
Pleasant Surprise Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"A quiet place movies are fantastic. That first one was one of the big pleasant surprise movies."
"Enshrouded was a pleasant surprise and a genuinely enjoyable experience for me."
"That was unexpected and a delightful surprise at the end."
"Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by my experiences in checking out Guild Wars 1."
"Combat in Blue Protocol... it was a pleasant surprise."
"This is cute I did not expect to like this as much as I am right now."
"A happy surprise is related to your career and your hard work."
"This was a nice surprise in this list because I wasn't expecting this game."
"Don't let the name fool you. This scent is like a warm apple crumble."
"I really like this surprise. This one really surprised me."
"That was a very, very, very pleasant surprise."
"This playthrough was a pleasant surprise in more ways than one."
"It feels so nice to see it, they're fine, I don't know if it's kind of rare."
"This might be my most pleasant surprise of the week."
"Well, wasn't she a nice little ray of sunshine?"
"It's weirdly wholesome and entirely unexpected."
"I'm pleasantly surprised...I was fully braced to just be kind of depressed again...thoroughly impressed."
"They feel like everything about you is just like beyond all their expectations it's like better than they ever could have wished for Imagined so they feel very pleasantly surprised."
"Happy to see me? Oh, I'm happy any time a good-looking woman turns up."
"It's a pleasant surprise and it's going to lead you to like a domino effect: one thing after another after another."
"I love this because it surprised me."
"I saw a side of him I didn't actually know existed, which was lovely."
"Walking along up here, and I've just found something very nice indeed."
"It's chocolatey and minty and a little bit coffee, all in one. It's actually really nice."
"Before she assaulted the [ __ ] out of it Mando happened to turn up which is nice and coincidental."
"A lot better than I ever thought it was gonna be."
"Wow, very happy with it. Oh my god, like genuinely impressed that it turned out this cute."
"This book was a very pleasant surprise."
"That little center is such a nice surprise."
"It smells really sweet like candy now, so that's kind of cool."
"Looks so pretty. I'm really pleasantly surprised."
"In fact, I actually found myself enjoying it."
"I love it when I show up somewhere and there actually is a ton of good stuff."
"This has been much much better than expected."
"This was honestly way better than it had any right to be."
"Elantris... actually quite enjoyed this book... just pleasantly surprised by it."
"What started off as a bit of a horror story ended up being really nice."
"That's a rarity, this actually smells good inside."
"I'm pleasantly surprised. That's great."
"Oh not what I expected and really lovely."
"It’s a pretty good, it’s, I like it much better than I would expect to if you just described it to me."
"I'm pleasantly surprised and overall the print quality is better than I anticipated."
"The Mickey waffles were actually very good. I didn't expect that."
"This is a lot tastier than I thought it was going to be."
"I recoiled in horror the first time that I smelled this, legitimately went 'Oh God, this stuff again.' But it's actually not too bad."
"I'm pleasantly surprised by how enjoyable this experience actually is."
"This is so much better than I thought it'd be."
"Serendipity, yeah. I never quite know what it means. It's coming across something pleasant and pleasing just like by chance, a certain little moment of surprise happiness."
"Wow, I'm actually pleasantly surprised."
"This is turning out to be really fun."
"It's kind of like when you find a five dollar bill in your pocket."
"Overall I have to say I was pleasantly surprised with GWR's Night Riviera sleeper."
"I was so surprised but it was so good."
"Overall, I was pleasantly surprised. We had a very, very great meal here."
"This was a nice surprise that this came together."
"The highlights have included seeing Austria. That was a nice surprise, wasn't it?"
"Australian food and snacks that I've had experience with seem to be always top-notch and a very pleasant surprise."
"This might be the nicest thing I've ever arrived to at a hostel."
"This has surprised me, I thought it wouldn't be like everything is good, yeah, I mean all the elements are good."
"It was quite nice actually, surprisingly, it was much better than I thought."
"A very nice result for you, and a nice surprise, thank you."
"This place is really nice, much better than I thought it would be."
"Thank you, Nancy. What a wonderful surprise."
"The food was actually good; sometimes gimmicky places like that don't have good food, but those pancakes were bomb, okay? They were delicious."
"It's surprisingly nice here, isn't it?"
"I ended up coming second, which was a great surprise."
"Oh, it seems I have guests. What a pleasant surprise."
"I'm pleasantly surprised, didn't come in expecting crazy, but I was like, 'Oh, I got a few games here that I'm very interested in.'"
"I really did not expect this to be as good as it is."
"This is a bit of an unexpected surprise, I like the CS."
"It was a good surprise, it really was."
"It tastes like a blueberry muffin."
"It's a really nice thing to come across."
"I was pleasantly surprised actually with the photo quality."
"Darling, what a wonderful surprise! You have rolled back the clouds and brought sunshine into my day."
"Sandpoint really surprised me, it's actually a lovely town."
"In a pleasant way, the Texans are one of the biggest surprises from the 2023 NFL season."
"I don't understand why that is, it's quite nice."
"I was pleasantly surprised because of that, and I loved doing this research."
"It's lovely when something turns out to be even nicer than you thought."
"It's definitely a nice surprise to grab that."
"I didn't know it was going to be this nice."
"I am very pleasantly surprised, and I'm really, actually I'll be honest with you, kind of confused."
"Everything is really nice on it; I'm super surprised how nice it is."
"I stand corrected, this thing's delicious."
"Oh, that was a lovely unexpected day."
"That was really neat, a pleasant surprise here."
"Such a beautiful thing to behold, you wake up, you think it's Monday, nope, it's Tuesday."
"It's strange but it's actually nice."
"Who could have guessed how much better such a thing would be?"
"I was pleasantly surprised about the very minimal spillage of light coming into the room."
"I'm happy to say that I was very pleasantly surprised."
"The apartment had been a pleasant surprise too; in fact, I couldn't have designed it better myself."
"I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm still smiling thinking back at the memories."
"Great food, friendly service, we are very happy and surprised."
"I'm eating the Oreo and I'm also eating my words, this is was actually delicious."
"Well, that was unexpected, that was probably one of the nicest experiences we have ever had."
"How amazing is that? That is so, so nice."
"Actually, that smells quite nice."
"This is wonderful, what a nice surprise."
"I'm glad I picked this one up first because it's taking me by surprise."
"I was so pleasantly surprised to see so many really cute pieces for summer."
"I'm very pleasantly surprised, I did not think I was going to like this as much as I did."
"It genuinely smells like strawberry cheesecake."