
Futility Quotes

There are 913 quotes

"You can't win this game. You have to walk away from this table. The game is rigged."
"The cyclical nature of life and death and how clinging on to what once was is futile because everything eventually fades."
"When I'm resentful, I am not happy, and it's futile."
"There's never been a less necessary war because you're going to end up where you started except a lot of people got killed."
"We've run out of words to describe the senselessness, futility, and cruelty of this war."
"The dark sky expels hard rain that beats down on the countless soldiers fighting and falling over each other, men desperately trying to survive to their bitter ends over a conflict not worth dying for."
"Trying to control the mind with the mind is like trying to grab a fog."
"Just such senseless acts for literally nothing at the end."
"The Bible instructs in Titus 3:9, 'Avoid foolish questions and genealogies and contentions and strivings about the law for they are unprofitable and vain.'"
"You can't win an argument on Twitter. You just can't."
"Never wrestle with a pig, you end up dirty and the pig likes it."
"Every voice mattering and then adding however x y and z... rendering your point moot."
"There's absolutely almost zero benefit in doing this."
"Tormenting each other is pointless, the only path forward is coexistence."
"You can massage a dead man until your fingers lose their connection, you'll never bring him back to life."
"All of the belief I had that had been eroding away over those years, I had to give in to the evidence before my eyes, really, and realize that this is futile."
"It's a game you can't win, and the only way to play a game you can't win is to not play."
"This is polishing a turd FC." - "This is polishing a turd FC."
"You can never catch happiness, it's uncatchable."
"Bickering about which propagandist network is the worst is not going to save a single American life."
"If everybody started doing that then nobody's getting anywhere."
"Being angry for the sake of it isn't going to change anything."
"Wars are awful, traumatic, and wasteful... no one really benefits."
"My whole thing about the canceling is it's not worth the energy that's put into it man."
"That's the point. There's no point arguing in that sense."
"And thus, they eventually came to realize their efforts to be futile."
"What are you gonna do? Nothing positive can come from anything negative."
"Honestly, it wouldn't have made a difference if he saved them or not."
"Stress is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it's not gonna get you anywhere."
"It's all arbitrary; there's no bunch of shitty reasons to it."
"You can't win an argument with a stupid person."
"What's the point of running when you can't catch up anyway?"
"Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it will not get you anywhere."
"It's time to understand the things that you can't change, things that you are going to waste your time and energy on."
"Arguing on the internet is ultimately a waste of time."
"I want you to understand that in a few seconds you are about to realize the futility of your efforts." - Goku Black
"You're never going to change their mind, so who are you trying to convince?"
"It's like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."
"It feels like everything we did, none of it mattered."
"Trying to explain to ordinary people who never understand is literally a useless battle."
"Defending the indefensible can be futile and fatuous endeavor."
"You can polish a turd as much as you want... but all you're doing is spreading the shit." - Mark
"Revenge is a Fool's game pretty sure I heard that somewhere oh yeah Red Dead Redemption too..."
"Ultimately, it didn't matter what I considered or what I thought out there because we didn't find the treasure."
"I set myself a goal and I hit it, and it's got no benefit. Why did I do it?"
"Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again, expecting shit to change."
"The futility of trying to appeal to the Internet's goodwill."
"It doesn't matter how many little mysteries we solve if we can't find the culprit."
"Throwing away the lives of soldiers in that kind of fashion makes no sense whichever side is fighting and on any Battlefield."
"Just doing the same again and expecting a different result is a definition of idiocy."
"You can't kill something that's dead, it's dead."
"You're wasting your time if you're being worried. What good is it going to do to be worried?"
"Archaeologists have spent years looking for the tomb of Genghis Khan, but they might be wasting their time."
"If we can't even have a discussion and everything everyone says is disingenuous, then there's no point in having a discussion."
"They've gone mad fighting, dying, and multiplying non-stop for a world they don't want anymore."
"Asking Woodward for help is like the Titanic asking the iceberg for help." - Unnamed Speaker
"Worrying actually doesn't do any of these things people may think it does."
"If wishes were horses, then Beggars would ride."
"Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere."
"Basically, everyone is beating their head against a wall, trying to prove to the wall that they’re in the right."
"What's the point of arguing? There literally is no point."
"I've done what every alchemist has wanted to do for centuries and now it's worse, it's useless and worthless."
"They tried so hard and they got so far, you know, but in the end it didn't matter."
"Trying to put out the sun would only make it hotter."
"It feels completely useless to have a conversation with anybody who really [__] with them."
