
Pleasure Quotes

There are 6551 quotes

"Addiction is a progressive narrowing of the things that bring us pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you remember nothing else from this episode, please remember this: when you experience something really desirable, really exciting to you, very pleasurable. What happens afterwards is your baseline level of dopamine drops."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pleasure is really two things. It's a joy in pursuit but it's also the joy in what you have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is not about the ability to experience pleasure, it is about motivation for pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The currency of pleasure exists in multiple chemical systems but the primary ones are the dopamine system, which is the anticipation of pleasure and the serotonin system which is more closely related to the immediate experience of that pleasure."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every time that the pleasure system is kicked in high gear, an absolutely spectacular event, there is a mirror symmetric activation of the pain system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A good life is a progressive expansion of the things that bring you pleasure."
"Understanding that pain and pleasure are in a dynamic balance can also help us... the more pain you experience, the more dopamine you can achieve if you get back on the avenue of pursuit."
"Dark chocolate is proof that foods that are good for us can also be a delight for our taste buds."
"I define addiction as a progressive narrowing of the things that bring you pleasure, and I define a good life as a progressive broadening of the things that give you pleasure."
"With a few taps on a magic rectangle, we can access pure distilled pleasure, completely separated from its original purpose: survival and reproduction."
"Dopamine is known as the feel-good neurotransmitter because it's strongly associated with feelings of pleasure and reward and positive mood."
"Understanding the neuroscience of pleasure and pain makes us realize that we're unhappy because we're constantly surrounded by pleasure and that pleasure is making us miserable as a result."
"There isn't anything more pleasurable than seeing unrewarded talent and possibility and facilitating its development."
"Dopamine isn't released on pleasure; it's released on the pursuit of pleasure."
"The secret to motivation is that simple: ask yourself how much pleasure have you indulged in, and how much pain and discomfort have you voluntarily chosen to experience?"
"Every decision you make is either a pleasurable decision that will give you pleasure but then lead to pain, or a decision that experiences pain right now but will lead to pleasure or happiness in the long run."
"Empathy is an important part of the way most of us live our lives and experience pleasure and think about things."
"Pleasure is short-lived, happiness is long-lived."
"Pleasure is visceral, happiness is ethereal."
"Pleasure is experienced alone, happiness is experienced in social groups."
"The extremes of pleasure all lead to addiction, yet there's no such thing as being addicted to too much happiness."
"Self-stimulation is the key to your pleasure, it's the key to your power."
"Sin and lust carry with them fleeting pleasures; people don't sin because it brings them pain, rather, they sin because there's a temporary delight in wrongdoing."
"Pleasure is the only good, and the happy man is the one that has a great many pleasures but no corresponding pains."
"Man is the only species that kills for pleasure."
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure."
"The point of view that says we should live for ourselves, focus on ourselves, and find happiness in our own pleasure and amusement."
"A world with virtuous people and suffering is far better than a world without virtuous people and just pleasure."
"Where Venus goes, we feel things are easy and more pleasant there."
"Watching the chaos for a moment, this is strangely pleasant."
"A life packed full of moments of surface level pleasure is mistaken then for a fulfilled and joyful life."
"Every time you're eating something, like your favorite kind of chicken, your favorite kind of fruit, every time you're biting into it, it's like the first time you're about to have it."
"I derive pleasure from being in pain now... I am comfortable when I'm uncomfortable."
"I enjoyed pleasing; I get off on the girl getting off."
"It will sometimes happen that where there is the most sorrow in the experience, there will be the most pleasure in the outcome."
"The greatest pleasure in life lies on the other end of enlightenment."
"Most people know that dopamine is involved in pleasure to some extent or another and nowadays people are starting to appreciate that dopamine is also intimately involved with motivation, drive, and pursuit."
"I can't cause you pain, without causing me pain. Your pleasure is part of my pleasure."
"Dopamine is released. Dopamine just feels really good. That's all you need to know."
"The second we think potentially something that causes us pain is for our own good, we begin to believe that pleasure is bad for us and that pain is good for us."
"Just feeling wave after wave of deep pleasure flow through your mind and body, it just feels so amazing and so good."
