
Nonprofit Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"I'm super passionate about human trafficking awareness, I'm currently in the process of starting a nonprofit."
"This new lab would be nonprofit, developing AGI for the benefit of humanity."
"We're launching a nonprofit...to help cultivate the next generation of disciples."
"We're going to turn to an effort named 'Take This,' a nonprofit that claims they're trying to decrease stigma and increase support for mental health in games."
"Aether SX2 was always meant to be a fun hobby for me, not profit-driven."
"We appreciate everybody's support, and every dollar that comes in helps continue to promote the mission the ACA is doing."
"We're a nonprofit; we're like a charity, so, you know, we cater to those that are less fortunate."
"This is not something that we're making money with; anything that we do make goes right back into the business, and you're buying all of this at our own cost."
"I am a part of a non-profit organization called Eric's House. It is to help people who've lost somebody to suicide, overdose through substance abuse, or through tragic death."
"I founded a non-profit that does literacy and art programming in the county jails."
"The Anti-Predator Project is really awesome."
"They made it a nonprofit specifically because they didn't want their research and work to be profit-driven."
"We're a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary... hopefully you go back and make good decisions in your life and you help save animals in the wild."
"You're silly if you think nonprofits should just be working for free. They need money to pay the lights, they need money to pay for the building that they're in, they need money to pay the staff. I get it."
"Wouldn't she want to take my billion dollars then? Wouldn't she want to take the million dollar? It's not my money, always a blog for the Foundation which is a 501c3. I don't have a million dollars but it's there and it's available."
"REI is fundamentally different than those other stores in one huge way: they're supposed to be there specifically to serve their members and communities, not to make a profit."
"FreeCodeCamp is a nonprofit coding site for those who want to become computer programmers."
"I do look back, and like, I have a non-profit called Hug the Block that I'm reaching out to the at-risk youth, helping the people out."
"Khan Academy is a not for profit with a mission of providing a free world class education for anyone anywhere."
"I'm starting a new role at a non-profit focused on humanitarian civilian protection in conflict zones."
"This is why you should support Judicial Watch because no one else does this type of work."
"Having my own non-profit would be the perfect idea, so I started up my non-profit Books Without Borders."
"I think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option."
"I don't take that lightly and that's part of the reason I started my nonprofit is because it takes courage and our young ladies need to be equipped with courage to lead well in life."
"It's amazing to see that a company like XLM in the Stellar Development Foundation is moving this smoothly when it's not even for profit. It's beautiful to see."
"Managing a non-profit like it was a profit is critical."
"Bible project is a crowdfunded non-profit everything we make is free because of your generous support thank you so much for being part of this with"
"My personal motivation is a bit more simple than that. Of course, I want people to play the mods but personally what I take out of this project because obviously we're not making any money off of it is it's just fun."
"And so I quit my day job and set up Khan Academy as a nonprofit."
"Veritas action is the one going out and asking what's going on. My understanding is they're a non-profit so you have nonprofit journalists calling them activists calling whatever you want they're doing journalism."
"All the merch sales are 100% non-profit. You can donate at theasherhouse.com to support our mission."
"I have a nonprofit where I work with kids and I give back to the community."
"So now I'm not doing this for views or the money my channel is even monetized and I'm doing this because I think it's important people know."
"Everything that he would do would be in the service of the Foundation's goals."
"In honor of her beautiful life and memory Polly’s father Marc established the KlaasKids Foundation."
"Black Lives Matter should be like, 'Yo, y'all gave us the money, this is how we want to spend it.'"
"It just feels when you see a non-profit using donations to buy luxurious and extravagant things."
"Our shop is unionized, doesn't operate for profit, and funds projects like free tutoring and food programs."
"Please become a monthly donor... it's how we stay alive."
"You sold your life story, Mr. Sharpton, to your own charity."
"They're a clever brand, Rolex. They're not for profit."
"That's certainly not to say that we're in any danger of you know declaring victory and shutting down the foundation because there are certainly a bunch of other equally vital areas that have not got to investability yet."
"Give power and 501c3 intersect innovation and storytelling to bring attention to solutions that can help build a cleaner, more sustainable, and more hopeful future."
"OpenAI, which used to be a non-profit, is now valued at close to 30 billion dollars."
"I have my own new non-profit, so I'm doing exotic animal sanctuary and conservation education on my channel."
"Technically a combination of a nonprofit and a profit-making commercial enterprise, its mixed status gives us a degree of latitude which a pure nonprofit would not enjoy."
"There are a number of organizations that just don't make the mainstream papers; nobody knows about them."
"If you're going to be doing a nonprofit, have a charitable purpose and intent."
