty and his plans."
"It was a senseless attack, and why nothing from the house was stolen."
"From haunted wet floor signs to a new scooper in the burned out Pizzeria, there is a lot going on that we still don't know."
"Will we ever have answers? The story doesn't end here."
"While reverse engineering remains a common practice throughout the world, the question as to whether or not it has ever been used to obtain alien technology remains unanswered."
"The mystery of flight 522's final moments appears to be solved, but for Kim, one question remains."
"Linda is searching for her biological father. 'You gathered all of this together and what does it tell you? Nothing adding up, more questions.'"
"It's a real mystery, one that will leave you with more questions than answers."
"Getty's sudden decline is a riddle we're still trying to solve today."
"My opinion and the time leading up to his disappearance."
"Absolutely, of course. I definitely agree with you, UC, on this one. Three years after the game's released, and we still do not have all the answers for the mural itself."
"This young girl would also grow up to have so many questions for a man that she believed could have prevented her mother's murder."
"It could also be from continental Europe, so we didn't resolve that question."
"Some mysteries are better left unsolved."
"Some of the greatest geniuses in the history of the human race have thrashed out issues of this kind for two or three thousand years without reaching any settled and generally accepted answers."
"Despite the Big Bang Theory being the leading explanation for the origins of our universe, several unresolved questions linger, challenging our understanding and sparking intense scientific inquiry."
"What really happened? Maybe the answer still waits to be discovered deep under the snow."
"We're learning stuff, right? We're finding out more, but there are still so many questions connected to this case."
"I don't know what happened that horrible night in Islington when Maggie and Paul Murdoch were murdered."
"This story doesn't have an answer to go with it; when he died, the only thing I was sad about was never knowing what happened that day."
"The greatest mysteries may never be resolved because they're beyond human comprehension."