"The fullness of life is not just positive. The fullness of life is pain and pleasure."
"Pleasure always comes at a cost. For the right kind of pleasure, you pay the price before you enter into it; for the wrong kind of pleasure, you pay the price after you have enjoyed it."
"The way to navigate a healthy pursuit of pleasure is by first deeply investing in a thirst for knowledge and understanding of self, of the world, of the people that you choose to engage with."
"I regained a whole new layer of life... that excitement of discovering simple pleasures had instantly returned to me."
"Rationality is a way of attaining goals, and there's nothing irrational about having those goals. Quite the contrary, if we have the capacity for pleasure and fulfillment, then it's actually rational to pursue them."
"A duty is none the worse for being also a pleasure."
"I consider it a blessing to be able to have a doughnut."
"Schadenfreude is the experience of pleasure, joy, or self-satisfaction that comes from learning of or witnessing the troubles, failures, or humiliation of another."
"The fundamental difference is if you don't believe in God, you're seeking to live a life to maximize pleasure for yourself."
"All religions... maximize pleasure for the people who join that religion and then minimize pleasure for the people who don't."
"The idea that my pleasure is good is a universal subjective, necessarily shared by everyone in all places at all times."
"People take pleasure from knowing what's true."
"Eating is such a huge and elemental pleasure; what a strangely puny act to want to police it."
"Life is both fleeting and dangerous, and there is no point in denying yourself pleasure or being anything other than what you are."
"Pet keeping can be defined as looking after an animal of another species with a level of care and affection primarily for reasons of pleasure."
"The reason for this is because there's a certain psychological pleasure in knowing what's going to happen without knowing how exactly it will happen."
"The nature of his reorganization is, I suppose, very generally understood. Eros, though the father of pleasures, at his height regards pleasure as a by-product."
"I love this craft. Using it is an absolute pleasure."
"Sexual desire, enthusiasm for sex, and seeking pleasure are not the only reasons that people may want to have sex."
"Dopamine is often dubbed the feel-good neurotransmitter due to its key role in driving pleasure and motivation."
"Buy many small pleasures instead of few big ones."
"Pleasure can be a purpose, but it is not a purpose high enough to actually drive people to do the right thing."
"The more I seek pleasure the less I find happiness."
"Addiction as the constant narrowing of things that give you pleasure and recovery is the expansion of things that give you pleasure."
"I'm a psychological utilitarian. I think that all action is motivated by desire, and the only thing that's desired is pleasure."
"The avoidance of pain and the maximization of pleasure for all people, not just individually but for everyone. Life is short. We should enjoy things, allow ourselves to enjoy things, and we should help others in that similar pursuit."
"It's a pleasure to be here to make my debut on NSF Live today."
"It's quite exciting and a pleasure to be a part of it."
"The acquisition of information is just a source of pleasure without any particular end."
"Where's the meaning to be found? Not in rights, not in impulsive pleasure, but in responsibility."
"As musicians, we work very hard to elongate that anticipation phase. We want to keep you in that phase so that by the time we release the tension, it's just that much more pleasurable."
"It's eudaimonia and hedonia. Hedonia is pure physical pleasure, just feeling good. Eudaimonia is a sense of meaningfulness, and that's what we're losing."
"Pleasure is the measure, not the performance."
"You get hung up on pleasure, you're doomed. If you pursue joy, you will find everlasting happiness."
"Pleasure is short-lived...and it peaks very high. But the next time you want to get that same peak, you have to do it twice as much."
"Joy lasts forever. Pleasure is purely self-centered."
"There's more to life than just these immediate pleasures that you're pursuing."
"Sin is a temporary pleasure that has painful consequences."
"In the midst of crisis, pleasure and joy are not only possible; they're vital."
"It's a huge pleasure to be here. I am a former president of the Yale Political Union, which was very much a copy of the Oxford original, so it's a particular pleasure and delight."
"Pleasure is something, especially for women, that can go on and on and on to the point where it can be scary."
"It's my greatest pleasure to have shared this evening with you."
