
Public Education Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"The purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught; it is to teach them what society needs them to be taught."
"Our goal here is to bring awareness and educate the public."
"Public education should be free and equal for everyone. It shouldn't even be funded on property taxes."
"Richard Dawkins is simply one of the world's most famous scientists, all through The God Delusion, father of the word meme, and a former professor of public understanding of science at Oxford."
"What ladies, we are the Safeguard for all of this. We need to understand how we got to the public education system; it is our children's lives and Futures that are on the line."
"Public schools are there to impart knowledge to your kids, and that goal has to take place within a certain framework of values."
"Public education has become public enemy number one." - Kirk Cameron
"For us, the public, those expert witnesses were able to give us a master class not only on what happened and what they saw but on what the impact of it was."
"I took this upon myself to create awareness in the country for people to know what scoliosis is about."
"Our country will have the opportunity to see a more complete version of our history."
"Connecting the dots and looking at the courts, that's not sexy, but people really need to understand."
"Please share this with as many people as you can because there's a lot of people in trouble out there who don't understand the things we're talking about."
"You are welcome to believe any fairy tale you want. You are not welcome to mislead and deceive other people's children with bullshit."
"How do we teach the lay public to talk about the matter in a scientific way?"
"Don't go by what some guy on the street says but we have a constitution in this country that defends your rights and liberties and freedoms and it's very valuable and I hope you guys appreciate that."
"It's time to mobilize and educate our people on these policies."
"I just really think we need to educate people more of the chance they have."
"Without public schools, the rest of us don't get any chance at all."
"We want community control of the public schools."
"The craziest thing about public schools to me is how often they just regurgitate the exact same lessons over and over again."
"We're going to make public colleges and universities tuition-free in every state in this country."
"This is what journalism should be about: to inform the public so the public can react."
"The government can reasonably impose a duty to expose all sides of the argument about Britain and its historical record."
"If we continue to allow our public education system to deteriorate through greed, through privatization... the US economy will not remain competitive."
"Public schools tend to be more diverse from viewpoints and backgrounds."
"It comes back to raising some significant questions of what that might mean for the child when they become an adult themselves."
"Destroy many of the pieces of misinformation."
"There's so much misinformation out in the world right now and not just about vaccines."
"Public schooling has never been solely about the transmission of academic content."
"The freedom dividend can explain what universal basic income is for those people who don't know."
"The idea being that there's the public, there's Academia, and then there's us YouTubers in the middle serving as ambassadors."
"So my question is preach praise God what measures can be taken to educate the public to recognize racial profiling?"
"It's time to make public higher education free as it should be."
"How do we know the shape of the earth? Well, I'm happy to let scientists share our best answers from the 21st century."
"We need to be able to inform and educate them as journalists to say well actually no, what Donald Trump did on the pandemic was unique to Donald Trump."
"He personally thinks that as the show is edifying to the public."
"So, along those lines, it's not just me talking. We do specific litigation to push these issues, to educate the American people, hold the government accountable, and protect the rule of law."
"Private school can control class size and curriculum, but public school is a better reflection of society."
"There is a lot of misinformation out there, but we have a lot of science that's on our side."
"The Foucault Pendulum quickly dispelled any lingering doubts the public might have had about the rotation of the planet beneath their feet."
"Your job is to protect and defend the children, your job is to protect and defend the people." - What is it that you fear that you cannot support in a public school?
"We'll make public colleges and universities tuition-free."
"Public education is a good thing... AI is going to make Humanity smarter."
"Do your part in help inform people... It's a lot tougher for someone like me to inform somebody who doesn't know who I am who hasn't watched my videos."
"Scientific literacy is essential for democracy."
"The more I do, the more I am helping people understand what a destructive cult Scientology is."
"America has made it illegal to teach about God and to pray to Him in public schools."
"Job ain't easy, but then it's not supposed to be. We are reshaping the world one exhibit and feeding time show at a time."
"The public education system is not always bad. I was a publicly educated individual and turned out just fine."
"Where we draw the line between public and private is one of the most important things about this case."
"Jesus doesn't look kindly on a nation that sends drag queens into our public schools to teach our children gender dysphoria nonsense." - Greg Locke
"Only an educated, informed public can stop them in their tracks."
"I genuinely don't understand why the American public needs to be better informed about the history of black people than it is roughly now."
"My responsibility is to promote social awareness, stimulate your consciousness, help you elevate, and understand the imminent threats and dangers that surround you so you can know how to evade those dangers."
"It's about giving people an alternative explanation to problems they don't understand."
"The New York Public Library... over 50 million books and 92 locations."
"Popular misconceptions: We have to constantly fight them, even though people hate being told they're wrong."
"We need to educate people, we need to appreciate the complexity of this, we need time to heal, we need a longer conversation."
"No one has to have a brain injury to understand that brain health is so very important."