"We're all part of nonprofits because we want to make an impact in the world."
"Being a nonprofit, we were able to get grants and make the pricing extremely affordable to the community."
"I started a nonprofit to work with underprivileged youngsters."
"I'm founding a non-profit. It's a three-year business plan for an exotic animal sanctuary and a virtual education."
"At Metabolic Mind, we're a non-profit group where we focus on the intersection of metabolic health and mental health."
"An annual budget is a must-have for your non-profit."
"If you have not been taking advantage of putting out a monthly social media post that reminds people that they can do a birthday fundraiser for your nonprofit, this is something we recommend that you start incorporating sooner than later."
"You can plan once a month to remind people to start their shopping with smile.amazon.com so that your nonprofit can benefit from those purchases."
"If you can get consistent in how often you're asking for these donations, people will start to know, oh yeah, it's the third Wednesday of the month, and the food bank is collecting cans today."
"What do you do if you want to start a non-profit but you don't have any startup money to get it launched?"
"If you are starting with zero funds, that doesn't mean that you can't start a non-profit."
"The first must-have cost for starting a non-profit is quite simply your legal paperwork."
"If you'd like more videos on how to grow a successful nonprofit, please like and subscribe."
"So now I want to hear from you, are you starting a non-profit or growing a non-profit and are you in this process of recruiting board members?"
"I started my nonprofit because I thought, 'You know, this is such a beautiful place. What can I do here to help the animals?'"
"She's been pretty cool, she's helping me out on a couple things man with the non-profit, we don't talk obviously like we used to but it's been cool man, it's great."
"Our mission is educational. We're a non-profit here operated by the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum in partnership with the Mike Curb Family Foundation."
"These are the salaries of the executives, making over four hundred thousand dollars a year. The CEO making over 300,000, the CFO over 290,000 a year. These are the salaries of the people that are Executives of the non-profit that's managing this fund."
"...if you enjoyed this video or if you learned anything, this video has no sponsors and this channel is a non-profit organization."
"The first tool I'm going to talk about is another one that other non-profit leaders have highly recommended but that I have not tried myself, though I have heard good things from others outside the non-profit world too, and that is HubSpot."
"Non-profits have no owners; the people who are governing the organization are really considered stewards, not owners."
"Now it's really kind of different, and we found that we were taking a lot more seriously actually when we became a business than we were when we were kind of presenting ourselves as a not-for-profit. So that, for us, has been really helpful over the years."
"I have a nonprofit called Funny Furthur Forgotten where we go to homeless shelters and prisons and abuse children and places, and we take comedy there, really making laughter commonplace in uncommon places."
"Our sponsor for this video isn't trying to sell anything at all. Not even sort of. They are a nonprofit organization called 80,000 Hours, and their entire mission is to help you find the most meaningful, most fulfilling career you possibly can."
"I'm excited for the next few months I'm going to beat her in the primary which will be in March but I'm going to be visible in the community uh and very active from my nonprofit standpoint."
"That's the blessing of nonprofit ministry."
"So within the next 10 years, we will be a completely self-sustaining non-profit."
"I mean, Debbie, I know from our own nonprofit how hard it is to do fundraising."
"Guys, listen to this next post. I used to work for a small nonprofit..."
"I started my nonprofit rebuilding a man, the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny."
"I am the president of a nonprofit organization called the Center for Bioethics and Culture."
"What I love about it is that it's not for profit. They focus on the preservation and safe utilization of these medicines."
"Lastly, there's a lot of speculation about my nonprofit neverstop...I pay all the startup fees so that the donations can go to people who need them..."
"I created my nonprofit after I was rescued, to fulfill the purpose."
"So, I'll give you my recommendation. So my recommendation for starting a business alongside your non-profit is to keep it absolutely separate."
"I got a non-profit organization called PIC, stands for Positive Inner City Kids."
"We built this nonprofit up that fights against the sexual exploitation of children."
"They are an acclaimed nonprofit organization dedicated to The Art of Storytelling."
"The church can actually, as a non-profit, own for-profit entities. They just have to pay taxes and submit to the legal wranglings of those for-profit entities."
"Welcome everyone, we are so excited to have you with us today for Know Your Numbers: Your guide to non-profit financial statements."
"Our mission is to empower nonprofit excellence and our vision is a community where nonprofit organizations achieve their highest level of impact."
"The only difference between a for-profit and a nonprofit is not whether you earn profits but what you do with those profits."
"A successful well-run nonprofit must run a deficit in a recession."
"A nonprofit has to live with two personalities."
