
Human Trafficking Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"I'm super passionate about human trafficking awareness, I'm currently in the process of starting a nonprofit."
"She believes that Jane Doe was a victim of human trafficking and the man that gave her a false name convinced her to trust him."
"We provide life-changing opportunities for survivors of trafficking."
"Human trafficking and destructive cults are not just issues in distant lands or plot lines in crime shows; they are among the most severe and rapidly growing problems happening right under our noses."
"Something that will always infuriate me about this case is that while Epstein and his girlfriend are commonly referred to as prolific sex traffickers, the question doesn't get asked enough: who were they trafficking to?"
"The scourge of human trafficking is a stain on all of humanity. It invades borders, destroys communities, and robs millions of their human dignity."
"Human trafficking is believed to be one of the largest criminal activities in the world, with an estimated 24.9 million people trapped in forced labor, domestic servitude, or commercial sex trafficking."
"The illegal immigration problem is the extent to which human trafficking is damaging the very lives of the people who are coming."
"We're talking about taking steps to reduce it, so with amnesty and legal abilities, we make human trafficking harder on every single level."
"I'm somebody who is a big believer that human trafficking isn't given enough attention. It happens every single day in every state, country around the world."
"The magnitude of human trafficking across the globe, especially of children, is so sick."
"The work that is being done by Homeland Security Investigations to combat this human trafficking scourge isn't unbelievable."
"Fewer people would be suffering through the horror of human trafficking if the Border was as secure as it was at the start of this Administration."
"The Anti-Predator Project is really awesome."
"Human trafficking is worse now than it's ever been in the history of our world. It's a world's problem, it's a U.S. problem, but it's a world problem caused, to a certain extent, by the Internet."
"Unprecedented targeted intervention to combat human trafficking."
"Human trafficking is very real and it's everywhere."
"It is a priority for this administration to combat human trafficking."
"Asset prices across the board will be worth a lot more at the end of this year."
"Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery."
"It's too easy to blame the traffickers and the people smugglers they are merely leeching on the misery of people that is already there."
"We exist to fight to end what is the fastest growing criminal enterprise according to most experts in the world."
"The whole human trafficking... it's happening more and more with social media."
"Human trafficking, or modern slavery, is amongst the most pressing human rights violations of our time."
"The White House, the administration, is fully committed to ending trafficking and modern-day slavery once and for all."
"Trafficking doesn't always look the way people would expect it to look because of the way it's been portrayed publicly the reality is very different."
"We actually sit on top of the largest human trafficking database in existence."
"Children who go missing will be approached by a human trafficker within the first 48 hours."
"Until our laws and our systems and our society held responsible everyone that profits from human trafficking, we're not ending human trafficking."
"Absolutely it is a priority for this administration to combat human trafficking and the exploitation of children."
"The US is in the top three countries for destinations for sale child sex trafficking victims. It's a 150 billion dollar a year industry and there are millions tens of millions of children who are currently trapped in sex slavery."
"The battle against human trafficking never ends, and in the U.S., the issue is exacerbated by the surge at the border."
"Boris Johnson said it is about halting human trafficking, we have to interrupt the business model of the gangs."
"Human trafficking is a scourge upon the face of the earth."
"Katie Joy accuses 7M of engaging in human trafficking."
"The number of people that are human trafficked... it's outrageous."
"This is a slave trader responsible for the trafficking of 84,000 Africans for the Americas to be sold into slavery. 19,000 died on the journey."
"It is literally human trafficking to force someone to work so that you can make money off of them."
"They wanted maybe to let people in on the human trafficking... that's something they really want to come out."
"They don't even believe that this is Miss Young because if she's human trafficked do you think that they would put her real name on the marriage certificate?"
"He was engaged in sexual trafficking of minors, which is about as bad as it gets. Everyone involved with him should go to jail for extraordinary periods of time because this is horrifying in every way."
"As the average person in America, I don't know if those children many of them were brought in from human trafficking or whether they truly were separated."
"The Blurred Lines between human trafficking and prostitution are very bad."
"The financial system has an extraordinary role to play... if you stop the money, you stop the flow of the people."
"Every day is one step closer to the total collapse of the human trafficking cult known as Scientology."
"If you want a girl go to Epstein, he's got them."
"Women are at least five times more likely to be trafficked."
"Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children."
"There will be over 140 girls under the age of 14 tonight in Atlanta... sold for sex... I want to thank men for standing up."
"Traffickers are making 14 million dollars a day." - Former Tucson Border Patrol Chief Roy Villareal
"The Immortals have a well-established trade in human flesh, they sell people for whatever purpose you may want them."
"The war on children is a documentary about the sexual exploitation the human trafficking of children."
"Human trafficking is almost like a serious pyramid scheme of awful Behavior."
"This human trafficking thing with Ghislaine and the Wayfair and all of this is coming out, this is all the same thing that they have been doing through the so-called war."
"The little girls and little boys are being sexually abused by the traffickers."
"It's more than that, I think we need to name it, we need to see what it is, we need to name what the problem is and it's human trafficking."
"Dismantle human trafficking networks. Nobody's talking about this, it's huge."
"Donald Trump is doing a lot to fight against human trafficking, and I am just... it's one of the most globally proliferate crimes syndicates."
"This is not some sordid sex story, this is a story of being trafficked."
"When it comes to human trafficking, the numbers are outrageously swayed."
"Delta is actually one of the only airlines that we saw combating human trafficking with their get onboard campaign."
"What took so long? Why do we wait until like this [ __ ] is like trafficking around the world bro?"
"We will stop the flow of deadly drugs and horrible human trafficking."
"Human trafficking is now at the highest level in the world."
"This whole situation makes a complete mockery of all the victims of human trafficking. It's very, very sad."
"Where do you draw the line between human trafficking and adult consensual sex work?"
"Empower some of the worst human traffickers in the world."
"The United States is the largest trafficker of children in the world."
"Child sex trafficking, child slavery in the United States is a multi-billion dollar industry and the government is facilitating it."
"I sympathize if you're addicted, but stop facilitating human trafficking just because you want to get off, please."
"One of the most disturbing problems in our world today is human trafficking and particularly the trafficking of children."
"My administration is 100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the Earth."
"Child sex trafficking is ten times more lucrative than drug trafficking."
"The Trump administration has announced it has awarded over 100 million dollars in grants to fund services and programs tackling human trafficking and assisting victims across the U.S." - NTD News
"Prosecuting a human trafficking case is easily one of the harder crimes to prosecute because your main point of evidence is actually the trafficking victim."
"Our goal is to drive a billion dollars into the fight against human trafficking by 2040. That's gonna 20x what the US government does uh with no strings."
"The most common age for girls trafficked is 15 to 17, for boys under 12."
"Children are sold over and over again, not just once like drugs."
"There is no typical profile for victims of human trafficking."
"Forced labor trafficking is more prevalent than sex trafficking."
"The Department of Justice will do everything in our power to continue bringing human traffickers to justice."
"Human trafficking is a non-partisan issue, we can all agree."
"Human trafficking is a stain as well on all of humanity. We detest it because it flagrantly violates the unalienable rights that belong to every human being." - Mike Pompeo
"Human trafficking is a local and a global problem. Shockingly many victims never leave their hometowns." - Mike Pompeo
"The evidence of human sex trafficking... is staggering."
"Larry's story perfectly illustrates how the Church of Scientology traffics children."
"Larry's story is how trafficking occurs in Scientology."
"I think human trafficking is one of the great atrocities of our time."
"Human trafficking in women... it's bigger now all over the world than it's ever been because of the computer, because of the internet. It's bigger now than ever before."
"This is the biggest human trafficking crisis of my lifetime, and you sir are complicit with it."
"The strong partnership between the sheriff department, Harland for Children, and the other NOS allows us to be on the ground floor of engagement with potential human trafficking victims to provide them with the immediate resources and help that they need."
"Human trafficking is occurring right now in all 50 states."
"Human trafficking is a high volume business model which requires a person-to-person transaction."
"We have the largest human trafficking database in existence, the cleanest human trafficking database in existence."
"Let's be known for solving this problem, so that our children can be like, 'Oh yeah, my dad was part of the human trafficking horrific used to happen years ago, and our kids will get to learn about it in history books because we solved it.'"
"So when I talk to men about the human trafficking issue and I start talking about human trafficking, the very first thing they say is, 'Well, isn't that the oldest profession in the world?'"