"We have to address the structural issue that is public education."
"Kyle did a really good job of providing tangible examples to the casual American about the benefits of universal healthcare."
"We now know that we've got to do a better job on potentially educating y'all so we can change y'all from thinking it's a damn conspiracy theory."
"MMS is bleach, Danny. It whitens fabric, hair, and paper. It's ridiculous to claim otherwise."
"One of the most important things you need for a functioning democracy is a populace that knows and understands how the world really works."
"I wanted to give the intelligence so everyone can look at it."
"I actually loved it that he admitted his mistakes."
"An educated public is the keystone to our arc of government."
"I just hope you guys, in general, would respect our rights and just educate people, man."
"Educate the people to understand where the real corruption resides."
"If they started educating the public and making a push for factually accurate information in their videos, then maybe, just maybe commenters could see the dangers in the fake videos too."
"Our role as people that understand this is trying to get this message out to the wider public that we haven't got much longer to go in this pandemic because the vaccines are coming."
"We should make more GMOs and stop stigmatizing them."
"The way to battle the misinformation is to provide the accurate information."
"We must remember that the purpose of public education is not to teach only what parents want their children to be taught. It is to teach them what Society needs them to be taught."
"At this point, getting people to understand what the outbreak could become is what matters most."
"Our mission is to contribute to public awareness so encounters don't lead to lasting trauma."
"I can expose them, I can educate people, I can empower people."
"We really do consider you guys familia and just hang in there because we have so much more to show you."
"We have to somehow educate the public that manufacturing jobs aren't like in the 1930s."
"One of the most important things we can do is to educate the public."
"Public schools must be part of what unites us."
"Spending money on public education is good."
"She's a huge asset for the future of public education in Florida."
"Our goal is to bring science and ethics about the central nervous system to the public in an informal, discursive sort of way."
"Nobody has done more to explain to the American people what amounts to the DNA of our democracy, how we are taxed and who pays the revenues and who gets the breaks, and who benefits, than David."
"I'm thankful I went to like public schools in the Bay Area because I learned about so many different cultures religions like where people are from you know like how to just genuinely like love people and be open-minded and love them for them."
"...transform in a fairly fundamental way the policy platform that is being proposed in terms of public educational investment, in terms of verifiable public education and investment."
"That's why it's so important to support our public schools."
"A fierce advocate for the public understanding of Science."
"This film is about demystifying some things as well as opening up the doors to what we really are about and what all of the wonderful things that we have through African retention that are just not shown to the general public."
"We are preparing for a total solar eclipse; we'll tell you everything you need to know."
"What gives me hope is the fact that people are coming out and are asking for public education."
"But here, they get the best and you pay nothing."
"Educate the public about what is appropriate to flush."
"It's education. Education of the public is needed."
"I wanted to write a book that could help the general person on the street understand what threats are out there."
"We have at least intuitively nicely illustrated the difficulties of educating the public about statistics."
"I received a public education that made me believe anything was possible."
"Horace Mann, father, slave abolitionist, but most importantly, education reformer, spent a majority of his career changing the scope of American public school education to an overall better environment."
"Public education is a public good to create citizens who can participate in this society."
"Each of us can do our part to make the public understanding of biology better."
"Their lives are transformed through the power of public education."
"We need the city to commit to invest in affordable housing, our public schools, and green spaces."
"Stephen has done a great service to the public understanding of cosmology and theoretical physics."
"I personally prefer the public school setting because I have a lot of freedom in my classroom."
"I have a larger diversity of students."
"Is it that there's something magic about the age of 16, or is it that the public education system is something that requires them to focus on that?"
"I'm a product of public education and damn proud of it."
"Investing in public education allows people the education they didn't get in the past."
"Imagine what it would take and what it would look like if we had excellent public education for all public school students across the country."
"Understanding of long-forgotten historic illnesses like the bubonic plague can help both inform public understanding and government response to global crisis."
"Yes, it is public, but it's without doubt the greatest and strongest University system in the world."
"I appreciate you taking the time to popularize science, which is one of the most important things that we can do, is make these ideas accessible to people."
"Public schools in this country are an institution that is... an unbelievable gift that we have."
"Educate the public; this is not okay behavior."
"I think that he is one of the better public educators on evolution."
"Each time we present a noted astronomer sharing the excitement of astronomy with the public here and on the web."
"I'm trying to let the people get a clearer understanding."
"It's very exciting to be a part of this intellectual process and we want to share that with the widest public."
"Marketplace was really invented to meet that need. To meet the need of regular people to understand what was going on in Wall Street, what was going on in business, so that they could relate that to their own lives."
"Public education is supposed to be the great equalizer in our country. It is supposed to be the thing that ensures that it doesn't matter if you are black or white, rich or poor, we have public schools so that every single child can have an equal shot in life."