
Knowledge Value Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"The biggest debt all of us pay is ignorance."
"Knowledge can only remove ignorance; knowledge cannot do anything else."
"Knowledge is power, and I hope that from this part in this discussion, many people have been given more power."
"Language is one of the only things that is worth knowing poorly." - Kato
"It's not the equipment you have that matters, it's what you know."
"Knowledge is the fuel that drives human existence."
"The real source of wealth in the world is the creation of knowledge."
"Money only spends once but knowledge monetizes forever."
"A box of books is heavy because of the weight of the knowledge that's contained within them." - Arthur Miller
"It's very nice to know things for sure, especially in this world."
"You can't take knowledge away from somebody."
"Information is colorless, knowledge is the real currency."
"You know what else is the killer than money? Knowledge."
"Good thing about science is it's true whether you believe it or not."
"Knowledge itself became so highly prized that the acquisition of ancient texts even came to be considered a valuable wartime plunder."
"Not knowing is more scary to me than knowing something hard." - Dave Ramsey
"Educate yourself right knowledge is I think one of the most important first steps."
"Knowledge is unshakable and will never desert you."
"We live in the knowledge Society. The more you know, the more you understand, the better you're gonna be off in the long run."
"Your most valuable possession is locked away in your brain; your knowledge is something that can be packaged into some kind of online product and sold many, many, many times over."
"Start stockpiling knowledge because knowledge is power, and in the future, there may be no more Google."
"The most expensive cost in life is the unseen price that you pay on the information you don't have."
"Invest in your own knowledge. Knowledge is something that can't be either taxed or stolen."
"Reading, reading, reading ladies, and knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is power and I read, ignorance is the worst form of bondage."
"The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant threat, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
"Knowledge is power and guesswork isn't, so I'm not really sure about this."
"Knowing that something doesn't work is just as valuable as discovering something new."
"Etiquette is knowledge, and knowledge is power."
"Knowledge isn't power in and of itself; applied knowledge is power."
"Knowledge is power, and power is... nice, I suppose if you're into that kind of thing."
"Knowledge is information that will get you through any sort of event that you put yourself into."
"Knowledge is not free, the right knowledge can make you rich."
"Knowledge protects us from so many societal issues, right?"
"Knowledge is power, keep learning and growing."
"Nobody can ever take from you your knowledge and skills."
"The biggest enemy to ignorance is education..."
"The greatest asset we have as a people is knowledge."
"Knowledge is power and lasting sensationalism is fleeting and self-serving."
"Wisdom is a shelter, as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: that wisdom preserves the life of its possessor."
"Wisdom is more important than money because if you have a billion dollars worth of knowledge, you could do billion dollar deals. That's what I'm doing."
"Knowledge benefits you in this world, but also even in the grave."
"All knowledge is power, the more you have, the better off you're going to be."
"...any knowledge you have at the table is good knowledge."
"The more experts we have, the better."
"Understanding of the options and what they do is actually way more valuable."
"In a world of infinite content, knowledge becomes valuable."
"To have rendered fully visible what is needed to think, to imagine, and to trust, to have taught all of us that those cognitive competences are now paid in hard bits and bites."
"God said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."
"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies."
"The knowledge was more important than the paycheck."
"If you value knowledge, then you value your means of survival, which is your mind. If you value your means of survival, then you value your life."
"The paradise of knowledge over worldly desires."
"Knowledge is a currency that will cause your life to win."
"We favor learning. We want you and our contestants to demonstrate that knowledge is not only important, but it's valuable in every aspect of your life."
"Knowledge of how to defend civilization against existential threats is also a form of knowledge which is unlimited."
"Life is a learning lesson in general; the more you learn, the better you can do."
"Knowledge is power, and I ain't saying I'll change that, but I do know this for a fact."
"There's no such thing as useless knowledge, so I'm always like in front of sponge up as much as possible."
"If I knew then what I know now, I would be much further in life."
"Money doesn't give you knowledge."
"The difference between poor and rich is knowledge."
"Knowledge is power, and no knowledge is lost."