
Remnants Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The remnants of the people alone remain... a reference to the bubonic plague's first pestilence."
"Beth saw the chimney or what was left of it."
"If all other life on our planet suddenly vanished we would still see a shadow of it written in the nematodes Left Behind."
"It was all around you... there was a civilization here."
"Civilization is not what it is to us, but there is some left."
"If you walk the land long enough, you'll find little remnants of the past."
"All that's left over are sort of these remnants of basically shadows of where those tents once sat."
"The cathedral spire and the font remain; the rest is rubble."
"Several subway stations didn't catch on, leaving behind doors to buildings that were never used or whole entire stations that are now simply forgotten."
"The only trace that remained was the slightest acidic tinge in the air."
"I fancy the ashes of them might even now be found in that oven which had already consumed a part."
"I love the old remnants of things."
"Most matter in the universe will remain in the form of white and brown dwarves, and some matter will persist as neutron stars and black holes."
"Finding the remnants of that bridge was a great find."
"Scattered hereabouts you will find twisted metal and concrete objects hinting at the railway's presence"
"These were a leftover whip from 2021."
"They find the remnants of the mine they check out the other mines."
"The idea of a dream that's been dashed and to see the kind of physical remnants of that idea is attractive to people"
"Every one of these have been lifted and you can see some of the remains of the traces there"
"The gaunt remnants of the church were both chilling and enchanting."
"Very little remains of the beloved rabbit train line."
"You may still have little things and remnants coming up and you're in, you know, with the anxiety and what looks like little worms, your little fragmentations that do belong to your old timeline."
"For a time I stood regarding these vestiges."
"Anywhere you go in the world there's a remnant."
"...70 years later the islands are littered with the remains of that occupation."
"A lot of their belongings were still left behind in the colony itself."
"They create what's known as the Stellar strings many of which have already been discovered and represent the remnants from various other galaxies very likely absorbed by the Milky way over the past 13 billion years."
"You hold in your hands the magical oxhorn, this crystal horn is all that remains of the mighty great ox."
"The remnants of the Roman society was still there, so you had the roads, you had the walls, you had this remnant of a civilization that was more technologically advanced."
"It's been bulldozed and torn down, but it appears to be some remnants of where the house was."
"The volcano we see today is actually just the remnants left behind after this initial cataclysmic event."
"The fall of man did not at one stroke eradicate all the vestiges of the Garden of Eden."
"This is the epitome of what is left of our dinosaurs."
"I'm a neutron star, broadly speaking, a remnant of something big."
"This puzzle is called 'Remnants'."
"The unicorn ring could be the remnants of the merger of two galaxies."
"This Frozen ghost city is all that is left of Yhwach's Empire, an Empire that was so great."
"Below the silent Sierra cliffs, only the battlefield remains."
"These are fabulous to use remnants of fabric."
"I like how you have the remnants of the egg here; you have this rocky base with falcon feathers everywhere."
"When stars die, they leave behind remnants typically called white dwarfs."
"Visitors can now witness the remnants of the ancient quarry and see the roughly 60 blocks of chiseled limestone left behind."
"It's interesting that we still have remnants of it."
"Where once the empire blazed forth in glory, now only its walls still stand."
"Magic and the soul are very closely tied, and because of this, I can only assume that an echo of the mare you used to be lingered in the shreds the Elements of Harmony left behind."