"Playing well and not scoring is like having a lingerie shop with no windows, what's the point?"
"There's not enough sage in the world, there's not enough sage in the world."
"What is the point of saying never again if the world stays silent when a bomb drops on the same site?"
"To stand against corn is an act of futility."
"Nothing got accomplished, we all generated a victim to the game."
"What is it good for when you have that human right of protest and then the government doesn't listen?"
"Arguing with an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon."
"Polishing a turd, it's putting makeup on a very ugly person."
"Trying to make sense of it is gonna be an exercise in futility."
"Revenge doesn't solve anything, it just creates a vicious circle."
"The truth is trying to predict the way the next great conflict will play out is almost always a losing effort."
"Why would I waste time not doing those, worrying about dying? It's pointless."
"Hell is having to execute a pointless act from which nothing ever comes."
"That's dumb, you can't really run from the police."
"Revenge isn't everything. I would have done it. It won't bring them back."
"Insanity's doing the same thing over and over again and getting the same results."
"It sounds like a game that you're destined to lose."
"The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over hoping for a different result."
"In seeking out knowledge of the true nature of the world, Schopenhauer thought the genius would arrive at the wisdom that all human beings are at their essence one."
"If this doesn't get infinity, this is all been a waste of time."
"Even if you're right, you will never really win an argument on the internet."
"There is no way in hell that we can win this war."
"Arguing online is like running in the Special Olympics; even if you win, you're still disabled."
"It's like stopping a tidal wave with a Dixie cup."
"Complaining about something you don't have to do is pointless."
"Being angry all the time only leads to more anger and doesn't solve anything."
"Shift your focus from the problem back to yourself."
"You can't please everybody and if you try to please everybody you won't please anybody."
"Getting angry about things that you can't do anything about is really a huge waste of time."
"The more you think you have that contained, the more it eludes you. You might as well try to control the weather."
"This way of life will not lead to peace. It will never lead to peace."
"It is difficult to win an argument against an intelligent person but it is impossible to win an argument against an idiot."
"We're not going to be able to resolve it by discussion, are we?"
"I'm not doing that, okay? All you're doing is you might as well be shooting at a paper Target at that point."
"Yes, everything is futile in what we are mortally trying to achieve here on earth."
"I don't know why anybody else bothers at this point."
"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome."
"If you chase some money you'll never catch it."
"All that negative emotion is expended for no result."
"Non-compliance will be the turning point...let's just give this up because it's not worth it."
"Insanity is doing the same thing knowing exactly what's gonna happen."
"You're chasing nothing when you're chasing sand."
"Being angry with someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to drop dead."
"You're fighting a fight that ain't even a fight."
"You can polish a turd, and if you can't polish it, you can roll it in glitter."
"Sometimes you don't need to gild the lily, or pound the rubble, it's just bad enough as it is."
"Why the [expletive] do we do this [expletive] anyway? Does anyone benefit?"
"Jason's tweets saying that attempting to change Urban plans in North America is a completely wasted effort."
"The lesson of the war in Ukraine is not deciding whether Biden's an angel and Putin's a devil or vice versa. This is useless. It's not going to solve anything."
"I don't want to fight wars anymore. They're stupid, they make no sense."
"This isn't gonna solve anything. As a matter of fact, it's gonna make it worse."
"The pursuit of perfection is pointless but it's still worth it."
"You cannot change somebody else's objectives. You cannot stop them. You can try to stop them, you'll lose your life."
"What's the point of holding on to every inch of your damn land if it is now a Badland? A Wasteland leveled worthless, a Chernobyl. There's no point."
"People's Pursuit Of Truth, kindness, and Beauty will all be in vain."
"Cleaning when you have small children is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos."
"It's insane to think they can control information. It's like standing in a river holding your hands up trying to stop the water."
"Insanity is when you do something over and over again and it doesn't work."
"It's one thing when we stand up and fight with each other in order to understand and grow. It's another thing when the fight goes nowhere and nobody learns anything from it."
"There is no winning outcome, it's complete annihilation."
"The definition of crazy is keeping doing something and imagining it's going to have a different effect."
"You can't water a dead tree and expect it to come back to life."
"Don't let other people make their problems your problems."
"They can't do that and they will never and they are not even thinking of that so they are just wasting their time."
"You're not saving it, you're just handing it to the tax man."
"Tumblr/Apple can ban as many words as they want and it will never achieve their goal of cleaning up this site."
"The U.S. is trying to do to China what they're trying to do to Russia, and it is an exercise in futility."
"No matter how angry you get nothing is going to change."
