
Joking Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"There was one percent of me that was like, 'I really am just joking here. I don't want to mess with them.'"
"He was always joking with us in the house, I joke but I never tell a lie in my jokes, always I speak the truth."
"What do you want me to do, dress in drag and do the hula?"
"We got it, I'm just joking y'all."
"The Joker is doing all this bad stuff, but then when he's joking around you find it funny or is it just us?"
"I like to mess with people, they were like, 'Well, why you didn't text me back?' I'll be like, 'Baby, I can't spell.'"
"That wholesome moment when you got away with committing a federal crime."
"Oh, we're going to kill Ben, I don't even think he's doing an ad."
"Viagra will be alright, feel free to feel your boots."
"I'm farting I'm farting in the air tonight"
"I'm going to strangle you you're poor."
"He's gravy-less. No, I'm just kidding. But watch out, watch out, all gra... Why don't you just take her leftover gravy? That is GRA, okay?"
"Somebody made a joke but Kendrick been talking to the police... 'you talking to the police, huh?'"
"Sounds like you had too many cookies before bed."
"You're dead, dead, dead. That's a song you're going to sing at my funeral."
"Now you're just [ __ ] with me, Canada!"
"It's not a real gun. Don't tell the police, even though I am the police now."
"Targets at 12 o'clock. Oh, come on, that's funny."
"I joke about this stuff... I'm joking but I'm not joking."
"That was his joke about this one over here about this movie."
"Damn you nosy, it's just a scar, bro."
"We're taking it. I'm sorry about that, Rob. Not sorry at all. We're taking your boat."
"If you weren't such a nice guy, I'd punch you in the face every Saturday."
"I had you killed, I had your chili."
"Don't play with me like that! I was literally chilling."
"All I got to say is this doesn't pertain to anything. I might have sealed a deal for you to get a little kiss on New Year's."
"I joked, hoping to lighten the mood."
"Hey, let me tell you something lady, I love you. Damn, just kidding."
"Even after that incident, you know, just once the fight stopped, it was back to joking around."
"Jokes Aside Harry it's very kind of you to uh have lent your jet to Vic the other day destination Epstein's Island"
"Everything that comes out of my mouth is a joke."
"I like how Austin's room is just suck each other's balls. No one said that, who said that?"
"I'm kidding. Oh my god, I'm kidding."
"Literally make it, no I didn't, did you? I'm just joking."
"We got it, we got it, we got it, stop putting [__] on," he laughed, amidst a conversation.
"Just kidding, I never itched once."
"That's funny, more like 'kick your butt'."
"TJ, you must procure a kiss on the lips from Piper's mum."
"You know that apology sex be good. It be real good."
One of them had to be on their way to him like, "Hey, would it be funny? We take the boy, see some boobies?"
"Sometimes, if you're always joking, you're actually avoiding everything."
"I turned my husband and jokingly said, yeah, that's what they said on the Titanic too, and he laughed at me."
"You want me to park for you? Want me to bark?"
"You must be kidding me embarrassing this is what I'm talking about when I say we are embarrassing when I say it is just beyond Shameless now it is it's actually a joke."
"He just won the Super Bowl. Where you going? Oh [ __ ], to drown some puppies?"
"Chipper, rub it over my rub it over my neck pimples rub it over my skin tags."
"Are you entertained? Yes, I was. I'm joking. Are you not entertained?"
"I need to watch out I don't get a restraining order. I'm coming for you. But yeah, anyway, bestie, can you like stop looking around, okay? We're literally talking. What are you searching for?"
"You called me big too, alright then, shut up, like you, you could have clapped me."
"We have two legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears, and a big old [__], just joking."
"Are you feeling like... does he want to have kids? Yeah. Oh girl, he wants to have like three or four. No, I'm just kidding."
"Sometimes I think you really just might be the devil."
"I wasn't there, I was just laughing, I wanted him to do, like, a voodoo doll of whoever he was working with."
"[__] you, get the [__] off this chat. I'm kidding. No subscribe. Kisses."
"I poop breakfast, what's your super power? No, I'm just kidding."
"My people needed me and I came back. I'm just kidding, no one [ __ ] needed me here ever again."
"Anyway, number one, women awards. Leaf blowers. She was like sixth, I was gonna make that joke, Shannon. She was fifth, she was fifth, no."
"Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if you put girly clothes on me and fucking bullied my ass, dude?"
"It was just joking around, sending messages like that."
"I'm not the girl you cheat on. Emma Roberts, you can shoot me anytime, just not in the balls."
"They looked at me in amazement as if they couldn't tell that I was joking."
"Yo, you be on G, D, that [__], like always."
"I swear to you like in real life walking around the streets I'm walking throughout a pad because people come up to me all the time and they're like where did you get that and I'm always like thred up and they're like you're joking and I'm like I'm really not choking."
"I love a joke, you know like wow, you know when I say if somebody off my homies just be jokes man."
"I'm never gonna make an OnlyFans unless Patrick gets 10,000 followers, no, I'm not doing that."