
Virtual Machines Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Virtual machines can be very handy if you want to test out new operating systems."
"WSL2: running as a Virtual Machine, entirely managed behind the scenes for you."
"Deploy custom extensions into virtual machines and scale sets in a safe and reliable way."
"Virtual machines are great; it's a way of creating a virtual sandbox for scammers to play in."
"When we talk about Google Cloud, one of the key features here is better pricing than competitors, live migration of virtual machines which really interests a lot of organizations."
"You can add and remove GPUs to a VM when your workload changes and pay for GPU only while using."
"Compute Engine lets you create and run virtual machines known as instances and host them on Google's infrastructure."
"It's like having multiple operating systems at my disposal."
"For better privacy, it is best to install Linux on your virtual machines."
"Virtual machines are all about having a separate computer that pulls resources from your real machine."
"I've got so many virtual machines. It makes me want to cry because it's so awesome."
"Managed disks... the different types available... how we use them with virtual machines... and how to monitor what's actually happening."
"Now with Azure virtual machines, what you get is the opportunity to create Windows or Linux virtual machines. All of this is possible in a matter of seconds with a large amount of customization."
"I can stop the VM, change its size and start it again."
"If words are virtual machines, who designed them? Evolution, cultural evolution."
"We definitely don't want to regenerate those manually every time we create a virtual machine; we want to make sure that it's done for us."
"I went back on Steam and installed Half-Life just to say that we did get one game to work on this virtual machine."
"If I need a thousand machines but only for two minutes to do some very parallel tasks. That's something I can easily do with virtual machines."
"Let's dive in. We do need to go ahead and set up our environment, which requires the boring basic part of making our virtual machines."
"Next, we're going to click on virtual machines."
"We're going to add one now and then when everything is created, I'm gonna show you also how you can manage it."
"It's highly recommended to have at least one cache pool to improve the performance of both your Docker containers and VMs."
"Virtual machines give us the ability to develop and manage a virtual computer environment."
"The ability to clone and spin up multiple instances of the same virtual machine allows us to scale services and applications rapidly, efficiently, and very cost-effectively."
"We don't take down your VMs; we'll copy the entire memory space and move it over to another instance seamlessly."
"Docker has very high productivity when compared to virtual machines."
"All you need to do is go to the cloud, create a new VM, and then just install the DEB."
"Google Cloud or the offerings from Google Cloud Platform that is GCP VM instances enables users to build deploy and manage virtual machines in order to run different kind of workloads on the cloud."
"Compute Engine delivers configurable virtual machines which run in Google's data center with access to high performance networking infrastructure and block storage."
"Google Cloud has better pricing than competitors, live migration of virtual machines."
"Once you reach the enterprise level... the application for virtual machine management and hosting becomes exceedingly important."
"Our Dallas data center got all of our VMs powered up and running as expected."
"I had to go through and figure out a way that I could connect a virtual machine to another virtual machine."
"What we've done with rust-vmm in partnership with folks like Intel is take some of the core pieces of Firecracker, break those out into a set of libraries for building VMs in the Rust programming language."
"It's a good idea to replace your VM templates regularly to incorporate the latest patches and test your automation."
"On Azure, we have like three ways to achieve high availability of your applications that are hosted on virtual machines."
"Live migration of virtual machines really interests a lot of organizations."
"So you have a hypervisor installed onto your computer, that hypervisor deals with the hardware deals with all those kind of things, and then your virtual machine can then run in the hypervisor."
"If you mess up, you can just destroy a VM, spawn a new one, it takes five minutes."
"We literally had customers use this to migrate up to 300 VMs in a single weekend."
"Our mindset is: tell us which VMs you want to protect, tell us how frequently you want to protect it, so that your RPO is defined, your RTO is zero in our system."
"We want bridge to be able to scale up to use all of these powerful machines and VMs if you want it to."
"We've been putting a pile of time into making great virtual machine experiences."