"Looking at the face of Allah is the greatest pleasure from all of the pleasures of Paradise."
"Women's sexuality, women's sexual desire is equivalent if not greater than a man's. That on a woman she has the body part which is the clitoris, which is the only known body part which only function is pleasure."
"Just because it feels good doesn't mean that it's actually good for you."
"All bodies are entitled to experience the pleasure that they are capable of."
"You have to go through something painful in order to get something pleasurable."
"Happiness comes from living virtuously not from chasing pleasure."
"If the Kings and the Royals knew of the pleasure that we are in, they would send their armies to fight us with their swords and take it from us."
"She derived particular pleasure from the huge grounds."
"If I was in a house full of delicious fresh food and I opened the freezer and saw that, I'd cook that and eat it happily and have a great time."
"Thank you for having me. It was an absolute pleasure."
"Despite all the odds, the country is actually one of the world's most major agricultural producers."
"That's been an absolute honor and a pleasure."
"Sex is beautiful, gloriously good, it's good, it's so good. God makes it for our pleasure."
"Even when it hurts, it also kind of feels good."
"Pleasure allows us to live our lives comfortably."
"Euphoria is great... but the hangover always breaks you..."
"I got a power of pleasure... it just feels so good."
"It is an extreme pleasure and honor to be interviewed by you and your listeners are don't recognize how fortunate and blessed they are."
"There's something so inherently pleasurable about 'I couldn't do it and now I can'."
"The accomplished feeling of victory sends a surge of dopamine up my spine. It feels good."
"Gentlemen, playing with you has been the greatest pleasure of my life."
"What is good is what will probably maximize pleasure."
"It seems like this is because of the asymmetry between how we view pleasure and how we view suffering."
"Even mundane pleasures can lose their excitement over time."
"The ultimate dopamine signal actually... I experienced this the other day."
"The dopamine that would surge from your brain after getting your first tactical nuke was honestly top 10 most pleasurable human experiences of all time."
"Our brains really haven't evolved much through the centuries, but our access to pleasurable experiences has skyrocketed."
"What a sweet, I really, really like this one, they are a corner Suite towards the back of the ship."
"They've had all the hell. Why should they not have some pleasure?"
"It induces the body to release spurts of dopamine, the neurochemical that gives you pleasurable feelings."
"Pleasure is the ultimate human experience, would you agree?"
"It smells so good, so freaking good, y'all. It smells so good."
"Purposeful people are happier and pleasure is the enemy of happiness because when you get too much pleasure it actually wears out your pleasure centers."
"I think it's hilarious that every time I go to a gym I get the same type of euphoric effect that I get when I go to like an ice cream place."
"This is about bringing something back in that connects you to your heart, that brings more pleasure and passion into your world."
"The pro sport really is an absolute pleasure to shoot."
"There is really a common denominator which is this notion of pleasure and fun."
"Understanding the difference between pleasure and happiness is crucial."
"We need to have fun and we need to have pleasure."
"It's been an absolute pleasure watching and reviewing it over the past few years."
"Life was fresh bread with country butter and Alpine honey."
"But behind the laughter and the smiles, you knew that she had a steely cool."
"If their lives of pleasure then maybe we've maybe we've done something good."
"Most people think of dopamine as the pleasure molecule, but it's really about anticipation."
"Something about a brownie and milk, man, so good."
"There is nothing wrong with viewing sexual gratification and sexual pleasure from the lens of how it enriches you."
"I believe you can and I believe God wants to restore that beautiful part of your marriage regardless of what your past has held like how amazing that God intentionally made it so pleasurable so beautiful."
"I'm not saying smoke a cigarette by any means, but it feels [expletive] awesome."
"Potato butter and salt, what more do you need?"
"It doesn't have to be abusive. We can have purpose and pleasure."
"It looks absolutely amazing... I'm so pleased."
"More beauty in your life, more balance, more pleasure."
"People confuse true happiness with pleasure."
"That is so good! I can taste the coffee, I can definitely taste the hot fudge and the vanilla ice cream. It's not overpowering to the point where it's like bitter."
"I really did find the camera an absolute pleasure."