"There's a stigma attached to human trafficking, there's a stigma attached to that lifestyle, and so giving yourself Grace is do it for yourself and you want to do it for others."
"almost 30 million people worldwide are living in slavery as a result of human trafficking."
"Many believe human trafficking is something that is only happening outside of our communities, in the cities in the dark where nobody can see. But it is happening here in plain sight, in our neighborhoods, schools, malls, restaurants, places where you are often at yourself."
"Human trafficking is a 150 billion dollar a year industry."
"It's important to bring so much awareness to what's really happening and how easily people are being trafficked right under our noses."
"Human trafficking happens here, it's not just something that happens in some quote-unquote horrible country with a horrible economic situation somewhere."
"When people hear of human trafficking and organ harvesting, they think of those guys who took that girl, but it's often doctors and nurses involved."
"We have poor U.S border security, a broken U.S policy, and we are feeding the growth of human trafficking."
"After spending 12 harrowing months as a sex slave, Joy reported her Nigerian captors to police."
"It's an unfair fight now. We need more policing, we actually need in every police force a dedicated unit because it's a complex climb that you have offices that really understand it, know how to deal with it, know how to work well with victims."
"Human trafficking is happening in your country right now, right here, right under our noses and I don't think we should let it happen under our watch."
"This is one of the most disgusting [__] gut-wrenching things in the world, and it is how money is laundered through human trafficking throughout the entire world."
"if the human trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry we're uncovering it right now"
"Every single crime category internationally without exception has some involvement in human trafficking."
"There's a healthy amount or an unhealthy amount of human trafficking that goes on in this country."
"Human trafficking is a huge problem within Canada but it's also something that people aren't talking about."
"It's proven to Hollywood that a movie on trafficking, well done, is commercially viable."
"60% of sex trafficking victims in the United States are coming out of our foster care system."
"These false narratives about what human trafficking looks like often obscure the real issues."
"Child trafficking is the darkest, most dangerous, and most disgusting thing on this earth."
"Reporting human trafficking could save a life."
"Anyone could be a victim of human trafficking."
"Smuggling becomes trafficking when the person brought across our borders is exploited for the financial gains of traffickers."
"Children are becoming the preferred commodity of smugglers and human traffickers."
"There are still 31 million people living in some form of human trafficking."
"There's currently more people enslaved and human trafficked right now than when slavery was actually legal."
"The transatlantic slave trade sees slaves violently captured and shipped from West Africa and then forced to work on US plantations."
"All such traders in human beings should be hunted down and brought to justice."
"What we're talking about is an illicit trade, and the commodity is a human being."
"Trafficking is a supply and demand issue."
"We want to make sure that we do everything we can to identify the victims of human trafficking so that we can rescue them."
"The primary goal is to rescue victims from human trafficking and to arrest people that are buying human beings."
"The poor and marginalized are often the first to be victims of human trafficking."
"Women enslaved by trafficking lose more than just their names."
"We oversee the A21 campaign, a global anti-human trafficking initiative."
"We build software to fight human trafficking and the sexual exploitation of children."
"It's a $150 billion industry per year, trafficking children and smuggling them into slavery."
"With a sex trafficking victim, that trafficker can sell that victim ten to twelve times a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year."
"We have a terrible problem with human trafficking in Manitoba."
"The criminalization of prostitution in Sweden resulted in the shrinking of the prostitution market and the decline of human trafficking inflows."
"It's the fastest growing organized crime in the world right now. It is even ahead of drugs."
"Human trafficking is a $150 billion dollar industry according to UNICEF."
"What methods, what efforts, what kinds of movements against the current problem of modern slavery and human trafficking have worked, which haven't, which ought to work?"
"And so, to have a woman come to America penniless, virtually a victim of human trafficking in a certain way and rise from that to where she's going, that is the arc of the show and it will be incredible."
"It's a real eye-opener when you look at it head-on, the reality of human trafficking and the reality of modern slavery and how that can be right in your face and you don't even see it."
"Human trafficking doesn't discriminate against the people that it exploits."
"Flight attendant Sheila Frederick saved a passenger from human trafficking."
"The world has tried to standardize laws about human trafficking."
"They've identified and recovered several people who were victims of human trafficking, which is really cool."
"Human trafficking is at an all-time damn high and we need to be protecting our kids."