
Life Design Quotes

There are 194 quotes

"What else should life be but love? If you sort of think about like if you could design life from scratch, let's say you were God... it would be infinite love."
"It's up to you to design yours how you want it. And it's up to me to design mine how I want it."
"Design life. Don't live life and let life happen to you."
"Design your perfect day and reverse engineer your choices from there."
"I create my life just as I am creating millions of dollars."
"Living intentionally is what allows you to live a life of design."
"Are you crafting, designing, and intentionally creating your life, or are you just coasting in the passenger seat?"
"The Bible is the software that our hardware was originally designed to run on."
"Design the life that you want, and then find businesses that complement that life."
"I began to design my life around what gives and takes energy."
"We're not victims. We can design and live the life we want if we just learn to live intentionally with purpose."
"You are the grand master orchestrator and creator of what you want your life to look like and not necessarily in the way that like the magician is this is a little bit different."
"My definition of greatness is deciding what kind of life I want to leap and then creating it unapologetically even if it means making different choices than other people."
"Consciously designing your life... realizing how short it is."
"I want to create a software that every person in the world can use to design their life and master time energy and Clarity to live a harmonious high quality existence."
"We can move along time's length, see the future, and alter it as we so desire."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"God is never going to design a life for you that doesn't require him."
"I am the architect of my own life. I can attract whatever I design into my life."
"Change is necessary. Change is inevitable. The choice is yours to make, but ultimately, this lifetime was designed for you to evolve."
"I've designed my life to make the things that I intentionally want to do with my life the most interesting things in the room for my mind to play with."
"Design your dream life... visualize your dream life and then make that visualization a reality."
"Create a life that you love to live by finding ways to actually create more freedom for yourself."
"You need to create a life that you love and one that you want to live. Start saying no to the things that you don't want to do and then start saying yes to the things you've always wanted to do."
"Prophecy is designed to create a life that can attract prophetic fulfillment."
"Everything has a pattern behind it. If you can begin to learn what the most functional patterns are, you can craft your life into anything and then sky's the limit."
"Craft your life into anything by understanding functional patterns."
"We are here to consciously create the lives we want to live."
"You have the ability to decide what you want your life to look like."
"Your life is whatever you make of it, you can create whatever you want."
"You have complete Free Will... you can make it absolutely magnificent."
"You have to become a creator. I want you to be a creator in your life."
"I just feel like at the end of the day you get to design your life too."
"You are the architect of your own life, not letting anybody else decide what's best for you."
"You become the true architect of your own grand design."
"Create the life that you don't need a vacation from."
"You have one life to live, and you get to design how that's gonna go."
"There's nothing random in the world, it's all by Design and it's all happening on God's perfect timing."
"Your 'why' is the foundation to creating a life you love."
"You have to decide how you want to design your life with women."
"You can create your own economy. You can create the life you really want."
"This is somehow your custom ordering a life."
"You are the architect of your own life, you build its foundation and choose its contents."
"We are co-creating the absolute best life hand in hand with the universe."
"Stop trying to find yourself, focus on creating yourself instead. Align with your ideal life."
"In this world today where everybody wants to tell you what to do and everybody wants to tell you what to think... it's about one word: freedom."
"Stay true to thyself and hold on to what you deserve."
"It's the blank canvas upon which you get to create the masterpiece of your life."
"You can build any kind of life you want."
"I've designed my life so that I could be there with him and with her."
"Designing our life is not just about aesthetics. It is about trying to take what God gives us and shape it and mold it into who He wants us to be."
"Embrace this trait and design your career and your life around it."
"Designing the life you want: four exercises for clarity and motivation."
"This is the time to have a say in the design of your life."
"You're making room for something else. You're building a life not through addition but subtracting the things that are in the way."
"Self-awareness is everything. If you are self-aware, you can design your life."
"You can design your life and you don't have to just be a victim."
"As long as you are creating a life by design, you can embrace those changes."
"You engineer your life to enhance the strengths."
"You have the power to design the life that you want."
"Design the life that I want, how do I want to live, what does it look like?"
"If you don't design your life, someone will come along and design it for you."
"You design your life and based on those specifics, then yes, you can decide whether this person is a good fit."
"So, let me design my life around what keeps me better."
"The ultimate creative challenge is to become the architect of your own life."
"Success is not a stereotype, it's the continual unfolding of the design of your own life."
"Creating the exact life you want to live."
"It all starts with that. That's just the best life when we have so much self-love and when we're like the main character in our life creating our best life."
"What if we took that time and we put it towards figuring out a way to engineer a business or a life where you actually love what you do and you actually want to maximize the time you spend doing it rather than minimize it?"
"You should design your life so that you like it you shouldn't just live your life or just deal with things you should look at the things you don't like and say okay you know what this is a design problem I'm going to design this so that I like it."
"The most creative thing you can possibly do in life is... become the architect of your own life."
"Designing it in a way that serves the purpose that's going to keep you balanced, energized, and happy is really at the core."
"This series is about living by Design it's about being who you are on purpose."
"I'm the architect of my own life."
"You have come to find your light to let it shine and to live your life by design."
"A great life doesn't happen by chance; it happens by design."
"You are the architect of your life, so create multiple rooms which stimulate you."
"It's a means to create a life that reflects your values and priorities."
"You should be able to live whatever life you want to."
"A new life has been given us or, if you prefer, a design for living that really works."
"Let's explore who you are outside of societal norms so you can actually intentionally create a life that you want."
"Creating a life that you do not have to escape from."
"You're creating a life or reality where nothing or no one can ever interfere with you and your happiness."
"Applying the science of Happiness to life design."
