
Paperwork Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"People can't argue with paperwork, you know, that's right."
"There is no shortage of ways to start making deals. Do the paperwork."
"Deal with mail and paper clutter as soon as it comes in."
"The job's not done until the paperwork's finished."
"All it does is take some time, you have to fill out an application, you have to get your title transfer but once you do that you're saving money."
"The first must-have cost for starting a non-profit is quite simply your legal paperwork."
"He left that time-sensitive and unfinished plea bargain paperwork at his desk."
"Make sure that you're not missing an important piece of paperwork."
"License renewal, medical stuffs, change of address, etc., etc. Due to this, I was rolling around town with every scrap of paperwork about me in existence."
"There's definitely a difference between legal and lawful, and what's happening here is legality is paperwork."
"Hey time serve probation blah blah blah fine and I got my paperwork of the conviction out the door."
"All right, so yeah, we're going to have to do some filing."
"We filled 19 large rubber tubs completely packed full of paperwork."
"The merger went through without a hitch. All the paperwork, executed flawlessly."
"Life’s been pretty good since then too. I got married to my wife Sarah a few years back, and started adopting our three children almost a year ago, which irritatingly is still progress, paperwork takes forever."
"It's probably the paperwork, to be honest. I mean, it's not the flying itself. The plane is just so forgiving."
"I'm officially a citizen so I now need to get a passport"
"I love you, I'll see you next time, paperwork, let's go."
"I'm just a driver. The company will contact you with the rest of the paperwork you need once that's been paid."
"The paperwork and the contracts don't make exactly like a sexy social media post, you know? Nobody's that excited about looking at the details of how to fill out a contract, but that really is important."
"And which payroll form do you file? So almost everyone does the 941."
"Step three: Signing the documents to make sure that you're covered."
"I have the boat, have the paperwork, it's mine."
"I'll file it as an emergency, so it will go into effect immediately once the paperwork goes through."
"She just like completely ate like literally did not leave like one shred of paper left of my tax return like gobbled it up like entirely."
"Sorry, PT, I know paperwork is dull, but it's a big part of law enforcement."
"But what's going to happen then is that when you do get your new logbook come to you in the post, it's going to still have that written on the front and you're going to see it, aren't you?"
"If there's anything left, it's not the booze, it's that bloody paperwork."
"Can we please cut this short? I have to finish up my transfer papers by today."
"'VMH rages. Terror is the journey to offbrand Hotel in Su from there. VMH checks out to come join us. We process through it all and get paperwork all squared away with VMH in a room not before an unidentified luggage cart (ULC) appears in my lobby and is up to a room.'"
"All you need to do is just sign here."
"Ballerina is our child legally, but I never signed any papers."
"No way. I don't like paperwork, and I'm too lazy to go through that whole process, so..." [Laughter]
"Congratulations, you went to the consulate, you got your visa or maybe you're here on a visa waiver."
"A clean title car, title in hand."
"I was instantly drawn to all the paperwork on the desk."
"The medical care industry is literally drowning in paperwork."
"Bones then provided them with a form to fill out, which Allan promptly completed and handed back."
"That letter of deletion is probably more important than the damn that you're paying it."
"No one prepared me for that, like you would have even additional paperwork for kids that you don't even see or that you don't even have jurisdiction over."
"Before they sent that paperwork saying 'Hey sign here, you've been awarded,' I actually saw an email come through from IPP."
"I walked and dropped off the invoices to accounting."
"Ultimately, it's got to get to that point and it doesn't get to that point if your paperwork's right."
"That's why when an artist buys a song, they have to submit paperwork, paying a producer, whoever points, and publish it, because now they're taking ownership of the master."
"You should run for president, just fill out the paperwork."
"Now when you look at that state paperwork you go to here with a pinch of salt."
"...here's the piece of paper which means this car is legal to drive for a whole another year"
"That heat coming from that burning body and Auschwitz, a paperwork mistake, paperwork mistake, how can they do that man, this is a very big mistake."
"We just showed up. We filled out a piece of paper. Took it up to the gentleman. He made us do like some eye tests."
"We gotta fill something out, you know."
"A lot of people off they're doing their internships realize you're not really in a courtroom all that often. And you spend a lot of time sitting behind your desk doing paperwork and research."
"My mom's name isn't on any of the special guardianship paperwork... she's the only one that can actually come and pick her up."
"Even the parents don't have to sign here, you can just leave it blank."
"So now we're in Dire Straits with another $10,000 debt from her, all we've received is $122,000 worth of paperwork."
"We avoid any unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy."
"That one is still waiting final paperwork from Flint."
"We can just do a court wedding, just get paperwork done, and the real big wedding later when you're ready."
"Order quite a few death certificates."
"look for rebates and then remember to send in your paperwork"
"We're officially signing our paperwork, so freaking excited."
"Keep all of your paperwork in order."
"Naruto, even you will fall before the evil that is paperwork, and I will be there to laugh at your misfortune."
"Anything to get away from that atrocious paperwork."
"It was too nice a night to stand and do boring paperwork, you know."
"He had some clothes and some paperwork from the hospital."
"The real benefit of having an agent is this next part: compiling all of your paperwork."
"We had to rush to the new place to try to move the paperwork forward of getting our new pad."
"There's some paperwork that was filed today that's pretty interesting."
"I recommend that when you do a planner, you just think about plastic folders because you will have a ton and a ton of loose paper."
"We're about to leave to go sign all of our paperwork and get the keys to our house."
"If you're the artist, who's going to handle the paperwork?"
"Well, thanks so much. I'll sign any paperwork you need me to sign, but I appreciate it a lot."
"Now that the paperwork is all done and signed, we can finally start," the older man said with a slight smile.
"Digitize as much paperwork as you can."
"I mean, what do you got to lose from sending in this paperwork?"
"Now that we've stepped on the premises with the paperwork, it's our oasis."