
Data Safety Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Don't be that person who forgets to back up their important files. Sign up and get a free 15-day trial with no credit card required at backblaze.com."
"Encapsulation protects data, ensuring it's accessed and modified safely within classes."
"Save your game, folks. If you're getting a lot of these stares right now, this is a PSA. Save your game. You'll regret it if you don't."
"Did I mention you should be saving all the time? Control S, yes I did."
"Copy is the one that saves your butt if you have to go edit a file or you want to change something about a file but you want to keep a copy around."
"Backup your footage during your shoot, don't risk losing it."
"Virtual private networks help keep your data safe as well as providing a host of other uses."
"You should have three copies of your data before you consider it safe."
"Backing up in general is a good idea. Keeping a good state of all your data and services can help out when things go wrong."
"Always, always have a backup of your data."
"The 321 backup rule: always have three copies of your data, stored on two different types of media, with one copy kept off site."
"Idle temp: no heatsink at 45, ellu tang at 43, palodi at 40, gigabyte at 40, sabrin at 40." - Video
"The biggest deal is the idle temperature. That's the stuff that's going to keep your data safe the cooler it is." - Video
"For important data, it's better to use the 3-2-1 rule which basically stipulates you should always have three copies of your most important data."
"Backup your Raspberry Pi's SD card, that way if anything goes wrong, it's easy to revert it without needing to reconfigure everything."
"Now this is super awesome because what it means is if you ever have your main photo drive fail, your backup photo drive is an exact duplicate at your time of last backing up."
"Remember kids, always backup your files."
"You did save your work, didn't you?"
"Always make sure that you have a backup, because if you lose a file, you can't get it back."
"You can create an additional layer of security and make sure that your data is safe."
"You want to move your images to a hard drive, a safer place, and you should always back those up."
"No matter what you do, you should always back up your system no matter what, and you should set that process up so that it's automatic."
"Having a great backup is a great idea."
"Remember, back up your data on a regular basis and store it in three different locations."
"It's always good to have a backup of your files."
"Back up your data, please. Your important data, back it up to the cloud, back it up to NAS, back it up to an external hard drive."
"It's highly recommended that you have a multi-tiered backup strategy in place to make sure your data is safe."
"It's a good idea to save what you're doing in case the program crashes."
"Wouldn't it be great if social networks these days valued data safety and security and user privacy above all else?"
"If someone steals your laptop... even if they open the lid and don't have your password, they're not going to be able to access any of the data."
"Follow the three-two-one rule: three copies stored on two different media, with one copy located off-site."
"Back up to at least two physical drives to ensure redundancy."
"Always save your programming; make sure you have a good solid backup."
"Back up your files so you won't lose them."
"It's always a good idea to backup your code, and this is an easy and free way to do it."
"It's always a good idea to save your files, back them up, or do whatever just in case you start to go ahead and get a little bit too aggressive and start to get conflicts when your reports come out."
"The insecure option in the API is explicit, so you can immediately see if it's not such a good idea to send sensitive data over it."
"You want to be saving as often as you remember, just in case you have issues here and there."
"Please, please, please also save."
"Make sure that you're saving your work every so often."
"None of this removes any of your saved games or any of your existing applications; those all stay safe."
"If you're planning on using terminal for your projects, make sure you're backing up your code and data."
"Very important: autosave and back up your files."
"Please always make a backup, guys. I cannot stress this enough."
"Create a backup immediately if possible."
"If you only have your footage saved in one spot, you don't actually have it saved anywhere because all drives can fail."
"A surge protector is good because you don't want to let a surge come in and zap by your data."
"You can protect your data from accidental delete."
"We'll enable the recycle bin on this, which is always good to have in case you lose any documents."
"Saving often is always, always, always good practice."
"That's one way of creating backups which is something that you should consider."
"Please, please, please, make a backup."
"Nothing is really on your Chromebook, so when you wipe it completely, you don't lose anything."
"This last example is really the most recommended way of handling data race conditions and thread safety problems in Go."
"Make sure you have a backup or at least two copies of backups before you run any OS update."