"I just think you have to be the person that designs your life."
"God's commandments... are to line up people according to the way that God designed life."
"Can you create a life that you love and then sustain it and make it better?"
"I'm in control of my life, I'm in control of my choices, my reactions, and that I make life what I want it to be."
"Do things you enjoy, soothe yourself, and create a life you want, period."
"As much as you have the ability to curate those things to be things that you enjoy, you should do that."
"Design your life, design the life that you want."
"We are actual Alchemists; we are able to create really beautiful lives for ourselves."
"Life is a living canvas; it is my wish for you to be the artist of your life and make it the way that you would like it to be."
"It's all in the design of your life. What's true, what do you choose to leave in, and what do you choose to leave out."
"You can design your life to take maximum fluidity within the law."
"Once you realize that neither of those things are actually true, you're really free to use design thinking to start designing the life you want to have."
"You design the life that you want, but you have to have the information about your life so that you can actually make the right design."
"Designing your life and your career."
"This idea of having a life design team and working with others is perhaps more powerful than anything else."
"Discover what you love and design your life to do more of it."
"Change is inevitable. I have designed life in such a way that change will always happen, guaranteed."
"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
"You design your life and everything that happens to you, you deserve."
"You have to architect your life to receive it, you have to feel like you deserve it."
"I am creating my time, thus creating this extraordinary amazing life as I want to live."
"You are the architect of your life."
"We get to decide what that looks like for us."
"If you could design your life in any which way, what would it really look like?"
"Building wealth and ultimately designing your best life."
"We have been engineered to get back together in this lifetime."
"The law of attraction has helped me shape my life in a way I want it to be."
"Set your intention on what you want your life to look like."
"You are the master of your own destiny; you can design your life to be whatever you want it to be."
"The charged life is more consciously designed."
"The key to designing my happy home really was designing a happy life."
"Create the life that you want, but don't do it out of fear."
"You can really design a life that enables you to fulfill on your dreams moment by moment."
"The job of life is to figure out the essential few, to eliminate the non-essential, and then to make it and design it so that the essential things happen as automatically and as easily as possible."
"I love the fact that I pretty much can create the life that I want by helping other people."
"I talk about wellness and business and designing a beautiful life for yourself."
"You can't engineer your life... but you can design it."
"You can construct your life the way you want it to be."
"Create the life that you want to create, that you want to live."
"Create your life the way you create a piece of art."
"You can teach yourself skills, and the skills give you optionality and optionality lets you unlock this idea of building a life that you love."
"You have one life and you got 168 hours every week and you can design them how you want."
"If time is what life is made of, the calendar gives me the ability to design the life I want."
"You literally can design your life."
"There is absolutely unlimited ways that we can design life."
"We shouldn't be slaves; we should actually make our lives into a movie."
"The mission of the Life Design Lab is to apply the innovation principles of design thinking to the wicked problem of designing your life at and after university."
"It's a blank canvas and you can build it however you want to build it."
"You have to create your Heaven on Earth; you have to create your own life; you have to take the wheel."
"You're the co-creator of your life, you have the paintbrush, you paint what that vision looks like."
"I'm designing and creating my life."
"You're the one who's going to design your life."
"You can be the architect of your own life."
"You can really create whatever you want to live."
"You got 168 hours every week, you can design them how you want."
"Building that life, a life with more freedom, a life by design."
"We design our own life. It’s very empowering."
"You don't need to take society's preconceptions and norms and ideas of what you should be doing; your life can be lived by design, not default."
"Designing your work-life balance and making sure that you're deliberately setting up your life is the way you can be happy with the result."
"You're not the body, not the emotion, not the thoughts; you are the soul, the designer. Design what you want, design your life."
"...through Astral projection, I started to look for answers like why are we in this state, how can we change our lives, how can we design our world, our life."
"Designing and choosing a life that you want plays a huge part in your overall happiness."
"Designing your day, designing your life, when you put that thought in, things go so much more smoothly."
"Be intentional about creating the life that you want."
"You live in a free universe that's designed to serve you."
"Life becomes very fun and enjoyable because you get to design the life that you want to live."
"The whole movement around FIRE is that you can basically architect the life that you want to live."
"Be intentional about the design of your life."
"Create your life by design instead of by default."
"Your life is created every night when you're falling asleep."
"I promise you're going to be able to design a life that you love and live your dreams."
"Your identity, your self-concept, is the architect of your life."
"We actually believe you can design your life."
"Designing your life is about reframing the notion of passion."
"Designing your future is more like the Dalmatian puzzle than the Waldo puzzle."
"Your life is going to happen whether you design it or not, the only question is whether it's going to be a good design or something ad hoc."
"Design the life that you really want to have."
"Design the life you want to have."
"You have the opportunity from this moment forward to be the architect of building a life that makes the most of the time that you have."
"You have the ability to make your life exactly how you want it to be."
"Let's create our lives in such a way that everything just runs smoothly and we can just be in that kind of blissful moment of lucid awareness."
"It's not about what job you have; it's about creating a life that you want."
"Your destiny is truly a remarkable and beautiful design."
"The whole purpose of this RPM plan is to be proactive, is actually consciously designing your day and designing your life."
"You have to choose yourself and you have the opportunity to mold your own life."
"I am the architect of my life, I choose how it would go."
"You hold the skill set to create the life that you want."
"The magician realizes that we can create any life we want."
"Design your life if your soul's purpose doesn't align with the traditional way of life."
"You make your life the way you want to make your life."
"You found your life purpose, creating the life you want."
"I'm constantly making my life like the one that I want to be living, and it is so much fun."
"What kind of life do you want to create for the future?"