"Helping nonprofits to raise money that can help them to further reach their mission."
"Why not give it to a charity, give that money to a non-profit organization, one that you have formed, one that you've set up? It can reduce your taxable income, and then you can have some control over what's going to happen with the money."
"You can donate appreciated stock to a non-profit or an appreciated asset to the non-profit, you avoid having to pay capital gains taxes on that, and you can get a deduction instead."
"The oldest ideas in the world are about love and happiness and, guess what, old-fashioned human connection. That's really the secret to great non-profit management."
"Cancer Research Institute is the world's only non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to harnessing the power of the immune system to conquer all types of cancer."
"I just try to stay out of it. I'm trying to put a non-profit organization together about mental health."
"BrightFocus funds research globally for Alzheimer's disease, macular degeneration, and glaucoma."
"This is really cool to see a non-profit that's just driven by a handful of Builders."
"Being not-for-profit doesn't mean being for loss."
"We have a nonprofit organization, the wounded veteran that we do a bunch of stuff with."
"I will end by just mentioning briefly again the non-profit uh I'm part of because I think we're doing a lot of really cool things."
"We don't take a salary. No, we don't take a salary."
"Not all organizations are profit-seeking. Charities, public sector organizations, NGOs, and cooperatives have goals other than profit."
"Public organizations are not established to make profit, but they are established to render service."
"The Ocean Cleanup is a nonprofit taking on the gargantuan task of removing plastic pollution from our waterways."
"I have a nonprofit called the impact competition and what we do is we host these University competitions that challenge students to solve local social issues"
"We could use all of these connections to make things happen non-profit stuff."
"Nobody makes money. We make negative money on this."
"You can be doing a lot of great amazing work at your non-profit but if no one knows about it then it doesn't really matter."
"The ministry is not for profit or getting rich; it's about helping others."
"We're a nonprofit community organization. All the programs we do usually are free."
"To the point that it was so important to me, yes, to the point that this is what we're doing with my -- I won't say -- my nonprofit organization today."
"Is your activity profit-making? No."
"If you're a non-profit, your finances should be an open book."
"I'm not trying to make money off it; I just think that it's a cool way to interact with the community."
"The Cancer Research Institute is a non-profit organization established 67 years ago with the mission to save more lives by funding research that aims to harness the immune system's power to fight all cancers."
"We're making zero profit whatsoever, it's for a good cause."
"Girls Talk is my non-profit organization dedicated to the well-being and mental health of women."
"Waterkeeper Alliance is a global nonprofit that is focused solely on clean water."
"I'm in a process of starting a nonprofit to go back to prisons and speak in front of prisoners, a little motivational stuff."
"It's a labor of love for a lot of people, most people aren't doing it for a financial gain."
"We're trying to help build this nonprofit grocery store in our hometown."
"I've got an not-for-profit called Grit Collective, which basically helps everyone climb, no matter what ability level, physical impairments, anything."
"I have a non-profit that we started out as helping people who have been victims of sexual assault."
"We don't make a cent off of any of this; all proceeds are going to Give Kids the World Village."
"Alvea is a non-profit animal sanctuary conservation education center."
"Tesla did not work for financial gain, instead working to advance humanity."
"Equilibrium is a nonprofit whose mission is to help facilitate special needs individuals reach their highest potential through equestrian related activities."
"A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the promotion of atheism, critical thinking, secular humanism, and the separation of religion and government."
"Brain and behavior is a wonderful organization that does great good in the world."
"One fun and non-kooky way to give back is to bequeath your assets upon your death to a non-profit of your choosing."
"We're a non-profit, we want to help all people around the world to connect with their families."
"Private Investigations for the Missing exists because the truth is that many families can't afford a private investigator."
"Snoop created a nonprofit for inner city kids called the Snoop Youth Football League."
"I knew the facility well, I'd worked there with another non-profit."
"OWASP is a nonprofit organization which publishes a ton of security resources."
"Every single cent that I've earned on my side for the raffles that I've done have gone towards getting this non-profit up and going."
"Fred Rogers Productions: It is an American nonprofit organization specializing in children's programming for public television in the United States."
"Library of America is a non-profit organization dedicated to publishing authoritative new volumes of great American writers and to keeping the many-voiced American literary tradition a vital part of our culture."
"We do not audit these categories of organizations: hospitals, non-profits, charitable foundations, and schools."
"She founded a nonprofit organization called Esteem, empowering successful teens through education, awareness, and mentoring."
"Ray of Hope is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting Jewish sexual abuse survivors and their families."
"And we are registered as a nonprofit organization."
"For me, it's all about quality, standards, and values rather than drawing money in."