"One of life's greatest pleasures is finding people to be good friends with."
"Towards the end of the month, it's about finding pleasure, joy, and rejuvenation."
"Our daily interactions with smartphones and social media are so pleasurable."
"It's like biting into a cloud, it's amazing."
"Why is it so tempting to love pleasure rather than God?"
"I don't know what's happening today but I like it."
"The Lord wants us to truly enjoy the pleasures of life, not perverted versions of it."
"Nothing can make a person happier than having delicious and tasty foods."
"There was just something about how sweet a bread could be."
"You can't buy happiness, you can buy pleasure though."
"Alcohol played an intrinsic part of pleasure in the medieval period."
"Where can you find pleasure, search the world for treasure, learn science technology? SINGING IN THE NAVY!"
"So satisfying! All right, let's lift the lid."
"It erases all the negative feelings related to the frustration and continues to stimulate pleasure receptors in the brain with every new scoop."
"You can live a life of happiness without pleasure but you cannot live a life of pleasure without happiness."
"That was unexpected and a delightful surprise at the end."
"Eating more slowly is a great way to pick up on the sensual pleasures inherent in food."
"Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure that dopamine hit at the end of the day, the thing that makes everything better."
"Sex should be mostly about pleasure, but I understand that for some people...the primary reason...for having sex...isn't always that."
"Thanks so much for being here. It's always a pleasure."
"God gave men and women pleasure because he allowed the fall to happen."
"Despite all the awful news, it's such a pleasure to be back in Kyiv."
"The Lord's commandments: more precious than gold, sweeter than honey."
"It's like a giant bowl of ice cream right now."
"We've created a new category entirely: high performance dark chocolate."
"Join me now for the unparalleled pleasure of the dopamine, the other day, the thing that makes everything better."
"This is so good, it's like a milkshake, not a strawberry milkshake, in a cream liqueur. It's just so good and so addicting."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the heck out of this movie."
"It's been kind of fun it's just a pleasure to do something that you can uh feel you're more at ease doing you really don't have to think too hard other than just do things right."
"I'm like a kid in a candy store right now eating this egg. It's too good."
"The only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
"You can explore sexual pleasure regardless of your relationship status."
"The truth brings you pleasure and inner peace."
"The finish of this really is delightful, like you just look so juicy and dewy."
"This never gets old... it's just so satisfying."
"It's a rather lovely experience... isn't it?"
"Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
"Anytime I'm getting a free character, that's some dopamine right there."
"Pleasure is all mine... I'm so glad you could come on."
"Thank you so much. It has been a wonderful pleasure."
"And now, the pleasure was savored by sentient self-aware people."
"Enjoy your food, it's got to be fun and delicious and pleasurable."
"Women derive pleasure from male companionship."
"It's like opening a good book man. It's just like opening a good book that."
"It doesn't cost me anything, and it gives me great pleasure to give what I know." - Chris Eubank Sr.
"The antidote to shame is the deliberate pursuit of pleasure."
"Fiction is the only way you can tell the truth."
"And you know what, that bull door, you can stay here because you look really cool with him flying over the pond."
"We put a lot of value on pleasures of the moment... it's all about making yourself feel good on a physical level."
"It sounds so good it just makes you want to keep playing."
"God wants our marriage sex to be pure, passionate, and bringing pleasure."
"If you are hooking up with a man who is not your husband, you are numbing your body from pleasure as well."
"There is no serotonin like the first sip of an iced latte, especially when the sun is shining."
"This perfume right here, it's this perfumes de marley delena la rose, it smells so freaking good."
"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what other people say you cannot do."
"Pain and pleasure have become indistinguishable to you, and in that case, may the mighty one have mercy on your soul."
"Pleasure supersedes virtue in our society. We don't demand virtue out of our leaders, we just want them to give us pleasure."
"We're doing it for ourselves, we just take pleasure when we're happy."
"Animals feel, they are sentient, they have the capacity for pain and they have the capacity for pleasure."
"Sin will make you only see and feel the pleasures and blind you of all the potential consequences."
"Sin can take you to such a pleasurable place... where all you will see is sunshine and rainbows."