"Poor chicken, run chicken run, he can't run, he can never run."
"You challenging me brings back nothing. It don't bring back a dime, it don't bring back another woman, it won't bring back extra peace."
"It's just not worth people's time to push back."
"You're mistaken, as I will show you guys that all this effort to revive the first two, okay to bring back Madara, to bring back the kage of other villages, all of that it's just a waste. Your plans end here."
"At some point, you just have to stop arguing with a clown."
"If God be for us, everybody else is wasting their time."
"Suppressing people's ideas doesn't work."
"Working and overthinking is like sitting in a rocking chair; it gives you something to do but doesn't get you anywhere."
"Stressing about past stuff is pointless."
"I think there needs to be no fights and nothing like that; what is the point?"
"What good does worry do me? It's like being in a rocking chair, gives you something to do but ultimately takes you nowhere."
"Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"
"Recognizing its futility is important; negativity is never the optimum way of dealing with any situation."
"Why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil? Because it's pointless."
"It's like trying to grab on to like a fistful of sand and the harder you squeeze, the more it slips through your fingers."
"When you do the same thing over and over again and expect a different outcome..."
"Worry has never changed anything for good."
"Worry is like rocking in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but you're not going anywhere."
"Worry is interest paid in advance on troubles that may never come."
"It doesn't do any good to be mad about it, it doesn't do any good to be griping about something, just waste air, waste your time, waste your energy."
"Scientists have already given the answer, so pretending to be another Einstein was a waste of time."
"I am fishing in an empty fish tank."
"We spend so many hours a year talking and writing and thinking and watching this stupid sport, and it amounts to nothing because all of us know nothing."
"Trust me, you'd be wasting your time. He won't get it."
"To constantly repeat the same action and expect a variant reaction is surely a sign of madness."
"Sacrifice of young lives for nothing."
"When you know that it's not going to make a difference."
"It's just the characters realizing the sheer pointlessness of their own self-aggrandizing"
"There's no eating, drinking, or sleeping in this digital world. You can live for eternity in this digital world just doing nothing. There is no need to do anything. I think it's the futility of it that really makes it so much scarier."
"If you’re not going to change your behavior, and you won’t—why not just skip the whole exercise."
"You might as well put your hand flat on a surface and just rub it around the budge."
"AOT displays great parallels showing the futility of War."
"...it's fruitless because you're not even going to remember doing this."
"Everything is just as pointless as before."
"No matter how hard you try, you can't fix stupid."
"Vanity of vanities," sayeth the preacher. "All is vanity."
"You can't argue with [ __ ] people."
"...there's no use jumping out the window this time."
"Realizing the futility of mere words in protecting anything."
"No matter what Freedom was offered to him, it was useless."
"This isn't the way. We're just wasting our energy."
"The futility is beautiful, don't you think?"
"You cannot kill what is already dead."
"No one appreciates it, no one cares, and so it's like, why even bother? Doesn't matter."
"This is where it's just nobody ever wins."
"Trying to bleed the stone every day is a great way to make that impossible."
"You're just gonna get on that tricycle and go perpetually in circles."
"Let him poke away for all the good it will do him."
"The house feels like it's dying, and I'm going outside. There was no point in locking the door."
"It never has worked, it never will work."
"Stop trying to make fetch happen, she don't see it for you."
"Why do I wash my clothes? They're just gonna get dirty again anyway, right?"
"Revenge is a waste of time and energy."
"No, you're not, and there's nothing you could do anyway."
"I'm not gonna try and like be a detective. There's no real point, these guys don't listen to us anyway."
"I think I learned this one a long time ago and that's that it's impossible to make the perfect picture and you're wasting your time trying."
"The androids silently gave up and realized that it's pointless to fight."
"It serves nothing. It's completely superfluous."
"The story of Sisyphus, in which we have a person engaged in an absolutely pointless endeavor for eternity, gives us the modern English word 'Sisyphean,' describing a task that seems very arduous and entirely pointless."
"If you live mostly focused on the past and trying to keep things the way they were, you are literally performing an exercise in futility."
"It seems kind of silly, both of us knocking ourselves out doing nothing."
"Industry being found fundamentally futile except for the supplying of basic needs and the gratification of inescapable yearnings, had become very simple."
"The search for the true self is utterly wonderfully futile. There is no true self. There is no truth. There's no self. So, there's nothing to look for if you listen to what's being said so far."
"World War I was pointless... it achieved nothing."
"Does it matter when nothing can be done to change things?"
"Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself."
"You can't wash your windshield on a nice day with no rain and then lay your wipers back down."