"The purpose of the nonprofit is because you want to do something for the greater good of society."
"The biggest reason why you become a nonprofit is because you want to be able to apply for governmental grants, city grants, any kind of federal funding."
"Successful nonprofits have experts on the rules and regulations."
"A nonprofit organization is a business entity in which your main goal is to not make a profit but rather to make money in order to expand on a social cause."
"501 c 3 organizations are completely tax exempt which allows them to use more money towards their desired social causes."
"Help a nonprofit for the greater good."
"I'm not in this to make money; that was never a goal and it isn't."
"Instagram doesn't get a penny; it is all going to the nonprofit, which I think is how it should be and also amazing."
"We don't charge families for our search efforts; we're completely supported by viewers like you."
"I'm hoping to find some sort of non-profit that I can latch on to and do some cool work with during my time off."
"I'm going to be like Jiren Jordan, a former gang member who's now running one of the biggest non-profits in New York."
"So STC was founded by Archie Carr in 1959, making it the oldest sea turtle conservancy 501(c)(3) in the world."
"The beauty of Sky Tavern is that it's for the community, by the community."
"Every time you pay your mortgage, those dollars go back to Habitat for Humanity."
"We do it for the love, not for the money."
"Please everybody pick a logo that you like... because I'm all for this non-profit, the disabled have gotten screwed their entire life."
"It's a non-profit with one simple humanitarian mission to identify John and Jane Does using investigative genetic genealogy."
"Beautiful Strength is a 501(c)(3) non-profit doing traveling empowerment photos."
"Friends of the Boundary Waters, we are a non-profit that's been around for more than 40 years working to protect the Boundary Waters."
"It's a project of love; it's not a project of money."
"It's amazing how much Horse Plus Humane Society has grown over the last 20 years."
"Our journey is amazing, and you're going to want to watch this video and see the humble beginnings of Horse Plus and where we are now."
"From humble beginnings, hard work, and dedication, and all the support from our amazing followers, has gotten Horse Plus to where it is today."
"She's transitioning from software sales to running her own nonprofit full-time, which empowers kids to embrace what makes them unique."
"Metabolic Mind is a nonprofit initiative where we focus on the intersection of metabolic health and mental health."
"You have 1.5 million non-profit organizations in the United States of America, and it grosses 2.6 trillion a year; shouldn't be nobody hungry."
"I wanted to start a non-profit to help keep people out of prison, to help people that were in prison, and just to help with prison reform."
"I'm not doing this to make any money, however, I did put a lot of engineering time, a lot of CAD time, the 3D printing time."
"They are actually a non-profit organization and they donate a lot of money to Salvation Army."
"I'm really happy to be doing this type of content and starting this non-profit in this space."
"It's not for money, it's not for profit, it's just because we like doing it."
"We're going to open up an entirely nonprofit vegan diner."
"We're a nonprofit, so we rescue a bunch of non-releasable animals and then do education programs with them here."
"We're based out of the U.S. It's a non-profit organization serving old people worldwide to alleviate social isolation."
"We are the world's first non-profit, tuition-free, American accredited, online university."
"Over the last two and a half years, I have been directing Ursa Labs, a not-for-profit open-source development group."
"Develop and protect spaces for creativity and newness that are not driven primarily by profit."
"Epic Empires is completely organized by volunteers, they are part of a non-profit association."
"I started a non-profit organization with my cousin."
"100% volunteer organization, no one is ever charged for knitted knockers."
"Colorado care allows us to put all of our healthcare dollars into a nonprofit Colorado Healthcare trust fund managed by a Board of Trustees that we elect to represent our interest."
"I work for a non-profit that helps mentally and physically disabled people live fulfilling lives."
"You should offer some justification for having a nonprofit status that you are doing something that is of value to the community."
"Most of the time, these things come together from people who are doing work far more out of love than from any remuneration."
"It's not run for profit for shareholders, it's just run to exist."
"It's fun to be able to do these kinds of experiments, even though they don't really make money."
"Transparency is one of the key elements of the not-for-profit sector organizations."
"We're not trying to drive a profit out of it; we're trying to enhance the visual effects industry."
"We post our 990 on our websites so that anybody who has a question about the way we're doing things can go there."
"We are South Florida's largest non-profit alligator rescue."
"We take in animals that people don't want anymore."
"Our team is a nonprofit team; nobody on our team gets paid, and everybody that shows up on the weekends is a volunteer."
"Chicken math isn't about being precise, it's not even about making a profit or even making sense, it's about doing something that you love to do."
"We haven't taken a salary for Creator Clash 1 or Creator Clash 2."