
Territoriality Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Men view relationships with women as territorial."
"Stay off the moon. It's not yours. It's ours."
"They want territory, they want power, they want a sphere of influence."
"We're Commander players. Commander players do not like people touching their lands."
"I'm King around these parts. You Birds belong to me."
"I don't like that player. What are you doing? What is this nation? My shack, don't touch!"
"Both alien species are so territorial that they will kill everything in sight."
"Gangs generally want the tagging to be clear as to what it is."
"Lynels are highly intelligent highly territorial beings."
"The doctrine of discovery is codified in the statutes of modern nation-states, establishing their territorial borders and authority."
"This fish is basically a poster child for creepy deep sea creatures."
"Sorry buddy, this block just isn't big enough for the both of us."
"Protecting territory from a spiritual perspective is unlike the grasping and self-serving of the ego."
"But the island is still there. The island still exists and it might very well be part of Shank's territory."
"They do want to push people out because they think it's ours now."
"His scent alone was enough to veer a far more powerful creature from a chosen path wherever the two lived in close proximity for very long."
"Men are territorial with their women. This is why women that are promiscuous have a very difficult time getting men to commit to them because men don't want to be with women that other men have been with."
"Men that's how men view relationships with women. They might not admit this, but men are territorial with their women."
"We laid claim to that [northeast part of the city]."
"That's how serious they are about their territory."
"Coyotes are real territorial and you never know where the boundary is."
"Introducing the Joseph plush. I told you this is my turf, get off my turf, punk, you're breaking some bread, loser."
"Men are territorial with their women. It's been that way since the beginning."
"Territorial attacks are just as devastating as predatory attacks."
"Wow, hippos are incredibly territorial. They'll attack anyone who trespasses on their stretch of the river, so we better give them their space."
"The Spinosaurus sail may have served as a warning signal to intruders in its territory, similar to the dorsal fin of sharks."
"Don't try to roam through my city thinking [ __ ] cool, it ain't possible. I will [ __ ] your daughter and make sure whoever you marry at a hospital."
"Territoriality and the proclivity to defend territory is so deeply embedded in us, it's like the control center for our whole brain."
"Character is the formation of a territory."
"They did defend the ownership of that island because the Canadians kept trying to steal it."
"Love is territorial and exclusive."
"Defending a territory ensures access to food and mates, the driving forces of survival in the wild."
"T-Rexes did this thing called face biting where they would just like bite each other's faces, and that was their kind of territorial dispute or their competition for mates."
"To be highly territorial is very human."
"Lemurs are very territorial; they choose like family members as their troops."
"They're very territorial, very protective, very calm."
"I think maybe these sasquatches are territorial."
"It's not they're not doing that due to hunger but entirely due to territorial behaviors."
"Defending territory is a place-making force, and it's a way we show we're attached to a specific location and have created a place we feel we belong."
"Some territorial feelings, hungers, and instincts are perfectly reasonable human reactions, as long as we think before acting on them."
"Gurenzeburu is an ultra-territorial, brutal flying wyvern given the title of Barbarian Wyvern."
"It's much like any territorial animal."
"It doesn't matter about land and territory."
"You step forward to take your place in the dominance hierarchy and occupy your territory, manifesting your willingness to defend, expand, and transform it."
"They can be territorial just like any other creature on this planet."
"Gibbons use song to protect their territory, a duet between the male and the female."
"Their melancholy concerto of howling has more or less the same meaning as the nightingale's song: 'This is our territory, and woe to those who dare enter.'"
"Leopards are almost certainly territorial; all of the big cats are."
"Territorial behavior in many animal species is a primitive form of property."